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10 December 2016

Draft PTI FY18 Operating Plan and Budget


11Y, 0N, 0A

Mohamed (Mo) Elbashir

01 December 2016

08 December 2016

14 December 2016

20 December 2016

14 December 2016

Xavier Calvez


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The final version to be submitted, if the draft is ratified, will be placed here by upon completion of the vote. 



The final draft version to be voted upon by the ALAC will be placed here before the vote is to begin.

The At-Large Community, Regional At-Large Organizations (RALOs), and the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) are pleased to provide the bellow comments on the Public Technical Identifiers (PTI) FY18 operating plan and budget.

The overall budget estimates are reasonable increment figures of PTI FY17 budget, and there are no major changes on the FY18 budget when compared to the FY17 budget. 

Although the overall travel and meetings budget line items have increased by 42.3% from $0.4 million to $0.6 million, we think that the sub-item “community engagement” which is proposed as $0.1 million could be increased to ensure PTI can engage with its customers and non-customers stakeholders communities. Some examples of such community engagement could be the participation in major Internet and ICT regional forums and the publication of PTI materials in multiple languages (e.g UN languages ).

It would be useful in the future to provide a detailed breakdown of the ICANN support functions provided to the PTI. For example, it will be useful to know the figures allocated for PTI’s Communications activities which are conducted by ICANN support functions. The total proposed figure for ICANN provided professional services to PTI is $0.3 million. We think ICANN communications could provide more support to PTI on its outreach and awareness efforts which are required.



The first draft submitted will be placed here before the call for comments begins.

The At-Large community, Regional At-Large Organizations and the At-Large Advisory Committee “ALAC” is pleased to provide the bellow comments on the Post Transition IANA “PTI” 2018 operating plan and budget.


Although the overall budget estimates are reasonable increment figures of PTI 2017 budget, there is no major changes on 2018 budget when compared to 2017 budget.


Although the overall travel and meetings budget line items has increased by 42.3% from $0.4 million to $0.6 million, but we think that the sub-item “community engagement” which is proposed as $0.1 million could be increased to ensure PTI can be actively engaged with its customers and non-customers stakeholders communities.


It would be useful in the future to provide a detailed breakdown of the provided ICANN support functions to PTI, for example it will be useful to know the figures allocated for PTI’s Communications activities which is conducted by ICANN support functions. The total proposed figure for ICANN’s provided professional services to PTI is $0.3 million, we think ICANN communications could provide more support to PTI on its out-reach and awareness efforts which is required.

1 Comment

  1. 2nd paragraph: The leading "Although" implies the llast part of the sentence will mention something negative, but it does not. Perhaps remove th "Although" and replace the comma with "and".

    3rd paragraph: If we are asking for more funding cor community engagement, particularly with non-customers, we should at least give one or more examples of what we expect to see.