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00:12:48 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings everyone, always nice to be with you
00:12:55 Heidi Ullrich: Welcome, All.
00:12:56 Aris Ignacio: Hello and good day to all
00:13:38 Shah Zahidur Rahman: Hello Everyone
00:13:53 Ali AlMeshal: Good day to all : ) 
00:14:14 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: thank u claudia
00:16:03 Claudia Ruiz: Holly is not on the call
00:16:24 Justine Chew: Thank you so much Cheryl!
00:17:14 Heidi Ullrich: CPWG Workspace:
00:18:37 Heidi Ullrich: The OFB-WG:
00:19:33 Justine Chew: I'll take that one on IGO
00:21:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Always happy to assist Justine
00:21:29 Satish Babu: Thanks Cheryl...
00:21:38 Heidi Ullrich: The OFB-WG recently had two workshops with the Planning Dept from ICANN Org to identify priorities on the FY21-25 Operating initiatives.
00:21:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: a likely Initial Report Yes but are we needing to comment??
00:21:41 Maureen Hilyard: Love the Policy Tag Team :)
00:22:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: And of course Holly is the Chair of that WG
00:22:31 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes seems a good connect
00:22:51 Heidi Ullrich: Noted, Satish.
00:23:29 Gopal Tadepalli: Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
00:23:56 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes that was an excellent webinar so anyone interested really should visit via the links
00:24:43 Vladimer: Hello everyone!
00:24:58 Heidi Ullrich: CPWG session from 4 August:
00:25:07 Claudia Ruiz: Webinar link:
00:28:15 Gopal Tadepalli: Thank you Claudia for the IDN seminar link. I am sorry I could not attend the webinar due to my preoccupation with the IEEE SSIT Conference. The link is of great help. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
00:30:38 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks Justine for this great initiative
00:30:38 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Please include me in the Survey for Hot topics sub team
00:31:13 Priyatosh Jana: hi everyone
extremely sorry for getting late.
had an internet issues to login with zoom
00:31:18 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: It is Excellent news!!!
00:31:56 Justine Chew: @Cheryl, okay, I think you are already in the list of volunteers for the Hot Topics Survey project.
00:32:45 Heidi Ullrich: @Justine and @Cheryl, I’ve made this an AI to look into and add Cheryl if she is not already on the list.
00:34:17 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Those are unfillable shoes but we look forward to people trying ;-)
00:38:12 Gopal Tadepalli: Suggestion: I can do a short presentation on the "What and Why of Language for IDN" in any of forthcoming APRALO Monthly Meeting. Your call.. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
00:39:44 Satish Babu: Thanks Dr Gopal...noted. We will consider this for Oct 2021 (as we have the OFB rpesentation for September).
00:40:38 Gopal Tadepalli: @ Satish: Thank you for consideration. Please give me advance notice. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
00:41:34 Justine Chew: My apologies, I have to drop off now. And my bad, my presentation on the IGO-WT WIP proposed solution was during the CPWG call from last week (not 2 weeks ago).
00:42:34 Heidi Ullrich: CPWG agenda of 11 August (Justine’s presentation):
00:44:18 Gopal Tadepalli: There was an ICANN Special Session chaired by Mr. Samiran Gupta, ICANN India during the IEEE SSIT VIRTUAL Conference on Norbert Wiener in the 21st Century held between 22 - 25 July 2021. I will post the video recording to the APRALO List after getting the consent from all the speakers in this session. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
00:51:18 Gopal Tadepalli: If there is a Book Reading / Review possible in APRALO Monthly Meeting, I suggest the review of the book: Milton Mueller, Will the Internet Fragment?: Sovereignty, Globalization and Cyberspace, Polity, 2017. I am not volunteering for this. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
00:51:36 Shreedeep Rayamajhi: great idea jia rong that way more people will join
00:55:58 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: In my view mentees interested in Policy Dev and especially in the developing and drafting of Public Comment drafts from and At-Large perspective the relatively new but regardless existing mechanisms working within the ALACs CPWG seems the right model perhaps some key 'mentors' in that WG can be identified to act in a relevant guiding role of course but lets complement not compete with our activities where possible...
00:58:36 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Lots of opportunity thank you @Jia Rong
00:58:41 Shah Zahidur Rahman: Thanks Jia for briefly presentation
00:59:02 Bikram Shrestha: Thank you, Joi Rong, wonderful presentation
00:59:14 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks Jia Rong
00:59:18 Ali AlMeshal: Thanks Jia , looking forward to work closely
00:59:22 Jia-Rong Low: I’ll be presenting on this topic (with more details) next week during APAC Space. Please join if possible. Thank you
00:59:31 Jia-Rong Low: Thank you all!
00:59:56 Gopal Tadepalli: Thank you Jia Rong for a very impressive overview. - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
01:03:19 Gopal Tadepalli: @Jia-Rong Low: I will try and participate in your next lecture for APAC. I need details about the work with NASSCOM (India). - Dr. T V Gopal, Anna University
01:04:48 Satish Babu: Dr Gopal, you can speak after Lianna/Ali.
01:04:57 Jia-Rong Low: @Dr Gopal -
01:05:52 Jia-Rong Low: @Ali - I’m still working on the framework so please go ahead first and we can explore synergies thereafter
01:07:03 Ali AlMeshal: @JIA noted
01:07:06 Heidi Ullrich: @Ali and @Lianna, the AMP sounds very exciting.
01:07:53 Jia-Rong Low: Thank you Dr Gopal
01:08:24 Heidi Ullrich: NomCom announcement:
01:08:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: NetThing, Australia's Internet Governance Forum, will officially taking place on Thursday 4 and Friday 5 November 2021. Registrations will be open soon.
01:09:27 Herb Waye Ombuds: Thanks everyone for the informative meeting, a pleasure to be with you today. Take care all, stay safe and be kind.
01:10:48 Jia-Rong Low: Thanks all I have to drop off. Thank you!
01:11:25 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Bye for now then...
01:11:37 Aris Ignacio: thank you so much!
01:11:39 Lianna Galstyan: Thanks everyone and bye
01:11:39 Shah Zahidur Rahman: Thank all , stay safe. Bye
01:11:43 Gunela Astbrink: Thank you, bye everyone