Audio/Video Tutorials

You may experience better performance and additional video options by downloading the tutorial files to your local computer and using a software application such as QuickTime or Windows Media Player. Depending upon your Internet bandwidth, running the videos live via Confluence may encounter intermittent stop/start problems and otherwise become unreliable.

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  1. Hi 

    Re:  Training Video

    I assume you did the  video in Camstudio a few comments

     1.  Resolution is low 

       2. Can not  skip ahead or go back over an area.  ie.  Wanted to look at the Practice  area compared to the  WIKI it doesn't permit this. 

    3.  Four times the video quit and it went to the start again.


    As to the  PPC  function.  I have contact the other members of the  NARALO OUTREACH COMMMITTEE  to decide who this person shall be with our AT LARGE.  Who do we contact when this happens?   I will need an email address.



    1. Glenn:

      The video features available via Confluence are limited. For more options and better reliabilty, I suggest that you download the video to your computer and use a software app such as Windows Media Player. The stopping/starting is probably the result of bandwidth issues between you and ICANN's server. 

      The resolution was kept to 800x600 (480p) so that the file size would be manageable and people who do not have high resolution monitors would be able to view the tutorials. 

      I will experiment with a higher resolution output to see if it can be made to work via Confluence.

      The program admins are listed here: CROPP Contacts


      P.S. I am going to remove these comments from this page once you acknowledge receipt. I may be able to move them to the Tutorials section if can get a plugin that allows relocation of comments. 


  2. Glenn:

    I managed to recreate the CROPP Wiki Site Introduction video and the Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) Training with a cleaner resolution. The file sizes are somewhat larger, but that is understandable given the increased quality.

    Again, if you experience intermittent starts/stops when trying to play it via your browser, I suggest downloading the file to your local computer.

    Thanks for your feedback, 


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