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Floor participation: 5 min

Wrap up: Hadia Elminiawi (1 min min)

Round Table 3:

Introduction: 1min


Questions to be discussed:

Charles: What is the importance of safe-guarding registrants and Internet users’ interests for a secure and known future Internet? (4 min)

Edmon:  Could Holly: Could you pick any ICANN policy that either has concluded or is still underdevelopment (examples could include any of the IDN policies currently under development, The EPDP for gTLD registration data or subsequent procedures for new gTLD rounds.) and discuss how the policy upholds the interests of users and registrants and the impact of this on the DNS ecosystem? . (4 min)Holly

Edmon: Could   Could you pick any ICANN policy that either has concluded or is still underdevelopment (examples could include any of the IDN policies currently under development, The EPDP for gTLD registration data or subsequent procedures for new gTLD rounds.) and discuss how the policy upholds the interests of users and registrants and the impact of this on the DNS ecosystem. ? (4 min)

Charles: Could you provide some general thoughts on the future of registrants and Internet users’ interests to continue to provide a secure and known future Internet? (4 min)

General Question to all: The public interest could be defined as the wellbeing of the public, and since ICANN’s community involves all stakeholders, would taking all stakeholders’ interests into consideration during the development of a process translate into an ICANN policy that satisfies the public interest? ( 3min each)
