
Members:   Katrina Sataki, Sean Copeland, Mirjana Tasic, David McAuley, Stephen Deerhake, Dejan Djukic, Svitlana Tkachenko 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Martin Boyle, Kristina Hakobyan 


- Welcome and roll call
- Travel funding guideline: update (
- Liaison and Observers Guideline:
o Note with excerpts from Bylaws.
o How to include reference in Guideline
- Board Election Guideline: draft mechanism.
- Draft Mechanism for selection committee members
- Next meeting


Recording:  AC

Chat transcript:

Kimberly Carlson:Hello all, welcome to today's Guidelines Review Committee on 10 September @12:00 UTC.
David McAuley:Hi all. We've had strong rain and winds and have small damage to roof - if repairmen arrive within this hour I may have to leave
David McAuley:Thanks
David McAuley:repairpeople I should say
David McAuley:I saw Joke's changes and think edits were fine
David McAuley:seems clear to me
David McAuley:good point Katrina, maybe language like within then applicable ICANN required timeline
Stephen Deerhake:My apologies for being late....
Joke Braeken:agreed. I will write so that it becomes more general
Stephen Deerhake:I am. Problem was I was awake most of the night as well... ;-)
David McAuley:It sounds good to me as well
Joke Braeken:sorry, old hand
Mirjana Tasic .rs:It sounds also good to me
David McAuley:Good, thanks Bart
David McAuley:I like the idea Bart - I feel a bit behind on this one and look forward to an updated draft
Stephen Deerhake:Thank uou Bart for taking that on...
David McAuley:I don't - want to think more in light of next draft
Stephen Deerhake:No thoughts on whos should review at this time...
Stephen Deerhake:Pre-election = good.
David McAuley:Then I would be happy as well with what Bart is describing vis-a-vis the Nom Com process with outside org and then ICANN Legal
David McAuley:Agree with Stephen and Bart re pre-election
David McAuley:I think (if time could permit) that candidate rebuttal to red light (if desireed) would be good
David McAuley:Conceptionally this is a good idea
Sean Copeland:David, I think you're correct on the rebuttal
Stephen Deerhake:+1 on the rebuttal proposal.
Stephen Deerhake:Yes. See you next week Katrina.
David McAuley:I will be questionable for Oct 1st but will try to make it -
David McAuley:I will be in meetings in Rome but will do my best
David McAuley:the ternal city - I used to live there
Kimberly Carlson:Next call 1st October 12:00 UTC - I will send the calendar invite shortly
Mirjana Tasic .rs:I shall be on Latin GP meeting in Brussels
David McAuley:eternal, that is
David McAuley:None here
Stephen Deerhake:Katrina, you started work on the Rejection Action Petition Guideline checklist? Did I understand that correctly?
Stephen Deerhake:Thans you!
David McAuley:Thanks all
Stephen Deerhake:Bye all!
David McAuley:good bye all
Mirjana Tasic .rs:Bye all
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you all, bye
Sean Copeland:Safe travels all, David enjoy Rome!
Joke Braeken:thank you! bye ell
Joke Braeken:all
David McAuley:Thanks Sean

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