The next meeting for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 5 – Geographic Names at the Top Level will take place on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at 20:00 UTC for 90 minutes. 

13:00 PDT, 16:00 EDT, 22:00 Paris CEST, (Thursday) 01:00 Karachi PKT, (Thursday) 05:00 Tokyo JST, (Thursday) 07:00 Melbourne AEDT 

For other times:


Proposed Agenda:

  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. Review of comments and revisions – draft WT5 Report to the Full WG (see attached)
  3. Review of Work Plan (see below)
  4. AOB

Background Documents

DRAFT_ WT5 Report to the Full Working Group - Updated 14 Oct 2019.pdf

DRAFT_ WT5 Report to the Full Working Group - Updated 14 Oct 2019.docx

WT5 meeting - 16 Oct 2019 - Final.pdf




Apologies: Flip Petillion, Marita Moll, Justine Chew, Dev Anand Teelucksingh


Notes/ Action Items

Actions (from the Work Plan):

18 October 2019

Revised report sent to WT. 

21 October 2019

Final deadline for review and comments. 

23 October 2019

Final version of report sent to WT.

24 October - 28 October 2019

WT5 consensus call on report to full WG.


  1. Updates to Statements of Interest: Heather Forrest has been elected IPC president and will begin the role on 1 Dec.

2. Review of comments and revisions – draft WT5 Report to the Full WG (see attached)

Attached for agenda item 2, you will find a revised version of the report, which contains proposed edits in response to comments received on the mailing list. On the call, the Co-Leaders focused on items that require further discussion to determine what edits, if any, are needed.

-- Report has been out and requested comments/edits by the end of last week.

-- Put any further comments/edits according to the deadlines in the work plan below.

-- There will be an opportunity for minority reports at the WG level.

-- The discussions in the Initial Report are not repeated in the WT5 Report.

-- What we have done in the work is to close the gap between the 2007 and the 2012 policies.

-- Page 6: Alexander’s change doesn’t seem to change the meaning.

-- Page 8 (top): New language based on suggestions from Marita, Katrin, and Alexander.  Language is accepted.

-- Page 20: revised language is accepted.

-- Not to be unduly pedantic, please refer to Latin alphabet. (Not Roman). Please do not refer to the ‘ASCII ROOT. (Try ‘ASCII equivalent’).  Staff notes that this is quoted directly from the proposal.

-- Note that there were diverse views in the WT and not easy to reconcile.

-- On consensus discussion:  Co-Chairs will look at all responds and determine the level of consensus.

-- Minority views: These are not discussed, but are appended as written.

-- See GNSO Operating Procedures: See Standard Methodology for Making Decisions, section 3.6
on page 53.

3. Review of Work Plan (see below)

During agenda item 3, the Co-Leaders will review the remaining tasks in the WT5 work plan:

16 October 2019

Meeting to discuss resolution of any items raised on list.

18 October 2019

Revised report sent to WT. 

21 October 2019

Final deadline for review and comments. 

23 October 2019

Final version of report sent to WT.

24 October - 28 October 2019

WT5 consensus call on report to full WG.

4. ICANN66 Schedule:

Saturday, 02 November:

12:15-13:15 – Full SubPro WG Meeting, Session 1

13:30-15:00 – Full SubPro WG Meeting, Session 2

Monday, 04 November:

15:15-16:45 – Full SubPro WG Meeting, Session 3

17:00-18:30 – Full SubPro WG Meeting, Session 4

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