Heidi to check with Kevin Wilson’s office regarding revisions to FY12 budget schedule (since, as of time of 18 Oct ExCom meeting, ICANN was already behind on original schedule).

Cheryl to draft an inquiry to the GAC regarding the ALAC and GAC’s working collaboratively on the request regarding Rec. 6.

Staff to retrieve language in this ExCom meeting, from meeting recording, regarding Rec. 6 stated shortly before the 40-minute point into the meeting – for use in letter regarding Rec. 6.

Staff to send out announcement to RALOs for additional comments and regional views from the gTLD WG for use in the Community consensus report.

Carlton to look at details of Public Participation Committee Webinar Information issue and write comment.

Cheryl and Heidi to work backwards from announcing the new ALAC officers on 10 Dec to fill in the dates in the election process (including the opening of nominations, etc.).

Alan to review ALAC rules and circulate comment confirming who the proper electorate is to vote on new ALAC officers.

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