Fast Flux Final Report - 6 August 2009 - FINAL.pdf

FINAL CALL - Fast Flux Hosting Final Report - Deadline for review: 5 August 2009

Fast Flux Final Report - 30 July 2009 - FINAL - Clean version.doc / Fast Flux Final Report - 30 July 2009 - FINAL.doc

For Final Review - Updated Draft Final Fast Flux Hosting Report (Please review in time for next conference call on Wednesday 29 July at 14.30 UTC)

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 23 July 2009 - Updated.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 23 July 2009 - Updated.doc

For Final Review - Draft Final Fast Flux Hosting Report (Please review by Wednesday 22 July)

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 7 July 2009 - Updated.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 7 July 2009 - Updated.doc

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 10 June 2009 at 14.30 UTC

FF-WG Interim Conclusions and Next Steps - updated 9 June 2009.doc

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 9 June 2009.pdf /Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 9 June 2009.doc

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 3 June 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Hosting Public Comments - 1 June 2009.doc
Comment Analysis - WG View and References.xls
Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 2 June 2009.doc / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 2 June 2009.pdf

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 20 May 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 14 May 2009.pdf / Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 14 May 2009.xls

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 12 May 2009.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 12 May 2009.doc

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 13 May 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 12 May 2009.pdf / Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 12 May 2009.xls

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 12 May 2009.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 12 May 2009.doc

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 6 May 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 5 May 2009.pdf / Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 5 May 2009.xls

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 5 May 2009.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 5 May 2009.doc

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 29 April 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 27 April 2009.pdf / Draft Fast Flux Final Report - 27 April 2009.doc

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 27 April 2009.pdf / Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 27 April 2009.xls

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 22 April 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 20 April 2009.xls.pdf

Materials for next conference call on Wednesday 8 April 2009 at 14.30 UTC

Fast Flux Hosting Initial Report - Summary of Public Comments - Updated 18 February 2009.pdf

Fast Flux Public Comments - Categorization - 10 March 2009.xls.pdf

Fast Flux Initial Report - For FINAL REVIEW

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised clean version - 21 January 2009.pdf

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 21 January 2009.pdf

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - 'Almost Final' Version for Review on next meeting (Friday 16 January 2009)

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 12 January 2009.pdf

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 12 January 2009.doc

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised 'Clean' Version for Review

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised clean version - 8 December 2008.pdf
Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised clean version - 8 December 2008.doc

Material for next conference call on 5 December 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 3 December 2008.pdf

Material for next conference call on 21 November 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 20 November 2008.pdf

Material for next meeting on 14 November 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 12 November 2008.pdf

Material for next meeting / conference call on 5 November 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 28 October 2008.doc [^Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 28 October 2008.pdf]

Material for next conference call on 27 October 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 26 October 2008.pdf

Material for next conference call on 24 October 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 22 October 2008.doc [^Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 22 October 2008.pdf]

Materials for next conference call on 17 October 2008

Draft Fast Flux Initial Report - Revised version - 15 October 2008.pdf


Reference materials for Fast Flux Draft Initial Report Proposals Survey

Fast Flux Draft Initial Report - Fast Flux Initial Rep#ECE80.pdf
Proposals for Fast Flux Draft Initial Report - version 18 September - FF Initial Report - Proposals List - 18 September 2008 - v2.pdf

Working Group Schedule

Milestone Event

Work Details

Due Date



Working Group Formed


July 11, 2008



Round 1 Templates Complete


July 11, 2008



Round 1 Constituency Statements to Staff Manager


August 5, 2008



Working Group Initial Draft to Staff Manager


Sept 10, 2008



Initial Report Complete


Oct 8, 2008

In Progress


Review by GNSO Council



Not Started


Round-2 Templates Complete



Not Started


Round 2 Constituency Statements to Staff Manager



Not Started


Public Comment Period Complete



Not Started


Working Group Revisions to Staff Manager



Not Started


Final Report Complete & Submitted to GNSO Chair



Not Started


Working Group Deliverables

Final Report

Initial Report

First draft

Fast Flux Initial Rep#ECE80.pdf

Proposed-additions/changes - Version 1

FF Initial Report - Proposals1.pdf

Proposed-additions/changes - Version 2

FF Initial Report - Proposals List - 16 September 2008.pdf

Proposed-additions/changes - Version 3

FF Initial Report - Proposals List - 18 September 2008 - v2.pdf

Randy Vaughn's Case


Initial Questions

We are charged with answering a series of questions. This section contains pages for the Working Group to develop the initial draft report.

  1. Who benefits from fast flux, and who is harmed? Click Here
  2. Who would benefit from cessation of the practice and who would be harmed? Click Here
  3. Are registry operators involved, or could they be, in fast flux hosting activities? If so, how? Click Here
  4. Are registrars involved in fast flux hosting activities? If so, how? Click Here
  5. How are registrants affected by fast flux hosting? Click Here
  6. How are Internet users affected by fast flux hosting? Click Here
  7. What technical, e.g. changes to the way in which DNS updates operate, and policy, e.g. changes to registry/registrar agreements or rules governing permissible registrant behavior measures could be implemented by registries and registrars to mitigate the negative effects of fast flux? Click Here
  8. What would be the impact(positive or negative) of establishing limitations, guidelines, or restrictions on registrants, registrars and/or registries with respect to practices that enable or facilitate fast flux hosting? What would be the impact of these limitations, guidelines, or restrictions to product and service innovation? Click Here
  9. What are some of the best practices available with regard to protection from fast flux? Click Here
  10. Obtain expert opinion, as appropriate, on which areas of fast flux are in scope and out of scope for GNSO policy making. Click Here

Additional topics;

  1. Definitions Click Here
  2. Data -- Size, scope and nature of the problem Click Here
  3. Roles -- Core, shared edge Click Here

Constituency Statements and Public Comments

This section will be used to post the constituency statements for the working group. We are planning to go out to constituencies twice during the course of our work.

  • The first round will be used to gather any thoughts they have about the questions we've been asked to answer.
  • The second round will be used to gather feedback from the constituencies about what we've developed.

We will be developing templates for both of these activities. Here are pages for the templates, and the statements themselves;

During Round-2, we will also go out for public comment on the Initial Report. Here are pages for the public-comment template, and the comments that are submitted.

Background Material and Archives

Subject Matter References:

Process References:

Public email archives:

Conference-call notes

Status Reports

About the working group

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