GNSO Issue Report Request Form

1) Name of Requester:


2) Select from the drop-down list the Stakeholder Group (SG), Constituency, or Advisory Committee (AC) supporting this request: (Please select "Not Applicable" if appropriate).  

 Not Applicable 

3) Briefly identify (or name) the Issue:

This is a request for a Test Issue Report

4) Explain how this Issue affects the organization provided in Question #2 above:


5) Provide rationale for policy development:

6) Describe problems raised by the Issue including quantification to the extent known:

7) What is the economic impact of the Issue and/or its effect upon competition, consumer trust, privacy, or other rights:

7-A) Provide supporting evidence for Question #7 to the extent known: (Enter "None" if unavailable) 

8) How does this Issue relate to provisions of the ICANN Bylaws, Affirmation of Commitments, and/or ICANN Articles of Incorporation:

9) Provide any suggestions you have concerning specific items to be addressed in the Issue Report: (Enter "None" if appropriate)


10) Date request is submitted:

11) Expected completion date:

12) Page last revised:




GNSO Issue Report Request Template v1 (Feb 2013)

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