Blog from June, 2015

Hello All,
Apologies for the delay.

Please find below the list of At-Large and GNSO WG meetings in which At-Large members are participants for the week of 29 June -03 July 2015
Updates will follow as Doodles close.
Monday 29 June 2015
Tuesday 30 June 2015
06:00 UTC: CCWG Accountability
Wednesday 01 July 2015
11:00 UTC Stress Tests WP Meeting CANCELLED
21:00 UTC: WP1 meeting
Thursday 02 July 2015
Friday 03 July 2015
Please confirm your dial-out requests

For GNSO calls: GNSO Secretariats

For At-Large calls:

For CWG IANA Stewardship and CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability:

Thank you,

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

News Alert

FY16 Operating Plan and Budget Adopted by ICANN Board at ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires
25 June 2015

ICANN is pleased to announce the adoption of the FY16 Operating Plan and Budget by the Board at ICANN 53 in Buenos Aires.

The document is the result of many months of collaborative work between the community, staff and Board Finance Committee members and includes:

Highlights of the ICANN Operations (excluding the New gTLD Program)
Highlights of the New gTLD Program
An overview of ICANN's FY16 Budget, combining ICANN Operations and the New gTLD Program.
The detailed Operating Plan as per the management system:
Planned portfolios of activities that support the achievement of the goals and objectives set forth in the ICANN Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2016-2020 and Five-Year Operating Plan, with detailed descriptions.
Appendix with the detailed list of projects, for each portfolio, with the project-level budgeted costs by category (Appendix 1) and summary of changes from Draft FY16 Operating Plan and Budget (Appendix 4)
ICANN thanks all community members who contributed to the improvement and finalization of this document.

Please click the links below to view the documents.

FY16 Operating Plan and Budget [PDF, 1.74 MB]

FY16 Operating Plan and Budget [DOCX, 2.1 MB]

FY16 Budget by Portfolio [PDF, 167 KB]

FY16 Budget by Project [PDF, 1.15 MB]

FY16 Budget by Project and Portfolio [XLSX, 159 KB]

News Alert

2015 Multistakeholder Ethos Award Goes to Two Members of the Global Internet Community
25 June 2015

Buenos Aires, Argentina… ICANN is pleased to announce the winners of this year's 2015 Multistakeholder Ethos award: Africa Internet pioneer Nii Quaynor and community leader Cheryl Langdon Orr. The Award honors and recognizes members from the global Internet community who have demonstrated an incredible dedication to the multistakeholder model of Internet Governance. The two received their award during the opening ceremony of ICANN53 in Buenos Aires.

Nii Quaynor was recognized for his historical and current role in ICANN and the global Internet community. He was instrumental in establishing AFRINIC and AFNOG in Africa, and has been referred to as the father of the Internet in Africa for his unwavering commitment over the past two decades in pioneering Internet development and expansion on the continent.

"To me, this is a testimony that ICANN in its own way is international and open. Someone from the developing world can contribute and be recognized by his peers in ICANN," said Quaynor.

Cheryl Langdon Orr, based out of Australia, has served in numerous GNSO, CCNSO and ALAC Cross community working groups over the years.

"As I receive this – and I humbly receive this with great appreciation, I take this as a huge honor – I'd like each and every one of you volunteer people to look to your left, look to your right. Take this as your award as well because without this collaboration, without building consensus in a bottom-up way, we don't function in a multistakeholder model," said Orr.

Nii Quaynor and Cheryl Langdon Orr both met the criteria in such distinctive ways that this year two Awards were given to recognize their outstanding work and commitment to the global Internet community.

Selected from amongst 16 nominees, the Community Evaluation Panel felt that they both demonstrated the spirit of collaboration with other community members on consensus building while proving their dedication to the ICANN multistakeholder model throughout the years.

The ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos award program was created in 2014 to recognize ICANN participants who have deeply invested in consensus-based solutions and the importance of ICANN's multistakeholder model to Internet Governance.

Media Contacts

Luna Madi
Communications Director, EMEA
London, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 7780947574

James Cole
Global Media Coordinator
Washington, D.C.
Tel: +1 202 733 7598


ICANN's mission is to ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers. ICANN doesn't control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet's naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. For more information please visit:

News Alert

ICANN53 Buenos Aires GAC Communiqué
24 June 2015

The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) meeting at ICANN53 has issued its Buenos Aires Communiqué. It is available for review at GAC Buenos Aires Communiqué. [PDF, 108 KB].

News Alert

ICANN Quarterly Stakeholder Report - Register for the FY15 Q4 Call on 20 August 2015
24 June 2015

ICANN has announced its FY15 Q4 Stakeholder Call, which will take place on 20 August at 14:00 UTC. The call will cover how ICANN has progressed against its strategic and operating plans for the Quarter ending 30 June 2015.

Please click here to register for the call and to receive joining instructions. If you are unable to access the form, please email us to register with your full name and email address to send joining instructions to.

The call is open for all to attend, including press, and there will be ample time for Questions & Answers (Q&A). A recording of the call will also be available online on the ICANN website here.

These calls were set up to enhance ICANN's accountability and transparency efforts by making it easy to follow ICANN's progress toward fulfilling its mission of keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable.

More information

Please visit the Reporting page on the ICANN website here from 24 hours before the call to pre-read the presentation. You can also find other useful recourses and background information on this page, as well as archived transcripts and recordings of all previous Quarterly Stakeholder Calls.

Dear All,

Please find hereafter the At-Large sessions for tomorrow, Wednesday 24 June 2015:

ICANN 53 Full Schedule:

At-Large Meetings – please note these pages will always be updated with the latest information for At-Large sessions


REMINDER for Remote Participants: If you wish to speak during the meeting, please dial into the audio bridge. Details are available hereafter:
Dial-in numbers:
Conference ID: 1638

If you ONLY wish to LISTEN to the meeting, please follow either via:
audio streaming:
Example: click on the session on the main schedule
Click on Audio Stream live in your language
Or Join the Adobe Connect room: Virtual Meeting Room Stream Live (Golden Horn for ALAC Meetings on Monday) - AC audio in English
If you require a dial-out, please email

Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for Wednesday 24 June 2015:

07:30-08:30 APRALO / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:
09:00 – 10:00
Capacity Building Working Group / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:

10:30-11:30 LACRALO Monthly Call / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:
12:00-13:30 At-Large Regional Leadership  meeting / Golden horn
Remote Participation:
14:00 – 15:30    Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:

Atalaya (24th floor, Sheraton Hotel)
Remote Participation:

LACRALO Showcase / Golden Horn

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Staff.

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

One World, One Internet

News Alert

ICANN and Senatics to Increase Coordination and Collaboration on the Domain Name Space In Paraguay and Regionally
ICANN and the National Secretariat for Information and Communication Technologies of Paraguay (Senatics) signed a Memorandum of Understanding

23 June 2015

ICANN and Senatics Signing a Memorandum of Understanding
Buenos Aires, Argentina… Paraguay has taken an important step to bolster its role in developing the emerging industry surrounding the Internet's addressing system, known as the Domain Name System (DNS).

Minister Executive Secretary Héctor David Ocampos Negreiros, of Paraguay's National Secretariat for Information and Communication Technologies signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) yesterday, to increase coordination and collaboration between both organizations.

The Memorandum of Understanding was signed during ICANN's 53rd public meeting in Buenos Aires.

While signing the document, Mr. Ocampos Negreiros said, "Inspired by organizations such as ICANN, SENATICS is about to implement a national multistakeholder Internet governance platform in Paraguay. Through this agreement we will establish a DNS Development Center. With this kind of cooperation, Paraguay is seeking to address specific concerns from landlocked countries such as Bolivia and Paraguay and also seeks to enhance internal regional traffic in the context of the Mercosur."

"It is in everyone's interest to maintain one Internet that is secure, stable, and resilient," said ICANN President and CEO Fadi Chehade. "In signing this document, we are joining Minister Ocampos in supporting and promoting the emerging DNS sector in Paraguay and more broadly in all of South America."

In signing the memorandum, both parties are committing to continue their cooperation and collaboration to strengthen active participation in ICANN's policy-making processes, which includes input from all stakeholders such as business, civil society, academics and government.

Mr. Chehadé and Mr. Ocampos Negriros committed to make this framework the first step in defining concrete actions aimed at increasing awareness of ICANN's mission and strengthening participation by South American regional stakeholders in ICANN's work and supporting its global multistakeholder Internet Governance model.

Media Contacts

Alexandra Dans
Communications Manager, LAC
Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: + 598 95 831 442

James Cole
Global Media Coordinator
Washington, D.C.
Tel: +1 202 733 7598


ICANN's mission is to ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers. ICANN doesn't control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet's naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. For more information please visit:

News Alert

ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS Sign Memorandum of Understanding to Promote Collaboration on Translation
22 June 2015

Buenos Aires, Argentina… ICANN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC) and Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd. (JPRS) today to forge an alliance fostering greater collaboration on translation.

Under the cooperative agreement, ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS will coordinate and collaborate to address the linguistic needs of the Japanese community by identifying and translating ICANN materials into Japanese. This increased coordination calls for greater communication with regard to the translation efforts undertaken by each party, avoids duplication of resources, and ensures that content of relevant interest are accessible to the local community.

"I am confident that this collaboration will be a good model that shows how ICANN and the local community can come together to help address the language needs of markets where English is not the main language medium. This is an important topic that we need to address as we move forward with ICANN's globalization efforts," said Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and Chief Executive Officer.

The MoU was formalized and signed at ICANN's 53rd Public Meeting in Buenos Aires. JPNIC representative Akinori Maemura (on behalf of JPNIC President, Shigeki Goto) and JPRS representative Hirofumi Hotta (on behalf of JPRS President Koki Higashida) were present at the signing ceremony together with Fadi Chehadé and other staff members of ICANN, JPNIC and JPRS.

"Since ICANN was incorporated, JPNIC has been closely keeping track of ICANN's activities and disseminating ICANN information to the Japanese community. The recently-established Asia Pacific Hub has helped to bring us to a new stage of collaboration, and I am delighted to enter into this MoU, which concretizes one of our on-going cooperation," said Shigeki Goto, President of JPNIC.

"JPRS has introduced ICANN's activities in Japanese to the Japanese community in order to support private-sector-led Internet resource management. I am very pleased to enter into this MoU as it clearly expresses our intention to further contribute to the Japanese community through collaboration with ICANN and JPNIC," said Koki Higashida, President of JPRS.

Kuek Yu-Chuang, Vice President and Managing Director for ICANN Asia Pacific said that the region's diversity called for ICANN to work even more closely with their stakeholders to achieve common goals.

"We are very excited about this collaboration. Both JPNIC and JPRS are already doing a great job translating and sharing some ICANN materials, for example in their ICANN Readout sessions. With this MoU, we can better coordinate our resources to cover translation work more efficiently, so as to deliver ICANN materials to the Japanese community according to their needs."

"We also hope that this will pave the way for more communities to come forward to work with us. Together, we can help to overcome the language barrier and ensure that this is not an impediment to participation in ICANN and our policy development process," he added.

Christina Rodriguez, Director of ICANN Language Services Department, agreed. "This is a timely development and ties in very well with the department's recently refined approach in partnering with the community on ICANN's translation work. Such collaboration helps us to better reach audiences beyond those using the official ICANN languages (6 official UN languages + Portuguese), and provides a new avenue for community partnership."

# # #

To download high resolution photos of the signing ceremony, click here.

Media Contacts

Liana Teo
Head of Communications, Asia Pacific
Tel: +65 6808 6669


ICANN's mission is to ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers. ICANN doesn't control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet's naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. For more information please visit:


JPNIC (Japan Network Information Center) is a non-profit, membership-based corporation that contributes in supporting the Internet infrastructure in Japan, by providing allocation and registration services of IP addresses and AS numbers as the National Internet Registry, conducting research on technologies and policies, and through information sharing and international coordination on Internet related issues.

About JPRS

JPRS (Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.) works to carry out JP domain name registration and management, and to undertake operation of the domain name system; and conducts research and development of various Internet-related services and technologies.

Dear All,

Please find hereafter the At-Large sessions for tomorrow, Tuesday, 23 June 2015:

ICANN 53 Full Schedule:

At-Large Meetings – please note these pages will always be updated with the latest information for At-Large sessions


REMINDER for Remote Participants: If you wish to speak during the meeting, please dial into the audio bridge. Details are available hereafter:
Dial-in numbers:
Conference ID: 1638

If you ONLY wish to LISTEN to the meeting, please follow either via:
audio streaming:
Example: click on the session on the main schedule
Click on Audio Stream live in your language
Or Join the Adobe Connect room: Virtual Meeting Room Stream Live (Golden Horn for ALAC Meetings on Monday) - AC audio in English
If you require a dial-out, please email

Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for Tuesday 23 June 2015:

07:15-08:15 EURALO Monthly Meeting / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:
08:30 – 09:30
ALAC Meeting with the Board / Libertador AB
Remote Participation:
09:45 – 10:45  ALAC Meeting with the GAC / San Telmo
Remote Participation:
11:00 – 13:00    ALAC Work Part 1 / Golden Horn
At-Large New Strategy Working Party / Golden Horn (incorrectly labelled but will allow for streaming)
14:00-16:00 ALAC Work Part 2 / Golden Horn

Remote Participation:

16:15 – 17:45    At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Staff.

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

One World, One Internet

News Alert

Indian Government Declares Support for Multistakeholder Model of Internet Governance at ICANN53
22 June 2015

Buenos Aires, Argentina… Indian Minister of Communications and Information Technology Ravi Shankar Prasad announced today India's support for the multistakeholder model of Internet governance, during the opening ceremony of ICANN's 53rd public meeting in Buenos Aires.

"The Internet must remain plural. It must be managed by a multistakeholder system," said Prasad. "Not only do we support multistakeholderism, but also we encourage multistakeholderism itself to embrace all geographies and all societies. We will partner with you all to make this a reality. We must work toward this new form of digital democracy."

On March 14, 2014, the United States Government announced its intent to transition its stewardship of the IANA functions to the global multistakeholder community. Minister Prasad's statement of support marks not only an important milestone for the transition, but also speaks to the continued success of the multistakeholder model.

"Today, with India joining this group of countries that openly support the multistakeholder model of Internet governance, we increase our ranks significantly, said ICANN President and CEO Fadi Chehadé. "The decision that was made by India is a significant decision."

Also during the opening ceremony, NIC.AR Director Gabriel Brenta discussed how NIC.AR incorporated the multistakeholder model into their business operations, stating, "Some years ago, we decided to make NIC.AR to go through a change. And that change was in line with the developments that were taking place all over the world. What our administration was doing in terms of domain names, we wanted to reflect all those changes, all those improvements, all those developments in what we believe has been our duty since then."

ICANN also announced the winners of the 2015 Multistakeholder Ethos award - community leader Cheryl Langdon Orr and Africa Internet pioneer Nii Quaynor. The award is given to members of global Internet community who have demonstrated extraordinary commitment to the multistakeholder model.

More than 1,400 members of the global Internet community will meet over the course of the week, both in-person and remotely, to discuss and debate the future of ICANN and Internet governance. The meeting's 300+ sessions are a continuation of the community's dedication to a global, secure, stable and resilient Internet, and their hard work in ensuring the success of the IANA stewardship transition.

"People have put enormous effort to make this multistakeholder effort go, and thank you. Thank you all for this effort. It will be recorded in history," said Chehadé.

Those unable to attend ICANN53 in person are highly encouraged to participate remotely. Details for doing so can be found for any of the sessions listed at


To learn more about ICANN53 in Buenos Aires, please visit:

To download high-resolution photos of the meeting, please visit:

Media Contacts

Alexandra Dans
Communications Manager, LAC
Montevideo, Uruguay
Tel: + 598 95 831 442

James Cole
Global Media Coordinator
Washington, D.C.
Tel: +1 202 733 7598


ICANN's mission is to ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers. ICANN doesn't control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn't deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet's naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. For more information please visit:

ICANN Weekly Newsletter
News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ending 19 June 2015
Announcements This Week

Khmer Script Community Forms Generation Panel for Developing the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)
ICANN is pleased to announce the formation of the Generation Panel to develop Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Root Zone for Khmer script.
17 June 2015
Upcoming Events

Buenos Aires Logo21-25 June 2015: 53rd International Public ICANN Meeting – Buenos Aires



ICANN Bylaws
Our bylaws are very important to us. They capture our mission of security, stability and accessibility, and compel the organization to be open and transparent. Learn more at

Strategic Plan, 2016 - 2020

ICANN Five-Year Operating Plan: FY2016 - FY2020

Dear All,

Kindly note that the At-Large Workspace for the following public comment period has been created: Release of Country and Territory Names within the .GLOBAL, .BNPPARIBAS, .BRIDGESTONE and .FIRESTONE TLDs.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

Dear All,

Please find hereafter the At-Large sessions for tomorrow, Monday 22 June 2015:

ICANN 53 Full Schedule:

At-Large Meetings – please note these pages will always be updated with the latest information for At-Large sessions


REMINDER for Remote Participants: If you wish to speak during the meeting, please dial into the audio bridge. Details are available hereafter:
Dial-in numbers:
Conference ID: 1638

If you ONLY wish to LISTEN to the meeting, please follow either via:
audio streaming:
Example: click on the session on the main schedule
Click on Audio Stream live in your language
Or Join the Adobe Connect room: Virtual Meeting Room Stream Live (Golden Horn for ALAC Meetings on Monday) - AC audio in English
If you require a dial-out, please email

Please find hereafter the At-Large schedule for Monday 22 June 2015:

NARALO Monthly Meeting / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:
14:00-15:00  At-Large Technology Taskforce Meeting / Golden Horn
Remote Participation:

Other session:
07:00-08:00 DNS Women’s Breakfast / Catalinas

08:30-10:00 Welcome Ceremony and President’s Opening Session / Libertador AB
Remote Participation:

CWG-CCWG-Stewardship & Accountability Joint Townhall /  Libertador AB

Remote Participation:

14:00-15:00 Names, Numbers and Protocols Communities Update / Libertador AB
Remote Participation:

15:15-16:30 SO / AC High-Interest Topic /  Libertador AB
Remote Participation:

16:45-18:00: CCWG-Accountability Engagement Session /  Libertador AB
Remote Participation:

18:15-19:30: Internet Governance Public Session / Libertador AB
Remote Participation:

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact Staff.

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

One World, One Internet

Dear All,

Please upload your ICANN 53 Meeting Reports to the wiki space here:


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
Twitter: @ICANNAtLarge

Dear All,  

With 14 out of 15 ALAC Members having voted in the recent vote on the ALS application from ISOC Uganda we can confirm that the result is quorate.  

Question: Does the ALAC wish to accreditate ISOC Uganda?  The regional advice was to accept the application. 

ALS Application (226) ISOC UGANDA 

Report date: Friday 19 June 2015 18:40 UTC  ALS Application (226) ISOC UGANDA  

As at Poll close: Thursday 18 June 2015 23:59 UTC

Number of voters: 14 · Group size: 15 · Percentage voted: 93.33

Ranked by votes Rank    Candidate    Votes    %    Voters 1    

Yes    14    100.00    Holly Raiche, Eduardo Diaz, Hadja Ouattara, Sandra Hoferichter, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Fatima Cambronero, Vanda Scartezini, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Beran Dondeh Gillen, Leon Sanchez, Jimmy Schulz, Maureen Hilyard, Rafid Fatani 2    

No    0    0.00     2    

Abstain    0    0.00    

You may verify the results independently under:     

You can find all the results of closed ALAC votes under:  --  


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
