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idAPRALO Projects

label[11] Regional Hot Topics Survey (2021)

 Regional Hot Topics Survey 2021

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Current Status: This project will be activated soon. A (second) call for volunteers to assist with this project will be made.

Dedicated Workspace:  

label[10] Register of Skills & Interests (2021)


 APRALO Register of Skills & Interest Project (2021)

Background: Tentatively code-named "Project RoSI", this project is intended to produce a dynamic Register of Skills & Interests for APRALO.

Status: Ongoing. Project RoSI Small Team working on data to be presented to the RALO for consultation vide the Hot Topics Survey 2021.  Infographic report

Dedicated Workspace:  Project RoSI Workspace

label[9] Webinar on IDNs (2021)


 APRALO Webinar on Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) (2021)

Background: At its May 2021 meeting, the GNSO Council resolved to initiate the Expedited Policy Development Process on Internationalized Domain Names (EPDP on IDNs) and to approve the EPDP Team Charter. The Council agreed that an EPDP was appropriate and needed to address the topic of IDNs because policy in IDNs has been "substantially scoped previously such that extensive, pertinent background information already exists", which includes the IDN-related Outputs from the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP that the Council had approved on at its February 2021 meeting. The EPDP on IDNs has been structured as a "Representative + Open" model and a call for members, participants and observers was made by the GNSO Secretariat on 3 June 2021.  At-Large Staff then issued a call for At-Large member expressions of interest for the ALAC Appointee Selection Committee to consider and to select 3 members to represent the ALAC on this EPDP.

To encourage APRALO Members (both ALS Members and Individual Members) with an interest in IDNs to respond to both the At-Large call for members and the GNSO's call for participants and observers volunteers to this EPDP on IDNs, the APRALO Policy Forum Co-Chairs Satish Babu and Justine Chew are spearheading the organization of an introductory APRALO Webinar on IDNs to help build the capacity of our RALO members to engage meaningfully in the work of this EPDP.

In service of this goal, the webinar will be held on Tuesday, 27 July 2021 at 08:00 UTC for 90 minutes and will, among other things, broadly address the following: 

  • When IDNs were introduced to the Root Zone
  • The landscape of IDNs in the APAC region
  • Existing policies and procedures on IDNs including the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (RZ-LGRs) in addressing security/confusability in IDNs
  • An overview on IDN Variant TLD management (in context of the ICANN Board's 2010 resolution on need for variant management solution to be in place prior to next round of New gTLDs)
  • An overview on the GNSO Subsequent Procedures policy recommendations for the next round of IDN New gTLD applications 
  • Background to the EPDP on IDNs 

Status: Completed. A recording of the webinar, along with speaker presentations are available at 
