At-Large Regional Policy Engagement Program (ARPEP)
At-Large Review Implementation Plan Development
Page History
- Please rank Beer #1 Pilsner
- Excellent
- Satisfactory
- Poor
- Terrible
- Please Rank Beer # 2 IPA
- Excellent
- Satisfactory
- Poor
- Terrible
- Please Rank Beer # 3 Brown Ale
- Excellent
- Satisfactory
- Poor
- Terrible
- Please Rank Beer # 4 Porter or stout
- Excellent
- Satisfactory
- Poor
- Terrible
Coordination calls:
September 17 coordination call Action items:
- Claudia Ruiz to check with tech support if KAHOOT can be used- response: it can be used as "screen share"
- Gisella Gruberto check if interpretation can be provided for both events and provide date/time for TRIVIA event
- Glenn McKnightwill ask about alcohol free options for Beer tour.
- Claudia Ruizand At-Large staff will be responsible for zoom registration for both events.
- Naela Sarraswill coordinate events promotion with ICANN's Comms department once details and flyers are complete.
- Eduardo Diazwill coordinate with the ALAC social media WG to link these events to At-Large's social media program.
- Gisella Gruberwill schedule a rehearsal call for both events, 1 day before the events and /or on the day of the events if needed. She will liase with meetings team to ensure all ICANN org logistics requirements are taken into account.
September 23 coordination call Action items:
- Glenn McKnightwill send 2 model flyers for the Beer event. All to review and decide on the FINAL flyer.
- Gisella Gruberwill organize at least 2 rehearsals for each event the Beer event and Trivia event, during week of October 4 as to have sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues
- Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivancoto review Trivia questions and suggest edits to Glenn.
- Silvia Vivanco to create 2 child pages, for each events so final details can be posted.
- Eduardo Diaz to coordinate wide promotion of both events with the ALAC Social media working group.
- Evin Erdogdu to create a website on At-Large's website for both events :Trivia and Beer event.
- Gisella Gruber to schedule the ICANN 72 NARALO-At-Large Trivia Night event for Wednesday October 20 at 20:00 UTC.
- Gisella Gruberto confirm interpretation availability for both events.
- Glenn McKnight to get the relevant prep documents for the Beer event from Tim L.
- Glenn McKnightto get alcohol free options in coordination with Tim L.
- Gisella Gruber to add a sentence to the calendar invite for the Beer event requesting attendees to check requirements (which will be posted on the wiki page)
- Evin Erdogdu to post both events' flyers (once finalized) in At-Large's social media channels.
- Claudia Ruiz to schedule the next NARALO events coordination call for next Wednesday 29 September 16:00 UTC.
September 29 coordination call Action Items:
- Glenn McKnightwill send the final flyers for the Trivia Event.
- Glenn McKnight will post in the wiki the FINAL version of flyer for the Trivia event . Title agreed " NARALO- At Large Trivia night". All will review and Eduardo Diaz will approve the FINAL flyer.
- Devan Reed will send the Trivia Registration link to Glenn.
- Eduardo Diazand Glenn McKnightwill send a short Description of the Trivia event to be included in the zoom registration link.
- Heidi Ullrich will add some more questions about the At-Large to the Trivia google doc.
- Glenn McKnight and Eduardo Diaz will review the Trivia questions and add 4 possible answers for each question.
- Naela Sarras will coordinate wide promotion of the Trivia event with ICANN Comms department.
- Claudia Ruiz and Susie Johnsonwill look into gifts for Trivia winners such as Amazon gift certificates and Starbuck’s gift cards. Susie Johnsonto contact Eduardo if needed.
- Evin Erdogdu will create a features pages for both NARALO ICANN 72 Events in At-Large's website.
- Naela Sarraswill include a blurb about the Beer Night in one of the meeting newsletters and ICANN's social media
- Joe Catapano will assist promoting the Trivia and Beer night via NA-Engagement List too
- Eduardo Diaz will send the participation instructions for the Beer event to staff so it can be placed in the confirmation email.
- Eduardo Diaz will finalize the promotional video to be posted on the wiki and for wider promotion of the Beer event.
- Gisella Gruber will coordinate a rehearsal for the Trivia event (for all in this group to test Kahoot) and the Beer night event.
- Devan Reed will add the Beer event description to the zoom registration link.
- Glenn McKnightto add the registration link to the Beer event poster.
- Gisella Gruberwill organize at least 2 rehearsals for each event the Trivia event and Beer event, during week of October 4 as to have sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues
- Devan Reed will set up the next organizing call for next Thursday 7 Oct at 17 UTC
October 7 Coordination calls :
- Naela Sarras will coordinate wide promotion of the Trivia event with ICANN Comms department.
- Joe Catapano will assist promoting the Trivia and Beer night via NA-Engagement List too
- Glenn McKnight and Eduardo Diaz will review the Trivia questions and add 4 possible answers for each question.
- Heidi Ullrichand all to review the trivia question.
- Naela Sarraswill include a blurb about the Beer Night in one of the meeting newsletters and ICANN's social media
- Claudia Ruiz and Susie Johnsonwill look into gifts for Trivia winners such as Amazon gift certificates and Starbuck’s gift cards and will post photos of the gifts for the 3 top winners on the event wiki. Options will include: t-shirts, Dinner, gift cards (Amazon and Starbuck's, subject to availability in winner's country).
- Gisella Gruberwill organize at least 2 rehearsals for each event the Trivia event and Beer event, during week of October 4 as to have sufficient time to troubleshoot any issues. Judith Hellerstein will be the MC for the Trivia event.
- Eduardo Diazwill coordinate Post event evaluation surveys with Claudia Ruiz.
- Eduardo Diaz Glenn McKnightto include references to Non-alcoholic options in the Beer event page.