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14:00-15:00 UTC

Joint Meeting: ICANN Board and ALAC


Audio streaming in English, French and Spanish:

From the Board:

In preparation for our meetings, the Board proposes the following areas of interest to have an open discussion with you:

  1. Key priorities for action of ICANN constituencies in 2020 (e.g. prioritization of recommendations, streamlining of reviews, improve effectiveness of ICANN’s multistakeholder model, …)
  2. Specific developments coming up that ICANN constituencies feel need to be addressed when updating the ICANN Strategic Plan. 

ALAC Priorities and Specific Developments:

DNS Abuse

Of course, the Board must now recognize that the ALAC will not miss any opportunity to discuss DNS Abuse. While we recognize the Board has yet to pass formal judgement on our most recent advice on the topic, we would welcome the opportunity to hear from individual Board members on what they imagine to be the best path forward on this issue. We’re well aware of initiatives to better define DNS Abuse but it’s fairly clear that, even considering the most restrictive of definitions, there’s a great deal that needs to be done. The current “brown out” of registrant data has only made matters worse for reputation engines, law enforcement and others who had grown used to the availability of those tools. While certainly not the fault of the Board, these factors certainly make the situation more dire.


The Sale of PIR to Ethos Capital

The ALAC would welcome any color commentary from individual Board members on how they perceive this is playing out. We submitted advice to the ORG, via the Board, that the ORG contract be amended to ensure the ideals of .ORG survive this and future transactions. What are your current reflections on where things stands and where they might end up? While the ALAC are most certainly not the voice of non-profits, individual end users benefit from their work and also represent a portion of the registrations in .ORG. Our primary concern is that the broad “character” of ORG registrants and PIR as a thought leader among registries might change leaving us all poorer for it.


10:15-10:30Coffee Break 


15:45-17:15 UTC

UA Local Initiatives Working Group and Ambassadors Meeting


15:45-17:15 UTC

GNSO Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in gTLDs (3 of 4)



17:15-18:00 UTC 

Joint ALAC & GAC Meeting 


Audio Streaming in English, Spanish and French:


1) Welcome from the Chairs

2) Subsequent Procedures - At-Large Presenter: Justine Chew, ALAC Member; GAC Presenter - Luisa Paez, the Chair of the GAC Focus Group

3) EPDP - At-Large Presenters: Hadia Elminawi and Alan Greenberg

4) AoB

Moderators: Manal Ismail, Chair of the GAC, and Maureen Hilyard, Chair of the ALAC


18:45-20:15 UTC

“One world - one internet?” Cybersecurity and geopolitics in a multistakeholder environment

Panelists: TBC


Audio Streaming in English, French and Spanish:


This session/roundtable seeks to explore the modern day rationale for ICANN's policy of "One World. One Internet." In time of enhancing splinternet, prevailing cybersovereignity trends and states taking forever more effective measures to ensure their jurisdiction over what they consider to be "their" part of cyberspace. It is in this context that ICANN's global stewardship role has grown more significant than ever. This session seeks to explore how to best justify ICANN's "One world. One Internet" policy in the face of global disruptive trends. It specifically looks at national and regional security and privacy laws as well as new communication protocols (DoH/DoT), seeking to find how they attend or add to this challenge.

The desired outcome of this session is to identify and present to the ICANN community a coherent, comprehensive narrative on why "One world. One internet" remains a valid policy narrative in the time of disruptive global trends and how to best communicate it to the different stakeholders outside ICANN.

Moderator(s): Joanna Kulesza



20:30-22:00 UTC

SSAC Public Meeting


20:00-22:00 UTC

GNSO Council Meeting 








14:00-15:00 UTC

Reunion conjunta : Directorio de ICANN y el ALAC 


Transmisión de Audio streaming en Inglés, Frances y Español :

Del Directorio :

In preparacion para nuestras reuniones , El Directorio propone las siguientes areas de interes para tener una discusión abierta con ustedes :

  1. Key priorities for action of ICANN constituencies in 2020 (e.g. prioritization of recommendations, streamlining of reviews, improve effectiveness of ICANN’s multistakeholder model, …)Prioridades clave para acción de los diversos grupos de ICANN en el 2020 (ej. priorización de recomendaciones, racionalización de opiniones, mejora de efectividad del modelo de múltiples partes interesadas de ICANN.
  2. Specific developments coming up that ICANN constituencies feel need to be addressed when updating the ICANN Strategic Plan. 

ALAC Priorities and Specific Developments:

DNS Abuse

Of course, the Board must now recognize that the ALAC will not miss any opportunity to discuss DNS Abuse. While we recognize the Board has yet to pass formal judgement on our most recent advice on the topic, we would welcome the opportunity to hear from individual Board members on what they imagine to be the best path forward on this issue. We’re well aware of initiatives to better define DNS Abuse but it’s fairly clear that, even considering the most restrictive of definitions, there’s a great deal that needs to be done. The current “brown out” of registrant data has only made matters worse for reputation engines, law enforcement and others who had grown used to the availability of those tools. While certainly not the fault of the Board, these factors certainly make the situation more dire.


The Sale of PIR to Ethos Capital

The ALAC would welcome any color commentary from individual Board members on how they perceive this is playing out. We submitted advice to the ORG, via the Board, that the ORG contract be amended to ensure the ideals of .ORG survive this and future transactions. What are your current reflections on where things stands and where they might end up? While the ALAC are most certainly not the voice of non-profits, individual end users benefit from their work and also represent a portion of the registrations in .ORG. Our primary concern is that the broad “character” of ORG registrants and PIR as a thought leader among registries might change leaving us all poorer for it.


10:15-10:30Coffee Break 


15:45-17:15 UTC

UA Local Initiatives Working Group and Ambassadors Meeting


15:45-17:15 UTC

GNSO Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms in gTLDs (3 of 4)



17:15-18:00 UTC 

Joint ALAC & GAC Meeting 


Audio Streaming in English, Spanish and French:


1) Welcome from the Chairs

2) Subsequent Procedures - At-Large Presenter: Justine Chew, ALAC Member; GAC Presenter - Luisa Paez, the Chair of the GAC Focus Group

3) EPDP - At-Large Presenters: Hadia Elminawi and Alan Greenberg

4) AoB

Moderators: Manal Ismail, Chair of the GAC, and Maureen Hilyard, Chair of the ALAC


18:45-20:15 UTC

“One world - one internet?” Cybersecurity and geopolitics in a multistakeholder environment

Panelists: TBC


Audio Streaming in English, French and Spanish:


This session/roundtable seeks to explore the modern day rationale for ICANN's policy of "One World. One Internet." In time of enhancing splinternet, prevailing cybersovereignity trends and states taking forever more effective measures to ensure their jurisdiction over what they consider to be "their" part of cyberspace. It is in this context that ICANN's global stewardship role has grown more significant than ever. This session seeks to explore how to best justify ICANN's "One world. One Internet" policy in the face of global disruptive trends. It specifically looks at national and regional security and privacy laws as well as new communication protocols (DoH/DoT), seeking to find how they attend or add to this challenge.

The desired outcome of this session is to identify and present to the ICANN community a coherent, comprehensive narrative on why "One world. One internet" remains a valid policy narrative in the time of disruptive global trends and how to best communicate it to the different stakeholders outside ICANN.

Moderator(s): Joanna Kulesza



20:30-22:00 UTC

SSAC Public Meeting


20:00-22:00 UTC

GNSO Council Meeting 

