This section includes materials about general ICANN topics, and has a number of links to webinars introducing and explaining the IANA Stewardship Transition and process to enhance ICANN's accountability to the global Internet community from the perspective of different civil society and regional groups. 

A series of three webinars organised by At-Large introducing the IANA Stewardship Transition:

  • IANA Functions pt1 Standards, Naming & Numbering  (webinar)
  • IANA Functions pt2 IANA Naming Function stewardship transition  (webinar)
  • IANA Functions pt3 IANA Functions Stewardship Transition, update  (webinar)
  • African Regional At-Large Organization (AFRALO) Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function 2015-01-06  (webinar)
  • NCSG Webinars series (series of webinars organized by the NCSG, main topic is a series of meetings about the IANA transition and enhancing ICANN accountability)  (webinar)
  • Understanding and distinguishing among cyber activities (legal and illicit activities), organised by At-Large (seminar about he understanding and the distinguishing among different types of harmful and often illegal cyber activities)  (webinar)
  • Security and Stability organised by At-Large  (webinar)
  • Kathryn Kleiman of the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) comments at the ICANN gTLD Implementation Consultation  (video)


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