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Trip Assessment Form


1) Describe the Trip in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand Who,
What, When, Where, and Why concerning this
funded CROP activity (please be as expansive
as possible):  

On the opening day, Irvin Halman - Authority for Government Innovation (AIG) Panama participated in the inauguration; Raúl Echeberria - Internet Society (ISOC); Valeria Betancourt - Association for Progressive Communications (APC); And Lia Patricia Hernández Pérez- IPANDETEC, Panama head of our ALS.

As in many of the fourteen posterior panels, they all became incapacitated in the multistakeholder model and the convenience of maintaining and increasing it. The representative of the government gave as an example that for the joint work the date has been reached to have connected to 80% of Panamanians and that the whole will be before 2018.

In the panel of Digital Economy, it was highlighted the lack of treatment of this topic in general in our region. It is thought that there is ignorance of the subject and its true scope.

The lack of legislation is cited in the Panel on Internet Governance and Human Rights. Also there are several countries where there is not even room for discussion.

The rest of the panels dealt with topics such as the Right to Oblivion, Cybersecurity from the perspective of human rights; Competence in the digital environment and concern for access, digital inclusion and accessibility.

In another, the Integration of the objectives of the sustainable development and the Governance of Internet was treated. The future of the Internet with the use of artificial intelligence and the progress of digital cities.

Much attention was also paid to the spaces of dialogues of local Governments, and the way of seeing the progress of the discussions.

Regarding the spaces for multisectoral participation, in the corresponding panel it was said that these spaces, instead of progressing, are being reduced around public policies.

I actively participated in several consultations at the end of the panels.

Particularly when talking about the difficulties that the organizations have to get to educate the end user of the Internet, I offered the collaboration of LACRALO. I gave as an example the activities being developed by Internauta Chile, giving this training at several levels, including secondary schools and the elderly. Including distributing material in digital format, where bullion is spoken. The representative of the Mexican government notes everything and said he would communicate.

There was a final microphone session open. I spoke to explain how iCANN currently has working groups on the main topics that were considered to be of great importance at this congress. I cite the Human Rights, Diversity, Transparency, Data Protection, Security groups. I invited those who would like more information to contact me or Renata Aquino Ribeiro from one of our ALS in Brazil.

Before making this trip, I had contacted the Information Technology Union of Cuba. There were two representatives of this association in this congress. We were able to coordinate and I already sent the link so that they can present themselves to certify as ALS.

2) Explain the extent to which the Proposed
Goals and Outcomes were accomplished
(see above LINK to review the original Proposal):  

I consider that the objectives have been fulfilled. As I explained earlier, I made specific comments on ICANN, ALAC and LACRALO on two occasions, to all those attending the Congress. I also explained the policy-making process, the bottom-up system, the WG and the public comments.
Several attendees came to ask about very specific things of LACRALO

To highlight as a goal sought and obtained: the F2F meeting with the vice president of the Information Technology Union of Cuba. I explained everything necessary for an organization to certify as ALS. It remained his commitment to send the application for Certification. I delivered the information and the corresponding link

3) Additional information pertaining
to this outreach Trip (optional):
4) Please fill out the date when you have completed this form:28-Aug-2017
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

The Trip Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.YesJuan Manuel Rojas30-Aug-2017
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Assessment.YesJuan Manuel Rojas30-Aug-2017
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that this Trip Assessment satisfactorily reports the extent to which the goals/outcomes outlined in the original proposal have been achieved.YesBenedetta Rossi30-Aug-2017As per Rodrigo de la Parra's concurrence with added note: I would suggest Alberto to reach out to the ISOC Chapters in the Dominican Republic and in Panama as they showed interest in joining LACRALO.

CROP Trip Assessment Template (May 2017)

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