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 Yesim Nazlar: (2/12/2019 17:10) Welcome to the ATLAS III Leadership Development Team (LDT) Call taking place on Tuesday, 12 February 2019 at 15:00 UTC.
  Yesim Nazlar: (17:12) Agenda:
  Amrita Choudhury: (17:53) Hi All
  Aris Ignacio: (17:53) hello everyone!
  Vanda Scartezini: (17:54) hi everyone..
  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (17:55) hello everyone
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (17:57) hello everyone 
  Maureen Hilyard: (17:58) Hi everyone just waitng for a dialout
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:00) Hi everyone
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (18:01) Hi Everyone
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:01) I am sorry I am on another call, so I will listen to this call with one ear.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:01) sounds familiar OCL
  Filina Natalia: (18:02) Hello, everyone! 
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (18:03) @CLO/OCL: 2 ears 4 2 calls
  Lianna Galstyan: (18:04) Hi everyone
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:05) Hi everiyone!
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:05) Dear @Staff please I need you to call me at +5492235215819
  Yesim Nazlar: (18:06) dialing out to you now 
  Vanda Scartezini: (18:07) sorry got disconnected few minutes. back now 
  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (18:07) HelloallBello 
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:07) I am Inside!
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:07) thanks
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:09) I think your overstating the "interest" in that Tijani,  I do watch and listen to all of these groups discussions, However, the opinion is noted, it seems a pity to keep a focus on a matter explicitly NOT asked for the groups to focus on, So be it however...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:12) We hear you
  Lianna Galstyan: (18:12) agree, let's put the questions to the end
  Amir Qayyum: (18:12) Hi everyone. 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:14) Good point  to have clarity on @Justine... well noted as an assumption
  Gabdibé: (18:19) Hello everyone!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:22) It would also help if all mics weere muted while people are not speaking 
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:26) Honesty and integrity. interesting
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:27) no video, most people are not comfortable with idea
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (18:28) true
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:28) This criteria is pretty tough
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:28) @Justine excellent set of considerations, and I complement your group for being so very exacting and clear on the 'metrics' associated with the proposed criteria... much 'food for thought 'here
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (18:28)  Merci justine
  Filina Natalia: (18:28) Dear Cheryl, thank you!-) After all this work we can open the school of leadership. As a separate bussiness unit-)))
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:30) Indeed Natailia :-)
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:30) Much better @Lianna
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:30) We provided alot of money to Larry Stickland to setup workshops on consensus building and leadership and they did workshops in Europe and Africa. I was trying to get him to arrange a session in Montreal on Nov 2nd but  ISOC has pulled his funding . He has retired 
  Filina Natalia: (18:30) Justine does excellent hard work, especially thanks
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:31) Yes Justine did a fabulas draft
  Amrita Choudhury: (18:31) Great draft Justine
  Priyatosh Jana: (18:31) Honoured to be a part in this group
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:31) indeed she does but as I lurked in all the Teams, I also recognise the keen input and work done by all of the members and not 'just' the Team Leads ;-) 
  Justine Chew: (18:35) Sub-Group 2 teamwork FTW :)
  Filina Natalia: (18:36) Cheryl, good that we can change here our  "All applicants from WGs, Excluding ATLAS3 WG" to "Including".  Here see well leaders and generals-)
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:37) indeed we could @Natalia ;-)
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:39) @Lianna again...  complements to this Team  a clear set of criteria proposals and quite complementary if not suplimantary  to those also presented by the other groups, so far...
  Filina Natalia: (18:40) For outside expirience and work is not so easy to get a corroboration....
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:40) soft criteria  is often a but fuzzy but still important to consider
  Lianna Galstyan: (18:41) @CLO, thanks on behalf of our Team!
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (18:43) @Sylvia, makes a good point when considering to much elements based on past interactions.
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:44) Alfreco and Sylvia  the idea that  past performance is historical or a hitching post not necessary new and vibrant leaders
  Lianna Galstyan: (18:44) but we have Individual Members who demonstrate leadership and deep engagement
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:44) If they have other leadership experience it can very relevant
  Glenn McKnight-NARALO: (18:44) ie  Grads of the Mozilla Leadership courses  etc
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (18:45) Hopefully the Leadership team finds an adequate balance!
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:47) @ Sylvia your group was tiny and but again 'had in the main' complementary criteria proposals  (and metrics) to mesh  with those from other groups...  That said I woud strongly encourage all of you to not get too focussed on any 'gating issue' at this stage... especially any that may end up well out of scope for this LDT focus, and not overall logistical issues
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (18:50) 1+ @Cheryl comments on the details to the especificty at this stage.
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (18:50) All teams did doing a great job.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:51) Indeed they did Alfredo...
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:51) True Maureen 4 approaches, but in most cases quite complementary
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (18:52) it's true and congratulations to all
  Lianna Galstyan: (18:52) Can we now work together in one document? Our group used Google doc and that worked out very well.
  Justine Chew: (18:53) @Alan, that would be an ideal covenant but hard to enforce
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:55) desirable of course@ Alan and on the matter of any sort of "balance' or gating from RALOs at all,  perhaps getting the energies to ensure that there are plenty of well qualified applicants from as many countries across all the Regions can be encourage (unless of course some Regions beleive they don't have the ability to encourage enough talent to maximise the likelyhood  having plenty of demonsterabl  talent  applying 
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:56) Sergio ICANN Lean is quite multi lingual 
  Justine Chew: (18:56) On commitment criteria, assessors may have to make some inferences based on the work applicant said they have contributed? 
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:57) @Cheryl not is tru
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:57) Pastor Peters can go before me Maureen
  Gabdibé: (18:57) Les candidats francophones ont les mêmes difficultés que les candidats hispanophones pour accèder aux cours.
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (18:58) well Then Besty needs to advise the ALAC of that limitation as it is counterpoint to the information received over recent years
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (18:58) only some courses are translated, I invite you to review this
  Gabdibé: (18:59) French-speaking candidates have the same difficulties as Spanish-speaking candidates to access courses.
  Justine Chew: (19:00) May "encourage" applicants to update their SOIs.
  Alan Greenberg: (19:00) I thought that we were only selecting ICANN Learn courses that were available in multiple languages.
  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (19:00) @Sergio, that´s true Sergio. I did GAC , and ccnso in English
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (19:01) ok Alan thank
  Alan Greenberg: (19:01) I may be wrong, but that was my understanding.
  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (19:02) @Alan: multiple languages only the Introduction course :(
  sergio salinas porto LACRALO: (19:03) @gabdibe +1
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (19:03) We need to facilitate access taking into account linguistic diversity
  Sylvia Herlein Leite: (19:04) @Alan ICANN Introduction 
  Michel TCHONANG LINZE: (19:05) I totally agree Tijani
  Justine Chew: (19:05) Covenants are important and should be considered, but they are not criteria per se, IMO.
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond: (19:06) I definitely will, Maureen
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (19:07) agreed @Justine
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (19:08) @Alan, your observation that ICANN Learn courses are available in various languages is a consideration the ATLAS III Capacity Building Team will consider.
  Lianna Galstyan: (19:08) Will that also be 2-3 hard criteria?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (19:08) only 8 mins @Maureen not to bad ;-)
  Priyatosh Jana: (19:08) bye bye
  Justine Chew: (19:08) So there will be 4 "final" lists?
  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (@CLO3): (19:08) Bye all
  Priyatosh Jana: (19:08) good night 
  A-Eduardo Diaz: (19:08) Only one minute for mee. Not bad too
  Lianna Galstyan: (19:08) Thanks everyone! Bye
  Filina Natalia: (19:08) thank you and bye!
  Ejikeme Egbuogu: (19:08) bye all
  Alfredo Calderon (NARALO): (19:09) Thank tou all! Bye!
  Aris Ignacio: (19:09) thanks a. lot!
  Kaili Kan: (19:09) Thanks to all.  Bye!
  Amir Qayyum: (19:09) bye everyone 
  Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong: (19:09) Bye