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Any Notes of relevance to the ALAC / At-Large from GNSO Council Meetings will be highlighted at the top of any Agenda listed below in colour


SPECIAL Meeting: GNSO Council PDP3.0 Webinar

Date/time: Tuesday, 15 September 2020 at 21:00 UTC for 90 minutes

All councilors are strongly encouraged to attend this session.

Observers are welcome to join, they will be in a read-only and listen-only mode.

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The Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Council invite you to attend a webinar to discuss the implementation status of Policy Development Process (PDP) 3.0.

PDP 3.0 is a GNSO Council initiative designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the GNSO policy development process. The GNSO Council adopted the PDP 3.0 Final Report [] in February 2020; many work products related to the 14 PDP 3.0 improvements have been deployed in GNSO working groups or used by the Council.

There are three objectives for this webinar: 1) review the purposes and practical examples of the PDP 3.0 work products that have been applied in ongoing GNSO working groups; 2) kick start the preliminary assessment of PDP 3.0 impact; and 3) help other Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees evaluate the applicability of PDP 3.0 improvements in their internal processes. In addition, the webinar will also include an introduction of the Consensus Playbook [] to kick off the initial community discussion of its contents and practical utility.

Participants are encouraged to join the discussions. More information will be posted here:


PLEASE NOTE:   GNSO Council ADOPTS PDP 3.0.   At the February 20th GNSO Council Meeting the Council unanimously resolved the following regarding Small Team Report on the Councils work over several years now on PDP 3.0 


Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expedited PDP (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification Phase 2: Final Report
Rafik Dammak, GNSO Council liaison and EPDP P2 Vice-Chair, presented updates to the Council. The Final Report was delivered on the 31 July 2020. A number of groups requested additional time to submit minority statements. An updated Final Report will be sent to Council once all minority statements have been received.
The Final Report contains an executive summary, an overview of the EPDP team approach, EPDP team recommendations and annexes. Council leadership has reviewed different options available and recommends that SSAD recommendations be considered as one package (Rec#1 - #18) and consider priority 2 recommendations as a separate package (Rec#19 - #22). This would allow alignment with EPDP Team’s recommendation to consider SSAD related items as interdependent. It would also enable potential fast tracking by ICANN Board of priority 2 items which could be handed to Phase 1 IRT upon adoption. It was also highlighted that all priority 2 designations have a consensus or full consensus while SSAD recs have more mixed designations. Proposed timeline for Council consideration highlights the first opportunity today for Council to discuss the timing of consideration of the Final Report. On the 24 August 2020, Council will receive an updated Report including the minority report. A Council webinar will be scheduled on the 3 September 2020.
Rafik Dammak clarified that all groups, except the Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP), submitted or will submit minority statements. Keith Drazek reminded Council that the Final
Report was received at the end of July, with a view to vote on it on the 24 September 2020, allowing time for Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies (SGs and Cs) to discuss and review. He encouraged councilors to avoid deferring the vote to the October 2020 meeting. He added that councilors’ main responsibility is to manage the process and to not relitigate substantive issues discussed in the EPDP 2 team.
Michele Neylon noted that Council needed to appreciate the tremendous work achieved by the EPDP P2 team as well as staff supporting the effort. He expressed disappointment about several minority statements by groups, which could be perceived as undermining the entire process due to dissatisfaction.
Pam Little, on behalf of the RrSG, concurred with Michele Neylon, and highlighted how complex the topics worked on were. She recognised Rafik Dammak’s efforts as Council liaison and EPDP Vice Chair for two years, with uncomfortable time-zone constraints.
Rafik Dammak clarified that Working Group guidelines and Operating Procedures are very specific about “minority statements” and how to convey divergence. However, in the EPDP P2, this was viewed mainly as an opportunity for different groups to elaborate on specific issues and recommendations.

Item 5: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Expedited PDP (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification Phase 2:
Proposed Next Steps for Priority 2 Items
Keith Drazek reminded councilors that Priority 2 items were coined as such as not being on the critical path to the SSAD report, but that further in-depth discussions were indeed necessary The small group’s work on this topic was presented by Rafik Dammak. The small team addressed the topics of legal vs natural person, the feasibility of unique contacts, Whois accuracy of reporting systems. Several factors were taken into account: Ensuring efficient use of people’\s time and resources, due consideration given to topics whilst creating consensus, ensuring conformity with the GNSO PDP manual and Bylaws requirements and GNSO Council oversight.
Two tracks: Legal vs Natural & Feasibility of Unique Contacts (reconvene the EPDP P2 team) and Accuracy and Whois Accuracy Reporting System (new scoping team).
Open questions: when should the EPDP P2 team reconvene and how should the leadership position be determined?
James Gannon raised that not all members of the EPDP team may not wish to reconvene, and if so, maybe not as early as September 2020 in order to avoid volunteer burnout.
Marie Pattullo responded that the Business Constituency (BC) has discussed with EPDP team members who were willing to continue and that member replacements are possible so work should start before ICANN69.
Maxim Alzoba added that the work pace would not be the same as for EPDP P2.
Tatiana Tropina concurred with James, but also wanted the work to begin once the Final Report has been voted on and not before, and to allow members’ respite.
Keith Drazek raised the task of searching for a Chair would start early for Council and SG/Cs but that a pause for the EPDP P2 team would be ideal.


Item 6: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – Independent Review Process (IRP) Standing Panel
The GNSO Council needs to decide who will participate in the selection committee for members of the IRP Standing Panel. Mary Wong, Org, informed councilors that Org is still working on factors such as time requirements, scope and decision-making methodology. She added that once the selection is made by SOs and ACs, it will be forwarded to the ICANN Board.,
Keith Drazek explained that the main task is to decide how to select candidates to the selection committee. One option could be the Standing Selection Committee.
James Gannon asked for further information about the SOAC leaders not wishing to use the IRP IOT existing members. He added he would not support using the SSC, but would delegate to the SGs and Cs. He would prefer it to be a collaborative process within the community as it is going to be foundational for the upcoming five to ten years.
Keith Drazek responded that the IRP IOT is already busy developing guidelines and guidance, and any further responsibility would divert from its current work. But nothing prevents IRP IOT members from volunteering.
A small Org team (with collaboration of chairs of SOs and ACs, SGs and Cs )is currently working on the terms of reference.

Action Item:

● Prior to the September 2020 Council meeting, all GNSO Councilors to solicit input from their respective SGs/Cs regarding the summary and next steps document about IRP Standing Panel, and share their feedback to inform Council’s decision on the next steps.
