Participants:  Joke Braeken, Ben Fuller, David McAuley, Alejandra Reynoso, Eduardo Santoyo, Katrina Sataki, Mirjana Tasic

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson


Action Items



  1. Welcome and Roll call
  2. Workplan with teams (update/take stock) & Overview of updates ( included)
  3. Wiki space for use by GRC ( Kim/Bart, see:
  4. Progress teams:
    • Statement Guideline ( Eduardo)
    • Roles and Responsibilities (Lesley)
  1. AOB


1. Welcome and Roll call

Agenda agreed

2. Workplan with teams (update/take stock) & Overview of updates ( included)

3. Wiki space for use by GRC ( Kim/Bart, see:

Comments of the group to be send to Kim

Who will keep the wiki up to date? Initially it will be the secretariat, but also give ability to keep team leaders

Comments: Change title first 3 documents in document section

Refine names of documents included


Kim to check permissions wiki space ( part of pages)

If possible provide permission to team  leads


4. Progress teams 

o ccNSO Meeting Guideline & Update Program WG charter 

Add not an offical 

Informal, non-binding "sense of the mood"


Change colours as described in document ( if at all) 

Record handing out


ccTLD preferences during ccNSO meetings


Action Bart  to clarify section 4.1


o Statement Guideline ( Eduardo)

Guideline as it stands one major issue: the meaning of the term “significant support” 

Resolve on the basis of no-objection I.e include mechanism in Guideline on how to deal with objections against final draft. 

Related question is also whether the ccNSO Council could provide a statement by themselves if there is objection from members?

Eduardo: wait for comments or start drafting?

Potential mechanism could be to include mechanisms to allow for minority views ( objection). Note objection of a small minority should not introduce a de-facto veto for a statement.

Action: Eduardo and Bart to propose mechanisms  to deal with objections


o Roles and Responsibilities (Lesley)

Add langauge to guideline

Staff: add latest version as starting point/document


5. AOB

No remarks

Chat Transcript:

Bart Boswinkel:Hi all

  Bart Boswinkel:Link to wiki space is:

  Bart Boswinkel:

  Eduardo:Good morning

  Bart Boswinkel:See Kim's email

  Alejandra Reynoso:Good morning :)


  Kimberly Carlson:Good morning

  David McAuley:OK, sounds good Bart


  Alejandra Reynoso:no problem :)

  Kimberly Carlson:Ben has joined the audio bridge

  Eduardo:I will have to leave the call in 30 mins.. I will take a plane in 60 mins

  Bart Boswinkel:Thank you

  Bart Boswinkel:Okay noted

  David McAuley:agreed on agenda

  David McAuley:welcome Katrina

  David McAuley:Doing well here in chilly DC

  Alejandra Reynoso:Good thank you :)

  David McAuley:Good for you Katrina, you need to enjoy some time off

  David McAuley:And I imagine we are maybe just getting over post-ICANN54 lethargy

  David McAuley:I had a CCWG and GRC conflict in Dublin, regret missing our meeting

  David McAuley:Good description Bart re travel funding discussion - limited but very important

  David McAuley:Agreed Katrina, and likely to do more complicated post-IANA transition

  Eduardo:My internet cnection here a the airport is really bad and I am missing a lot of the conversation, so excuse me if I don´t make comments

  David McAuley:This looks great Kim, thank you

  David McAuley:I use the CCWG wiki a lot and it is a great help - this will be too

  David McAuley:CCWG Accountability, that is

  Joke Braeken:I like it a lot. Thanks for the clear overview.

  Alejandra Reynoso:Looks very nice :)


  Kimberly Carlson:WE can make a new heading for those

  David McAuley:This is quite a good tool - should remain active even after we finish as a good place for ccNSO, ccTLD, community to see ccNSO guidelines

  Kimberly Carlson:@David, I agree with your suggestion - i will have to check on permissions

  David McAuley:Thanks Kim

  David McAuley:God point Bart - the wiki should help us avoid that problem

  David McAuley:Good point, not God point, sorry

  David McAuley:Excellent point on recording system as to who has sheets

  Kimberly Carlson:I think we are moving from Amber to yellow

  Joke Braeken:the temperature sheets might be handed over to one particular person, but this person could pass them on to colleagues

  Joke Braeken:in that case the recording system is no longer accurate.

  Bart Boswinkel:Yes but at least we record which intiial ccTLD has received them

  Joke Braeken:True indeed.

  Bart Boswinkel:Currently we have no idea

  Alejandra Reynoso:There is no control on the color sheets after people leaving them in the room for coffee break or lunch. Should there be any recommendation on how to "take care of them" during the day?

  Bart Boswinkel:Sugegst no to include in Guideline

  Bart Boswinkel: bit ask people at the start of the meeting

  David McAuley:These are hard questions Eduardo, thamk you for helping on this

  David McAuley:thank you, that is

  Alejandra Reynoso:Ok Bart. 

  Eduardo 2:sorry guys have to leave

  David McAuley:Thank you Eduardo

  Alejandra Reynoso:Safe travels Eduardo

  Eduardo 2::)

  David McAuley:I have not spoken with Lesley about the current state of R&R since just prior to Dublin

  David McAuley:exactly - the repository on the wiki is going to be a great help

  Kimberly Carlson:

  David McAuley:Thanks Katrina for joining us during your holiday, thanks Bart & KIm, and all

  Alejandra Reynoso:;)

  David McAuley:+1 Alejandra

  Alejandra Reynoso:Have a great day! :)

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye

  David McAuley:Godd bye all

  Joke Braeken:Thank you to all. Bye!

  Kimberly Carlson:Thank you bye

  Katrina Sataki:Thank you! Bye!

  Bart Boswinkel:Bye all

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