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Issue 2 - Improvements to and demonstration of efficiencies and effectiveness of member participation and engagement revitalizing At-Large.

Work Track Leader(s)

Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard

Work Track Members

Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard, Heidi Ullrich, Evin Erdogdu

Issue 2 Work Track Leader(s): Alan Greenberg & Maureen Hilyard

Issue 2 Work Track Members: Alan Greenberg, Maureen Hilyard, Heidi Ullrich, Evin Erdogdu.

Issue 2 - At-Large has struggled to reflect/process end-user opinion; barriers to individual participation; perception of unchanging leadership group

Final Proposal as approved by the Board


At-Large is increasingly focusing on individuals (both unaffiliated At-Large Members as well as members within each ALS) instead of just ALS voting representatives. Four of the five RALOs allow individual members and the fifth, LACRALO, has already approved the concept and is developing the detailed rules. We will also use the ALSes to communicate with those within an ALS who may have an interest in ICANN.

RALOs have also started to identify experts on ICANN topics within their ALSes and among individual members and to increasingly engage them in ALAC’s policy work. Thus, a bi-directional flow of ICANN information continues to be strengthened.

These activities will require the production of information that is truly understandable (as identified in a recent ALAC-GAC Joint Statement) and available in multiple languages. As some of this will need to be created by At-Large staff, additional resources may be needed. At-Large Staff will continue to work together with At-Large Leadership in looking for effective methodologies to coach and onboard new policy volunteers and leaders to facilitate the development of their skills and encourage them to stay and deepen their knowledge and expertise. Regarding the perception of unchanging leadership, statistics reporting involvement will be published demonstrating turnover.


Initial phases: 1:1:1 (Low resource needs : Low risk : 1st priority)

Long term: 3:3:1 (High resource needs : High risk : 1st priority)

ARIWG comments

This section of the ARI is the central one - revitalizing At-Large and making it more effective and more credible. There are a number of planned steps, some of them serialized and some that will be worked upon in parallel. Much of this will build upon preparatory work that has taken place over the last several years. As noted in the section on dependencies, many of the other implementations will either feed into this one or are necessary for this one to work.

Status of improvement effort / staff lead

Impending start in Dec 2018 - Jan 2019 / Staff Lead: Heidi Ullrich with Evin Erdoğdu.

June 2019: Progress on this implementation has yet to begin. It is expected that the following steps will begin now in Q1 of FY20 and run throughout the life of the ARI:

  • Reconvene the ALS Criteria and Expectations Task Force (Co-Chairs: Alan Greenberg and Maureen Hilyard).
  • Call for new members to develop a workplan for undertaking the following objectives for this working group:

Activities, if any, on which implementation is dependent, or that are dependent on implementation of this recommendation

Issues #1, #4 and #7 will present a clearer and more understandable view of At-Large governance, what At-Large is doing, and how we go about doing that. The Social Media work will enhance our ability to communicate as will the ongoing work on issue #10. The continued development of metrics and the methodology by which we can monitor involvement of both ALSes and individuals (from within ALSes or unaffiliated members) will allow us to monitor and track whether our implementations are working and to what extent we need to adjust them going forward.

Who will implement the recommendation: ICANN community, ICANN Board, ICANN Organization, other?

ALAC, RALO Leadership Team, At-Large Staff with support from other parts of ICANN Org. Changes to the ICANN Bylaws may be required to ensure that the Bylaws properly reflect the new nature of At-Large with a focus on both ALSes and unaffiliated individuals. The Memoranda of Understanding between ICANN and the RALOs will also likely require revision.

Anticipated resource requirements (FTEs, tools)

With Staged Implementation initial work can be started immediately using existing staff resources. As planning transitions to full implementation there will be staff requirement related to material creation, interaction with the remote community and tracking of involvement.

Expected budget implications

Current staff resources are sufficient for immediate activities. However, for the ongoing implementation of this key priority, the ARIWG currently estimates one full time employee (FTE) equivalent (see details in Issue #3).

For documentation, the use of existing FY18 annual budget request (ABR) SO/AC communication activities funding.

Potential FY19 ABR for At-Large for use in additional skill development in strategic leadership and communication to facilitate policy advice development as well as the production of relevant documentation for use in increased outreach and engagement.

Proposed implementation steps:

The steps below are a brief summary and will need to be enhanced and subdivided as the implementation proceeds.

  1. Review, enhance if applicable, and agree upon outcomes of the ALS CRITERIA AND EXPECTATIONS TASK FORCE ensuring that the component ALSes within At-Large are able and willing to take on the task of supporting the ALAC function within ICANN. Among other things, this will ensure that there is a nexus between the interests of an ALS and those of ICANN.

  2. Based on these results refine the ALS APPLICATION AND APPROVAL PROCESS and put in place the regular review of existing ALSes. This may require some ICANN Bylaw amendments.

Subsequent to the establishment of the ALS criteria and expectations, At-Large can then continue as much as possible with the following enhancements to its practices related to ALS involvement and active participation in At-Large and ICANN.

  1. Establish comparable criteria and process for INDIVIDUAL UNAFFILIATED MEMBERSHIP.

  2. As part of these processes establish the REPOSITORY OF SKILLS AND INTERESTS to draw upon when particular ongoing volunteer work efforts are staffed.

  3. Develop the process to be used for the DEVELOPMENT OF RESOURCE MATERIAL to be distributed to our volunteer community world-wide (ALS members through their ALSes and unaffiliated members). This will depend partly on material requested in the recent ALAC-GAC Joint Statement. However, it is expected that At-Large Staff, in conjunction with other Policy and MSSI staff will need to be involved. The availability of such understandable material is key to getting new people involved - those who are not already familiar with ICANN issues and jargon.

  4. Develop a road-map through the multitude of ICANN LEARN COURSES and other primer material to help those interested to get up to speed (Podcasts, YouTube channel, webinars, etc.).

  5. Incorporate learnings and development of ATLAS III AT-LARGE AMBASSADORS into the 2020 workplan based on the ATLAS III Participant Survey results
  6. Develop a network of COACHES AND MENTORS so those who show some interest in getting involved are not left on their own.


Metrics will monitor ALS and individual involvement. The number of ALSes and individual members along with their level of activity will allow for monitoring of the overall changes in At-Large. Specifics will be developed under the ARI Issue #16.

How long will it take to implement this plan?

It is expected that the implementation will begin immediately and will proceed over the full two years of the ARI.


The At-Large Review Implementation dashboard aims to update the ICANN Community about the progress of the work of the At-Large Review Implementation Working Group (ARIWG).


Activity Reference

Status of progress

1 Jul 2020Final Review Report completed 

Work on Implementation Items #1 and #1 is mainly now completed - 98% except for:

  • ALS mobilisation document to be finalised; possible by-law changes to be developed. (Continuing meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party:  06 July 2020)
  • Data collection structure designed around potential of the CRM tool - to be introduced into At-Large system in August (question) 

#The ATLASIII Participant Survey Analysis and Recommendations Report has been completed and endorsed by the ALAC 

##Unaffiliated Members WG to commence their activities  following on from the outcomes of the ALS Mobilization WP. Lead: Roberto Gaetano.

1 Jun 2020Jun 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

Near Completion: A cross-regional ALS Mobilization Working Party was established to examine and report on ALS criteria and expectations in order to improve ALS engagement in At-Large activities, and in particular, policy-related activities.

Meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party: 01 June 202008 June 202015 June 202029 June 2020

1 May 2020May 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

Completed: The ATLASIII Participant survey responses were analysed and recommendations based on this analysis were assigned to the core At-Large workstream areas to be incorporated into the 2020 workplan.

Meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party: 11 May 202018 May 202027 May 2020

1 Apr 2020Apr 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

Completed: A repository of skills was created within the Post-ATLASIII Survey Analysis and Recommendations Report (self-reported by At-Large ATLASIII Ambassadors) and should be used to draw upon expertise of At-Large volunteers (At-Large Ambassadors) for At-Large work.

ALS Mobilisation Working Party Vn5 (19 April) - google doc

Meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party: 06 April 202013 April 202020 April 202027 April 2020

1 Mar 2020Mar 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

The ATLASIII Survey Analysis team continued to work on the feedback supplied by the ATLASIII participants that could inform how they as potential Policy and Outreach Ambassadors could better contribute to the work of ALS and individual members from  within At-Large

ALS Mobilisation Working Party vn3 (1 March 2020) - google doc; vn4 (6 March 2020) - google doc

Meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party: 02 March 202023 March 202030 March 2020

1 Feb 2020Feb 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

A small team was convened to identify key elements of the feedback supplied by the ATLASIII participant survey that could inform how they as potential Policy and Outreach Ambassadors could better contribute to the work of ALS and individual members from  within At-Large

Meetings of the ALS Mobilization Working Party: 03 February 202010 February 2020,  19 February 202024 February 2020


Jan 2020 ARIWG Dashboard

Following the Montreal event, ATLASIII participants completed a Post-ATLASIII survey and report, as well as participated in oral and video interviews. The survey provided information about their regional affiliations and involvements, community leadership experience, pre-learning courses as well as what they had learned at ICANN66.

ALS Mobilisation Working Party vn2 (12 Jan 2020) - google doc ; Vn2.1 (19 Jan 2020) google doc2   

Meetings of ALS Mobilization Working Party: 13 January 202020 January 2020


Dec 2019 ARIWG DashboardImplementation steps 1-4, (that in our last report were only in the initial stages, nor in any way completed), have progressed substantially and the attention of the OEC is drawn to the associated and groundwork paper ‘ALS Mobilisation Plan’ being currently discussed and socialised within At-Large. 


Nov 2019 ARIWG DashboardImplementation steps 5-7 are in the initial or less than 20% completion stage, but all have begun (often in association with ATLAS III work) and will be a prime focus of the ARIWG Work Team and At-Large during the 2020 Q3 and 4, specifically including the direct involvement of the ATLAS III participants in their role of ‘At-Large Ambassadors’ as their ‘stepping stone’ journey begins.


Oct 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

The ALS Mobilisaton Plan community discussion continues

ALS Mobilisation Working Party Vn01 - google doc (28 Oct 2019)  


Sep 2019 ARIWG DashboardThe group has reconvened to be reintroduced to the ALS Mobilisation Plan and to commence community discussions. . 


Aug 2019 ARIWG DashboardPre-meeting of the leadership team (8 August) to re-organise the work program for this working group. ALS Engagement Plan Vn01.pdf


Jul 2019 ARIWG Dashboard Due to commitments of the EPDP, Alan Greenberg has requested  delay in the implementation of this task until he has more free time to commit to the required consultation process


Jun 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Report due to the Board - 23 June

Completed: Reconvene the ALS Criteria and Expectations Task Force (Co-Chairs: Alan Greenberg and Maureen Hilyard).
Completed: Call for new members to develop a workplan for undertaking the following objectives for this working group


May 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Report drafts should be ready by May 23 with sub-tasks completed

Reminder: include roles and responsibilities of RALOs (and their ALSes) with regards to the RALO MOUs with ICANN


Apr 2019 ARIWG Dashboard

Still to be done: Reconvene the ALS Criteria and Expectations Task Force (Co-Chairs: Alan Greenberg and Maureen Hilyard). Call for new members to develop a workplan for undertaking the expectations of the Working Party:  The task of the ALS Mobilization Working Party (WP) is to make a recommendation to the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) on what needs to be done to allow the full implementation of changes in support of At-Large Structure.


Mar 2019 ARIWG DashboardCompleted: The Dashboard consisting of the At-Large Review Implementation Work Plan as well as the Goals, Objectives and Deliverables, was developed for each of the 8 x Implementation items


Feb 2019 ARIWG DashboardDevelop key Goals, Objectives and Deliverables, for each of the 8 x Implementation items (commenced in June 2018).


Jan 2019 ARIWG DashboardCommence work on a Dashboard for the At-Large Review Implementation Work Plan
