Blog from September, 2013

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a call for comments be made on the draft "ALAC Statement on the Study on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse<>" in preparation for the start of the ALAC ratification process.
The current draft, as well as additional information on the Public Comment, can be found on the At-Large Study on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse Workspace<>.
Please submit any comments on the workspace using the comments function by 10-October-2013 23:59 UTC.

Announcements This Week

ICANN Whois Privacy/Proxy Abuse Study Findings Webinar Invitation

<> You are invited to participate in a webinar about the recently released Whois Privacy/Proxy Abuse Study, conducted for ICANN by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom.

27 September 2013

Study on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse<> This study, conducted by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom, analyzes gTLD domain names to measure whether the percentage of privacy/proxy use among domains engaged in illegal or harmful Internet activities is significantly greater than among domain names used for lawful Internet activities. 24 September 2013


Upcoming Events []<> 17-21 November 2013: 48th International Public ICANN Meeting - Buenos Aires<>

With 13 out of 14 ALAC Members having voted on the "ALAC Statement on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures<>" we can confirm that the result is quorate.

Question: Do you support the ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures<>" for communication to the relevant parties?

ALAC Statement on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures
As at Poll close: Sunday 29 September 2013 20:00 UTC
Number of voters: 13 · Group size: 14 · Percentage voted: 92.86
Ranked by votes
Rank    Options Votes   %       Voters
1       Yes     13      100.00  Holly Raiche, Carlton Samuels, Eduardo Diaz, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Natalia Enciso, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Sandra Hoferichter, Evan Leibovitch, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Jean-Jacques Subrenat
2       No      0       0.00
2       Abstain 0       0.00
We can confirm that the following members did not participate in this vote:
Titi Akinsanmi

We can confirm that the following members abstained in this vote. For those that have abstained, would you like to provide an explanation of why you abstained?

You may review the results independently under:

With 13 out of 14 ALAC Members having voted on the "ALAC Statement on the DNS Risk Management Framework Report<>" we can confirm that the result is quorate.


Question: Do you support the ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the DNS Risk Management Framework Report<>" for communication to the relevant parties? ALAC Statement on the DNS Risk Management Framework Report

As at Poll close: Thursday 26 September 2013 23:59 UTC

Number of voters: 13 · Group size: 14 · Percentage voted: 92.86

Ranked by votes

Rank Options Votes % Voters

1 Yes 12 92.31 Holly Raiche, Carlton Samuels, Eduardo Diaz, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Natalia Enciso, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Sandra Hoferichter, Evan Leibovitch, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Jean-Jacques Subrenat

2 No 1 7.69 Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro

3 Abstain 0 0.00


We can confirm that the following members did not participate in this vote: Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro We can confirm that the following members abstained in this vote. For those that have abstained, would you like to provide an explanation of why you abstained? n/a

You may review the results independently under:

News Alert

ICANN Whois Privacy/Proxy Abuse Study Findings Webinar Invitation

27 September 2013

In order to participate, please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso.secretariat at<mailto:gnso.secretariat at>) to receive the call details.

You are invited to participate in a webinar about the recently released Whois Privacy/Proxy Abuse Study, conducted for ICANN by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom. This study has now been published for public comment, and community feedback is being invited in order to assist ICANN with evaluating potential changes to Whois policy and the use of privacy/proxy services.

The study was commissioned by the GNSO to help the ICANN community understand the role that privacy and proxy service abuse plays in obscuring the identities of parties engaged in illegal or harmful activities, including phishing, cybersquatting, hosting child abuse sexual images, advanced fee fraud, and the online sale of counterfeit pharmaceuticals. NPL was engaged to analyze domain names across the top five gTLDs - .biz, .com, .info, .net and .org – to measure whether the percentage of privacy/proxy use among domains engaged in illegal or harmful Internet activities is significantly greater than among domain names used for lawful Internet activities.

NPL's chief investigator on the study, Dr. Richard Clayton of the University of Cambridge, and ICANN staff will provide a briefing on Tuesday 15 October at 12.00 UTC and 19.00 UTC, summarizing NPL's findings and conclusions based on the data they collected and analyzed. Amongst other topics, Dr. Clayton will discuss:

 *   NPL's methodology for the study and the hypothesis tested;
 *   The different project activities and work packages undertaken for the study;
 *   NPL's statistical analysis of the data sampled for the study, including comparative differences observed by the research team; and
 *   NPL's conclusions based on the results of its analysis.

The two sessions are duplicates, scheduled to accommodate different time zones. Each session, scheduled to run for sixty (60) minutes, will be conducted in English only. The meeting will be run in Adobe Connect with a slide presentation along with a dial-in conference bridge for audio.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of each session. During the course of the webinar, questions may also be submitted using the chat function of Adobe Connect. If you are not able to participate in either of the live sessions, the recording of the session will be made available shortly after the meeting. The policy staff is always available to answer any questions that you email to policy-staff at<mailto:policy-staff at>.

In order to participate, please RSVP via email to the GNSO Secretariat (gnso.secretariat at<mailto:gnso.secretariat at>) to receive the call details. Please indicate which call you would like to join on Tuesday 15 October – at 12.00 UTC or at 19.00 UTC (to convert those times into your local time, see: We will send you an e-mail reminder before the event with log-in and dial-in details. Please DO NOT RSVP to any other ICANN staff member's e-mail address.

Further to the Action Item noted during the ALAC Policy Discussion II meeting in Beijing, held on Tuesday 9 April 2013 - ACTION ITEM: Staff to send list of weekly At-Large and At-Large members on GNSO WG meetings on Monday to ALAC-Announce - please find hereafter the At-Large and GNSO calls scheduled this week.

We have included the At-Large calls to allow for easy reference.

We will update this list as and when calls are added.

Monday 30th September

15:00 UTC: IRTP D -

15:00 UTC: Technology Taskforce -

Tuesday 1st October

14:00 UTC: Thick Whois -

Wednesday 2nd October

18:30 UTC: AFRALO -

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a vote be held by the ALAC on the proposed ratification of the "ALAC ALAC Rules of Procedure Adjunct Document 03 - At-Large Board Member Selection Implementation<>."


Motion: Alan Greenberg

Second: Rinalia Abdul Rahim and Carlton Samuels

Whereas the ALAC approved a revised Rules of Procedure on 03 April 2013 and to become effective several associated documents also need to be approved by the ALAC; It is resolved that the ALAC approves the ALAC Rules of Procedure Adjunct Document 03 - At-Large Board Member Selection Implementation dated 2013-09-25.

The document is linked at


Additional information on this final paper can be found on the Rules of Procedure Workspace<>.

Please note that the poll will be open from 25-September-2013 23:59 UTC to 2-October-2013 23:59 UTC.

Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, has asked that a vote be held by the ALAC on the proposed ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures<>."


Question: Do you support the ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Consultation on ccTLD Delegation and Redelegation User Instructions and Source of Policy and Procedures<>" for communication to the relevant parties?


Additional information on this Statement can be found on the At-Large Confusingly Similar gTLDs Workspace.

Please note that the poll will be open from 25-September-2013 23:59 UTC to 30-September-2013 20:00 UTC.

Dear All,


With 13 out of 15 ALAC Members having voted in the recent vote  on the ALS application from ISOC NIGERIA we can confirm that the result is quorate.

Question: Should the regional advice from AFRALO for ALS Applicant (183) ISOC NIGERIA  be accepted? The regional advice was to accept the application.

ALS Application (183) ISOC Nigeria

As at Poll close: Tuesday 24 September 2013 23:59 UTC
Number of voters: 13 · Group size: 14 · Percentage voted: 92.86
Ranked by votes


















You may verify the results independently under:

You can find all the results of closed ALAC votes under:



Dear All, With 13 out of 14 ALAC Members having voted on the "ALAC Statement on the Confusingly Similar gTLDs<>" we can confirm that the result is quorate.


Question: Do you support the ratification of the "ALAC Statement on the Confusingly Similar gTLDs<>" for communication to the relevant parties? ALAC Statement on the Confusingly Similar gTLDs

As at Poll close: Tuesday 24 September 2013 23:59 UTC

Number of voters: 13 · Group size: 14 · Percentage voted: 92.86

Ranked by votes

Rank Options Votes % Voters

1 Yes 12 92.31 Holly Raiche, Carlton Samuels, Eduardo Diaz, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Natalia Enciso, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Sandra Hoferichter, Evan Leibovitch, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Alan Greenberg, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Jean-Jacques Subrenat

2 No 1 7.69 Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro

3 Abstain 0 0.00


We can confirm that the following members did not participate in this vote: Titi Akinsanmi

We can confirm that the following members abstained in this vote. For those that have abstained, would you like to provide an explanation of why you abstained? n/a

We can confirm that the following members voted no in this vote. For those that have voted no, would you like to provide an explanation of why you voted no? Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro

You may review the results independently under:

Study on Whois Privacy & Proxy Service Abuse

24 September 2013

Forum Announcement:     Comment Period Opens on Date:   24 September 2013
Categories/Tags:        Policy Processes
Purpose (Brief):

This study, conducted by the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom, analyzes gTLD domain names to measure whether the percentage of privacy/proxy use among domains engaged in illegal or harmful Internet activities is significantly greater than among domain names used for lawful Internet activities. Furthermore, this study compares these privacy/proxy percentages to other methods used to obscure identity – notably, Whois phone numbers that are invalid.

These findings will help the community understand the role that privacy and proxy service abuse plays in obscuring the identities of parties engaged in illegal or harmful activities, including phishing, cybersquatting, hosting child abuse sexual images, advanced fee fraud, online sale of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, and more.

Public Comment Box Link:
On behalf of Dev Anand Teelucksingh, the new Chair of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach, At-Large staff are issuing a call for membership (see the workspace at: for this group.
Current members of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach are requested to re-confirm their interest in being an active member of the group. New members are also requested.
The membership of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach should be regionally balanced. The deadline for this call is Wednesday, 2 October. Interested members of the At-Large community are asked to indicate their interest to At-Large staff (staff at<mailto:staff at>).
The aim of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach is to develop an At-Large strategy on reaching out to new potential members of the At-Large community. Once this strategy is developed, it will work with its members, the ALAC and RALOs to ensure the strategy is implemented successfully.
A teleconference of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach is being scheduled for the week of 7 October
News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers Week ending 20 September 2013

Announcements This Week

Draft Final Report on Protection of IGO and INGO Identifiers in All gTLDs<>
The Generic Names Supporting Organization ("GNSO") Policy Development Process Working Group is tasked with addressing the issue of Protecting the identifiers of certain International Government Organizations ("IGOs") and International Non-Governmental Organizations ("INGOs") in all gTLDs and they have published its draft Final Report for public comment.
20 September 2013

Fellowship Application Round Opens for ICANN 49 in Singapore<>
The program seeks to identify members of the Internet community who either have not previously been able to participate in ICANN processes or constituent organizations, or those who require further exposure to the Internet community and its work but cannot travel and attend a meeting without financial support.
20 September 2013

Update Regarding Call for Volunteers to Evaluate Metrics Related to Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice<>
ICANN is revising its previous call for volunteers and invites interested individuals to volunteer to serve on the Implementation Advisory Group for CCT by sending an email to iag-cct at<mailto:iag-cct at> by 15 October 2013.
17 September 2013


Dear All,

On behalf of Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Chair of the ALAC, an At-Large Briefing Session on  ICANN's Project Portfolio Management System and ICANN Labs will be held on Tuesday, 24 September 2013 at 1900 UTC (For the time in various time zones click here).

Guest speakers: Carole Cornell, Senior Director, Project Office and  Christopher Gift, Vice President, Online Communication Services.

This Briefing Session will be divided into two parts:

1)    Project Portfolio Management - Carole Cornell will be demonstrating the Project Portfolio Management system available on MyICANN.

2)    ICANN Labs - Chris Gift will be providing an introduction and update on ICANNLabs, including its aims, the four innovation tracks, and initial feedback since its launch.


The agenda and call details are available at:

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:


French and Spanish interpretation will be available upon the request of 3 or more people. If you request interpretation Please email

If you require a dial-out please contact At-Large staff only with your preferred number at:


We look forward to your participation,

Kind regards

Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen

ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC





Dear All,

Further to the Action Item noted during the ALAC Policy Discussion II meeting in Beijing, held on Tuesday 9 April 2013 -

ACTION ITEM: Staff to send list of weekly At-Large and At-Large members on GNSO WG meetings on Monday to ALAC-Announce -please find Hereafter the At-Large and GNSO calls scheduled this week. We have included the At-Large calls to allow for easy reference. We will update this list as and when calls are added.

Monday 23 September

15:00 UTC: IRTP D -
15:00 UTC: At-Large Technology Taskforce -

Tuesday 24 September
05:00 UTC: APRALO -
14:00 UTC: ALAC Monthly -
19:00 UTC: At-Large PPM and ICANN Labs Briefing sessions -
2200 UTC: APRALO ROP Review WG -

Wednesday 25 September
20:00 UTC: Policy and Implementation -

Thursday 26 September
1400 UTC: Ralo Secretariats meeting -


Thank you, Regards, Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Julia Charvolen
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at

One World, One Internet