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ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

The ALAC and the GNSO resumes the practice of having a bilateral session during ICANN meetings and which now involves the full GNSO Council.  At ICANN73, the conversation will commence on four pre-identified topics and which are expected to progress into intersessional exchanges and/or bilateral session at future ICANN meetings.



  1. Introduction and housekeeping - Staff (2 min)
  2. Welcome - Maureen Hilyard, Philippe Fouquart (1 min) 
  3. Overview of session - Justine Chew (2 min)
  4. Conversation Topics
    1. System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) (5 min intervention by Sebastien Ducos)
    2. Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP) (10 min intervention by Jeff Neuman)
    3. DNS Abuse Mitigation (5 min intervention by Mark Datysgeld & Paul McGrady)
    4. Priorities for 2022 
      1. GNSO priorities - Philippe Fouquart, Sebastien Ducos & Tomslin Samme-Nlar (10 min intervention)
      2. ALAC/At-Large approach to member/volunteer engagement and expectations - Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Alan Greenberg & Roberto Gaetano (10 min intervention)
  5. Discussion (15 min)
  6. Closing remarks - Justine Chew 

For notes on highlighted items click on SUMMARY tab above


ALAC-GNSO Council Bilateral Session during ICANN73 on 9 Mar 2022

  • Topic 1 (4a): System for Standardized Access/Disclosure Operational Design Assessment (SSAD ODA) 
    • ALAC: How does Council intend to proceed with its recommendations on the SSAD given the concerns raised by the ICANN Board, which also reflect concerns contained in the ALAC's Statement of 24 Aug 2020?
    • GNSO Council SSAD ODA Small Team:
      • Noted that community has raised that the SSAD ODA does not provide all the answers in considering SSAD recommendations for implementation.
      • SSAD is a big project, there are questions on the financial sustainability, usage, etc. Possibility of a pilot in order to test a few hypotheses.
      • Still early days for GNSO and small team to review. Small team will go back to the GNSO Council and then to the Board. 
  • Topic 2 (4b): Subsequent Procedures Operational Design Phase (SubPro ODP)
    • ALAC: Could Council provide an update on the SubPro ODP process, including questions being discussed with the ICANN Org SubPro ODP Team? What is Council doing within the ODP process to address known issues for the next round?
    • GNSO Council Liaison to SubPro ODP: 
      • ICANN Org is responsible for implementation of SubPro Outputs (i.e. affirmations, recommendations, implementation guidance). ICANN Org SubPro ODP team is led by the Global Domains and Strategy department.
      • Noted that two sets of questions have been received from SubPro ODP team
      • GNSO submitted answers to the first set and are working through the second set. GNSO Council discussed set #2 questions over two meetings: recognition that there is much work to be done still regardless of whether the work is classified as policy or implementation. GNSO Council is exploring if some of the work can be done now. 
  • Topic 3 (4c): DNS Abuse Mitigation
    • ALAC: Has Council arrived at any next steps regarding DNS Abuse? How would Council take on board inputs/efforts from other parts of the ICANN Community on such next steps? Would Council be able to share an indication of its plan and timeline for such next steps?
    • GNSO Council DNS Abuse Small Team: 
      • GNSO council has sent outreach forms to the community (including ALAC). with responses expected by end of March.
      • No agreement reached yet on definition(s) of DNS Abuse; looking for community input to arrive at aspects that can be addressed by policy/policy development so that a more complete policy action can be scoped towards something attainable.
      • Will regroup at the end of March, they will have a meeting. 
  • Topic 4 (4d): Priorities for 2022
    • i. GNSO: SSAD, SubPro, DNS Abuse, IDNs, IGO, and Scoping Team on Data Accuracy
    • ii. ALAC: Member Engagement - implementation of recommendations from (a) the ALS Mobilization Working Party Final Report, and (b) the Unaffiliated Individual Members Mobilization Working Party Final Report


Records of Bilateral Session at ICANN73 on 9 March 2022


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GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73


GNSO Council Meeting #3 of 2022 held on 9 Mar 2022 during ICANN73, over 2 parts, and including a Council Wrap-up Session on 10 Mar 2022

Full Agenda  |  Motions  |  Council Wrap-up Agenda  

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
  • Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List
  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
  • Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Nominating Committee Outreach Subcommittee Outreach
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
  • Item 9: Any other business
    • Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"

Council Wrap-up

  • Item 1: Welcome
  • Item 2 / 8: PDP 3.1/PDP 4.0: improving engagement with the Board; improving engagement with GDS; modifying Consensus Policies - pulling the threads together
  • Item 3: Additional SubPro Work
  • Item 4 / 9: Continuation - Question - "How does ICANN ensure the openness (including accessibility) of the Internet in conflict situations and how does ICANN manage the impact on the security and stability of the Internet?"
  • Item 5: UDRP Policy Status Report – is Council public comment needed?
  • Item 6: AOB

For notes on highlighted items click on MATTERS OF INTEREST tab above


Matters of interest to ALAC/At-Large

  • Item 1: Administrative Matters
    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 20 January 2022 were posted on 03 February 2022.

    • Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting on 17 February 2022 were posted on 07 March 2022.

  • Item 3: Consent Agenda
    • Reappointment of Becky Burr to seat 13 on the ICANN Board. The CPH has reappointed Becky Burr for Seat 13 on the ICANN Board of Directors. This agenda item is intended to acknowledge the selection and confirm that the notification process as outlined in Section 7.25 of the ICANN Bylaws will be completed subsequently.
    • Motion to extend the GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Pilot Project by adding implementation of specific WS2 items.
  • Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Small Team Reviewing the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD) Operational Design Assessment / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update on the status of the small team set up to review the ODA in detail, focusing on:
      • Whether the ODA has correctly interpreted the intent of the SSAD recommendations in the proposed implementation;
      • Whether the ODA has overlooked any key aspects of the SSAD recommendations that should be factored in by the ICANN Board when it considers the recommendations;
      • Its view on the concerns identified by the ICANN Board and potential options that could be considered, either in the form of changes to the proposed implementation or the policy recommendations themselves, to address these concerns(note, these are expected to be high level suggestions at this stage);
      • Any other aspects that help inform the Council’s deliberations and consultation with the ICANN Board.
    • Council will also hold a debrief from the 08 March meeting with the ICANN Board.
  • Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Update on the SubPro ODP / Debrief From Meeting With the ICANN Board
    • Council will receive an update from the liaison, as well as hold a debrief from the meeting with the ICANN Board
      • Potential GNSO-GAC dialogue on way forward for Closed Generics suggested to be kept separate to Additional SubPro Work.
  • Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - DNS Abuse Small Team
    • Council will receive an update from the small team on its efforts
      • Outreach has been made first to ALAC, GAC, SSAC and DNS Abuse Institute to obtain input on what DNS abuse issues are best mitigated via policy development specifically, if any, as a mechanism to help determine the Council’s next steps on DNS abuse.

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To ensure ALAC input is understood by Council and DNS Abuse Small Team.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Dialogue With ICANN’s Global Domains and Strategy (GDS) Department
    • Council will receive a high-level update on GNSO-related work being performed by GDS, as well as look ahead to work on the horizon, including the impact on resources. The dialogue is also expected to include discussion on how the shared portfolio of work can be executed more effectively and efficiently.

Under Council Wrap-up

  • Item 2 / 8: PDP 3.1/PDP 4.0: improving engagement with the Board; improving engagement with GDS; modifying Consensus Policies - pulling the threads together

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review in due course draft discussion paper prepared by staff to highlight specific areas, and assess for impact to ALAC/At-Large (if any) 

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 

  • Item 3: Additional SubPro Work

Action by ALAC Liaison

  •  To review in due course an initiation of the request for the GNSO Guidance Process (GGP), and to ensure role for ALAC/At-Large in resulting process.

    See TAB under 'POST GNSO COUNCIL MEETING DEVELOPMENTS' section for easier tracking. 


Records of 9 and 10 Mar 2022 Meetings at ICANN73

GNSO COUNCIL MEETING #2 OF 2022 (FEB 2022)       (go up to Directory) 
