00:38:52    Waqar Ahmad:    Hello everyone
00:39:47    Silvia Vivanco:    Warm welcome to all new NARALO members
00:40:50    Silvia Vivanco:    **New Individual Members
Anya Miller
Chantelle Doerksen
Eduardo Cardin
Jose Medina
Waqar Ahmad
Gabriel Quiles
00:40:57    Silvia Vivanco:    *New ALS
Instituto para el Desarrollo Humano, Inc.
00:42:28    Silvia Vivanco:    Warm welcome Bienvenido Jose Medina!
00:43:21    Silvia Vivanco:    Warm welcome Waqar Ahmad!
00:43:30    Glenn McKNight:    Welcome new members
00:43:41    judith hellerstein:    Yes welcome to all
00:44:40    Glenn McKNight:    Welcome new members
00:44:46    Glenn McKNight:    Welcome new members
00:45:12    Louis Houle:    Hi of course!
00:45:27    Waqar Ahmad:    Thank you Glenn and everyone
00:45:49    Eduardo Diaz:    I have two AOBs that I would like to add to the agenda. [1] NASIG 2024 sponsorship, [2] Issues with the ICANN voting system
00:47:17    Silvia Vivanco:    CPWG Agenda for Wednesday 30th meeting :  https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=259719318
00:47:26    Silvia Vivanco:    @Eduardo Diaz noted your 2 AOBs
00:47:38    Eduardo Diaz:    @Silvia: thanks.
00:47:56    David Mackey:    The Grand Poobah of ALAC
00:51:20    Heidi Ullrich:    CPWG Meeting of 30 August: https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=259719318
00:51:37    Silvia Vivanco:    Welcome Heidi!
00:51:39    Greg Shatan:    Good point, JZ.  We should make a note to reach out to .US.
00:53:41    Heidi Ullrich:    See blog at: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/the-global-digital-compact-a-top-down-attempt-to-minimize-the-role-of-the-technical-community-21-08-2023-en
00:54:36    Ron da Silva:    hi all.. joined late sorry..
00:55:20    Jonathan Zuck:    Global Digital Compact
00:56:26    naela sarras:    A recent blog on this was also published: https://www.icann.org/en/blogs/details/the-global-digital-compact-a-top-down-attempt-to-minimize-the-role-of-the-technical-community-21-08-2023-en
00:57:31    Eduardo Diaz:    Judith is correct is the Global Digital Compact.
00:58:28    judith hellerstein:    Yes. I contributed to the outreach effort as well with some suggestions
00:58:30    Jonathan Zuck:    I’ll move to Oregon and start one!
01:00:03    Jonathan Zuck:    Libraries
01:01:44    Glenn McKnight:    The  NDIA  Internet initiative to connect communities has delivery agencies that could also be interesting
01:02:26    Glenn McKnight:    fyi
01:02:27    Glenn McKnight:    https://gigabitlibrariesnetwork.wildapricot.org/
01:02:36    Glenn McKnight:    They have monthly calls on Friday
01:03:08    wes boudville:    There is an international assoc. of libraries - see Worldcat.org.  It lets any user send an ISBN or a name of a book title to it. It searches libraries around your gps for the book.
01:03:22    Greg Shatan:    All the librarians have to go to their houses in the Hamptons on Fridays....
01:04:18    Glenn McKnight:    Correct Thursday is their meeting.
01:04:21    Glenn McKnight:    Gigabit Libraries Network (GLN)
An advocacy for libraries as most natural community ICT hubs that champion highest global standards of free, open access to information and expression.
GLN operates as an open collaboration of tech savvy, innovation libraries cooperating as a distributed global testbed/showcase environment for high performance applications and equipment in the service of educational, civic and cultural objectives.  
Project focus areas:  
wired/wireless infrastructure planning and development
connectivity collaborations with neighboring schools, health clinics and other anchor institutions  
local/regional/national/international ICT policy leadership 
In the tradition of libraries generally, GLN projects seek to use ICT in support of the widest array of library objectives in education, cultural exchange, health, open access, private inquiry, public safety, civic engagement, e-gov’t., entertainment, and more.  

Contact: info (at) giglibraries (dot) net@GigLibraries
01:05:18    Glenn McKnight:    Libraries are important Internet hubs, especially during COVID
01:06:08    Glenn McKnight:    Libaries in Canada don't have anything similar as the US network
01:06:36    Glenn McKnight:    CIGF  Oct 4th in Montreal
01:06:41    Greg Shatan:    That's great, eh!
01:06:52    Jonathan Zuck:    Wait, I thought I was the Chair of everything!
01:07:32    judith hellerstein:    Yes but they are all members of IFLA and also of the Gigabit libraries and come on the calls and showcase what they are doing in their libraries
01:08:17    naela sarras:    https://features.icann.org/event/icann-organization/webinar-practicing-kindns-and-having-good-manrs-important-initiatives-dns
01:08:20    Glenn McKnight:    MANRS
01:08:30    judith hellerstein:    The Canadian libraries have presented on the Gigabit calls in the past years about some of the great work they are doing
01:08:40    Waqar Ahmad:    I am also attending Canadian CIGF on Oct 4th at Montreal
01:08:43    Glenn McKnight:    https://www.manrs.org/
01:09:40    Giose McGinty:    Yes, will do
01:09:52    judith hellerstein:    We also have a IGF Dynamic Coalition on Libraries
01:10:12    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "https://www.manrs.or..." with 
01:10:26    judith hellerstein:    You can find more info about them on the IGF Site under Dynamic Coalitions
01:10:46    David Mackey:    Reacted to "You can find more in..." with 
01:11:19    Waqar Ahmad:    MANRS is good initiative in the implementation of routing security best practices.
01:11:37    Silvia Vivanco:    Thank you for the updates Naela!
01:11:46    Jonathan Zuck:    Lots!
01:13:28    Silvia Vivanco:    ICANN org registration page for ICANN 78: https://meetings.icann.org/en/
01:13:36    Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org:    Please bookmark this page: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ICANN78+-+October+2023%3A+Annual+General+Meeting
01:14:31    Silvia Vivanco:    The sessions descriptions will be posted in the wiki pages above
01:16:36    Glenn McKnight:    See  LEO   articel on LOW  EARTH ORBIT   session with Gigabyte Libaries
01:16:37    Glenn McKnight:    https://gigabitlibrariesnetwork.wildapricot.org/page-1712385
01:17:23    Glenn McKnight:    Waqar is new  please join the conversation
01:19:12    judith hellerstein:    @Glenn McKnight Gigabit Libraries ran a 3 part series a few years ago that was excellent
01:19:53    Louis Houle:    @Ed I’d like to receive it. Might translate it in French
01:21:01    judith hellerstein:    Great work Adrian
01:21:52    Jonathan Zuck:    Me too
01:22:09    Heidi Ullrich:    At-Large at the 2023 IGF: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Outreach+Activities+at+the+2023+IGF+in+Kyoto%2C+Japan
01:23:40    Adrian Schmidt:    Sorry my Verizon connection went down. I’m back
01:23:49    Heidi Ullrich:    There will be a number of people from APRALO on the ground.
01:25:34    Glenn McKnight:    It also impacted memberships from other RALOs as well
01:26:02    NANCY Wachira:    Reacted to "It also impacted mem…" with 
01:26:19    judith hellerstein:    I think we need to leave some for other events
01:26:41    judith hellerstein:    There is a need for outreach for towers activities
01:27:04    Silvia Vivanco:    @Eduardo Diaz staff is investigating the voting issue internally and will get back to you
01:28:30    Glenn McKnight:    Greg  Judith hand is up
01:28:31    Bill Jouris:    I got two emails as well
01:29:44    David Mackey:    NASIG is definitely an excellent outreach and engagement forum for NARALO
01:30:24    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "NASIG is definitely ..." with 
01:31:26    Glenn McKnight:    Greg   Eduardo wants to respond
01:32:29    Jonathan Zuck:    I agree. That might mean that we need to engage differently at these events or choose different events
01:33:09    Glenn McKnight:    Important aspect of School of  IG  have mportant academic relationships
01:33:12    judith hellerstein:    Valuable points but think we need to think and agree with Greg that we should not put all the eggs and the money in one basket
01:33:22    Glenn McKnight:    this is consistent with Sally and Adam's work
01:33:33    Waqar Ahmad:    Reacted to "Important aspect of ..." with 
01:34:18    David Mackey:    Reacted to "Important aspect of ..." with 
01:34:26    judith hellerstein:    We need to think of different ways of attracting sponsors
01:34:28    Eduardo Diaz:    @Judith: The one basket produces O&E results consistently
01:35:32    judith hellerstein:    I agree with that but think Greg has a point and was just supporting it
01:36:48    Silvia Vivanco:    Ok we will coordinate the days and times @Greg Shatan for next NARALO monthly meeting
01:37:06    Silvia Vivanco:    Thank you all for the participation!
01:37:16    Louis Houle:    Salut
01:37:17    Jonathan Zuck:    Thanks!
01:37:18    David Mackey:    great meeting (and on time), thanks@
01:37:23    Waqar Ahmad:    Thank you so much for this great meeting
01:37:30    Glenn McKnight:    Bye all

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