Final Statement

Please click here to download the Statement in PDF format. 

Draft Statement


In its statement of June 19, 2012 (, the ALAC supported the recommendations of the WHOIS Policy Review Team and urged the Board to take effective action on these recommendations.

On June 23, 2012, the ICANN Board, passed its resolution 2012.06.23.26:

Resolved (2012.06.23.26), the Board encourages public input on the Final Report and Recommendations, and requests that the ASO, ccNSO, GNSO, ALAC, GAC, and SSAC provide input to the Board by 31 August 2012.

The ALAC wishes to re-iterate that it believes that the entire set of recommendations should be implemented with expediency. The ALAC understands that several of these recommendations may require GNSO policy development, but the vast majority do not.

The ALAC wishes to highlight several of the recommendations that the Board clearly can move on unilaterally, and addressing these will both serve to improve the overall WHOIS situation and send a message to the community that the ICANN Board considers this to be an important issue.

Recommendation 1: Make WHOIS a Strategic Priority.

Recommendation 2: Consolidate current policies into a single clear and comprehensible policy statement.

Recommendation 3: Outreach.

Recommendation 4:  Address Compliance transparency, reporting and resources.

Recommendation 11: Improve Internic Service.

Recommendation 15: Detailed and Comprehensive Plan.

The ALAC notes that the Review Team’s deadline for implementing Recommendation 15 has already passed. The Board needs to move quickly and decisively on this report and in particular on Recommendation 4 regarding the Compliance reporting structure. Moreover, the ALAC calls for such Board action no later than the end of the Toronto ICANN meeting.

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