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Zoom Recording: EN

Zoom Chat: EN




  1. Roll Call - Staff (2 mins)
  2. Aim of the Meeting - Maureen Hilyard  (3 min)
  3. Scheduling At-Large @Virtual ICANN74 Policy Forum - Gisella Gruber /Maureen Hilyard / All (50min)
    1. Production Timelines  - Deadlines for outlines, titles and descriptions
    2. At-Large Draft Schedule 
      1. ICANN Sessions
        1. SubPro (First session, Monday)
        2. Plenary (Tuesday)
        3. Geopolitical Forum
      2. At-Large Policy Sessions   
        1. Closed Generics: Finding a Balance - Jonathan Zuck

        2. Evolving the DNS Abuse Conversation: An end user's perspective - The Role of At-Large - Hadia ElMiniawi

        3. EURALO: (75) - Law and Regulations in the European Union
      3. Bi-Lateral Meetings - updates from Liaisons (confirmation and timeslots if required)
        1. SSAC - Tuesday 14 June at 07:00 UTC
        2. ccNSO - not available (ICANN75)
        3. GNSO - schedule full - TBC
        4. GAC - Wednesday 15 June at 0907:00 UTC
        5. SSAC - in progress, finding suitable time
      4. Other At-Large meetings (confirmation and timeslot)
        1. ALAC Welcome (90) - second session Monday
        2. Regional Leaders Meeting (75) Suggested Topic: "Best Practice on the RALO’s rules for individuals under the individuals Mobilization work"
        3. EURALO (60) - Internet Governance and Multistakeholderism in times of Emergency (OksanaEURALO (75)
        4. AFRALO-AFRICANN (75) - topic TBC
        5. ALAC Wrap-up (90)
  4. Next Steps - Maureen Hilyard (2min)
  5. AoB - Maureen Hilyard (3min)
    1. Next meeting: Monday 25 April Monday  at 18:00 UTC (Gisella to Chair)