
Participants: Katrina Sataki, Ben Fuller, Stephen Deerhake, Mirjana Tasic, Martin Boyle Christelle Vaval, Dejan Djukic, Alejandra Reynoso

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, Lars Hoffman, Larisa Gurnick

Apologies:  David McAuley


  • Comments GRC to date
    • Introduction (process todate)
    • Run through comments & questions MSSI
  • Discussion on most effective way of submitting
    • Format, level of detail, timeline, expectation other groups
  • Next steps: post public forum
  • AOB
  • Adjourn

Recordings:  Mp3


Chat Transcript:

Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Good morning! :)

  Kimberly Carlson:Good morning!

  Joke Braeken:hi Stephen, hello Kim.

  Stephen Deerhake:Good morning everyone!

  Joke Braeken:And I already said good morning to Alejandra :)

  Ben Fuller:Good afternoon everyone

  Bart Boswinkel:Hi All

  Kimberly Carlson:Hi all, welcome

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Hello everyone

  Ben Fuller:Hi Bart

  Stephen Deerhake:Greetings Bart.

  Joke Braeken:hello everyone.

  Christelle Vaval:good morning all

  Ben Fuller:All may have change my wifi  will login again

  Martin Boyle:Doesn't the ccNSO issue manager do the same thing in setting the scope?

  Larisa Gurnick:As background information, we thought it would be useful to organize the Operating Standards in line with the process documentation -

  Bart Boswinkel:@ MArtin, yes , but if you recall with the current PDP was defined by a drafting teeam i.e. the charters of the WGs

  Larisa Gurnick:and the supporting handbook -

  Bart Boswinkel:so tha tmechanisms works, but as part of theoverall process,

  Martin Boyle:@Bart:  so this is quite in line with the way MSSI are suggesting we might take here?

  Bart Boswinkel:In a way yes, but not as separate porcesses

  Stephen Deerhake:That flowchart just made my head explode... ;-)

  Bart Boswinkel: if you recall the drafting of charter was part of the initiation phase of the PDP

  Bart Boswinkel:it is subtle but important diffrence

  Stephen Deerhake:It does seem pretty similar however, Bart...

  Bart Boswinkel:yes the ccNSO is a learning Org:-)

  Larisa Gurnick:i appreciate that the flowchart is quite complex, to a large degree because the process of specific reviews is quite complicated.

  Martin Boyle:didn't our committee do the work, propose to the ccNSO council and then they initiated the work.  Seems pretty similar, enough for us to feel comfortable with the approach

  Stephen Deerhake:Personally I'm quite comfortable with the contents of Section 2 of the OS Draft.

  Bart Boswinkel:The order was: Council kicked off process ( appointing ISsue maanger, defining high level) as part of issue fdefimntion, drafting teeam was appointed, and included in issue reprot, that was adopted by Council - > initiation of PDP

  Bart Boswinkel:questions is who is going to play the role of the Council

  Ben Fuller:I agree Martin

  Bart Boswinkel:Another way of looking at is by looking at he starting point of the review <-> startign point of PDP

  Bart Boswinkel:Review starts will Board decision and call for volunteers <-> PDP call for Issue reprot, inlcuding method for adressing

  Ben Fuller:Bart, IIRC the Bylaws have a timetable for the Reviews, hence the Board will be the initiating body?

  Bart Boswinkel:It is unclear whether the drafting team is part of the overall review process or add-on at the front of the process

  Lars Hoffmann:i believe the GNSO Council is working on comments.

  Bart Boswinkel:before the proces sis kick-off

  Lars Hoffmann:yes - we will extend if needed

  Stephen Deerhake:Based on my ECA experience, dumping the responsibility for finding "solutions" to any problems that arise during the review process on the SO/AC chairs could lead to significant delays in the review process if everything grinds to a halt awaiting clarification from the SO/AC Chairs...

  Ben Fuller:I would include the drafting team into the overall process.

  Larisa Gurnick:@Stephen - we appreciate the challenge that you highlight.  Do you have thoughts on an alternative way for SO/ACs to engage in the process.

  Bart Boswinkel:@ Larisa: which part of the process?

  Larisa Gurnick:review process where input and direction is needed from the community,  'such as the current work for the SO/AC to un-pause the SSR2

  Stephen Deerhake:@Larisa - possibly bump an "issue resolution" matter to a group of SO/AC by-chairs (this assumes that they generally have somewhat less day-to-day work than the SO/AC chairs)..  However, this does not get around the problem that might arise if an SO/AC comes to believe that they perhaps should not, for whatever internal reason, be involved (as was the case with GAC and the ECA at the beginning))

  Stephen Deerhake:That definition of when the clock starts makes sense to me...

  Bart Boswinkel:For the ATRT is states: The ATRT should issue its final reprot within one year of convening its first meeting ( Section 4.6 b. v )

  Stephen Deerhake:Good suggestion Bart to look at CSC call for volunteers...

  Ben Fuller:Divide the work into a preparathory pahse, scope drafting cal for volunteers, etc., then once the Review team meets, then the 1 yer time frame comes into effect

  Bart Boswinkel:

  Bart Boswinkel:The letter included refers to skill set etc

  Joke Braeken:Many thanks all, bye.

  Kimberly Carlson:Thank you Larisa and Lars - thanks all, bye

  Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Lars and Larisa.  Bye all!

  Bart Boswinkel:Bye all

  Alejandra Reynoso [.gt]:Thank you! Have a great day :)

  Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all

  Larisa Gurnick:happy holidays

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