During the Prague meeting, several Board members have asked ICANN communities to think about the impact of the new gTLDs on the overall ICANN Structure.
Below is an email from Bertrand de la Chapelle detailing such enquiry.
Comments are welcome from the whole community. Please add your comments at the bottom of this WIKI page and the ExCom will summarise in order to provide a single input from At-Large.
At-Large Comments open: 3 August 2012
At-Large Comments close: 3 September 2012
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | Call for input on: "Impact of new gTLDs on ICANN's structure" |
Date: | Fri, 3 Aug 2012 12:24:46 +0200 |
From: | Bertrand de La Chapelle <bdelachapelle@gmail.com> |
To: | |
CC: |
Dear all,
Heidi Ullrich
Comment added by At-Large Staff at the request of Vanda Scartezini
5 August 2012
Here my comments in bullets as Bertrand have suggested
Vanda Scartezini
Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro
Summary of Relevance
"Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet meet and fall in love in Shakespeare's lyrical tale of "star-cross'd" lovers. They are doomed from the start as members of two warring families. Here Juliet tells Romeo that a name is an artificial and meaningless convention, and that she loves the person who is called "Montague", not the Montague name and not the Montague family. Romeo, out of his passion for Juliet, rejects his family name and vows, as Juliet asks, to "deny (his) father" and instead be "new baptized" as Juliet's lover. This one short line encapsulates the central struggle and tragedy of the play."
The comments on the gTLD Applications which in a recent count total 6600 comments from the 1931 applications. Whilst the objection process is not yet set to take place, one can imagine how the process can be viewed as politicised.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Comment from Christopher Wilkinson:
Dear Olivier:
Bertrand's questions are no doubt relevant and timely, although I foresee difficulties in At Large responding constructively until much more information is available.
Although there are numbers of new TLD applications on the table, there are so many thresholds and hurdles to be crossed, that one really does not yet know what the new environment is going to look like.
In particular, the presence, or not, of new IDN and public interest TLDs will influence the At Large perceptions.
According to the ICANN-announced scenario, the main change might become a radical restructuring of the GNSO, because numbers of established Registrars might turn up as proto-Registries. To be confirmed when the evaluation processes have been undertaken.
Abstracting for the moment from my longstanding opposition to this development on grounds of competition policy, one could imagine that this change in the internal dynamic of GNSO might interfere with the normal functioning of the bottom up PDP and other decision making procedures.
Accordingly, At Large - and for that matter, NCUC - may encounter opportunities to give the ICANN community and Board clear advice on the management of the expanded DNS, in the face of some confusion and delay pertaining in the GNSO.
At Large may also wish to keep an eye on the budgetary aspects of the new situation. On the one hand ICANN has declared that the new TLD programme will be budget-neutral (whence the exorbitant fees) but on the other hand the successful creation of numbers of successful new TLDs might have a permanent influence on the ICANN budget, in which case the allocation of additional budgetary resources could become an issue for At Large.
(Personally, I am inclined to discount this aspect because I gather that the aggregate domain name market - excluding IDN - is not growing fast enough to accommodate large numbers of successful new gTLDs at this time.)
In short, it is not a good idea to introduce a new TLD - let alone several - in the midst of a global recession.
Just a few thoughts, to start the discussion.
PS: I shall add a copy of these comments to the Wiki page in the near future.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond
Comment from Carlton Samuels:
Carlton A Samuels
Mobile: 876-818-1799
Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround