13:59:42 From Michael Palage to Everyone:
    Can you provide link
13:59:50 From Michael Palage to Everyone:
    For the webpage here
14:00:20 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone:
    Hello all
14:00:22 From Silvia Vivanco to Everyone:
14:00:30 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Welcome everyone!  We will be starting in a couple minutes - thank you!
14:01:41 From David Cameron to Everyone:
    Hello, hello
14:01:49 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
    @Marita, me too
14:02:47 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
    Hi to everyone!
14:02:55 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Hi all, glad you can make it. we have 90 minutes for the is call
14:03:09 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
    Welcome, all! We have just been working on the final touches of the NARALO General Assembly.
14:03:09 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    @Yubelkys  Silvia is trying to reach you
14:03:34 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
    The GA will have an exciting program for all of you.
14:03:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    happy  holidays to Canadians and Americans on the call today
14:04:47 From Adrian Schmidt to Everyone:
    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
14:04:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Thanks  Ron on your application to NARALO
14:05:37 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
    She can reach me at my celular at (787) 616-3201 after this meeting because I’m connect over my cellular to this meeting
14:05:57 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Welcome some new faces, Jessica, Barron,
14:06:02 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Welcome to everyone that has joined!
14:06:59 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Good evening to all from Accra, Ghana... It's an honour to be here...
14:07:32 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    Thank you Greg, Bill and Eduardo for taking on the new leadership positions!
14:08:15 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Bill has been active in Universal Acceptance  and IDNs at ICANN
14:09:43 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
    Jonathan has the joy of herding cats.  Lucky him
14:09:47 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Just want folks to know that I continue for one more year as Secretariat and Judith is with NOMCOM for another year as well
14:10:14 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Three cheers to Maureen for her work
14:10:27 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    Congratulations Jonathan
14:11:26 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
    Lavish box lunches
14:12:12 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    Thanks Glenn!
14:12:58 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    A remote thank you to Judith for her NomCom work
14:13:52 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    Nothing happens without staff. :-)
14:13:53 From Heidi Ullrich to Everyone:
    You will meet most of us in Los Angeles.
14:13:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    and Goise too
14:14:55 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We are delighted to assist you all!
14:15:59 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    @All, please note we are still finalizing the date/time of the welcome reception.
14:16:25 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    It may need to be moved to Thursday, 19th.
14:16:59 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
14:17:34 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Please not folks you will need to make your way to the W hotel which is located at 6250 Hollywood, 90028
14:18:00 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    You might want to share a cab if your arrival matches up
14:19:25 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    I arrive on Air Canada flight at 10 30 am at LAX
14:19:45 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    Do you know the method to boost US visa process?
14:19:46 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Hand up by Marita
14:20:42 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    I get my fifth shot this week.  Its a combination of Moderna and Flu shot
14:20:43 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
    Yes, I’m still trying to register since my user and password didn’t call. I received an email from travel support to create a new account and I hope this works.
14:21:03 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    Are there any arrangements for LAX-to-W transfers? Or just take an Uber from the expenses allowance?
14:21:06 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    @Silvia is reaching out to you
14:21:32 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Yes, all registered attendees must have received the document
14:21:35 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    No arrangements for shuttles to the hotel, its up to you
14:21:42 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We sent it with the GA announcement as well
14:21:42 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    @Evan, please look into Uber, etc.
14:21:56 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    A  stipend is being sent to everyone
14:22:23 From Adrian Schmidt to Everyone:
    I asked ICANN travel and they don’t cover the uber/etc part. Just the flight. That’s what your stipend is for I guess.
14:22:32 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Correct, @Adrian.
14:22:38 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    You might want to look at LyFT as well given UBER's political activity
14:22:45 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    hmm - don't remember seeing it
14:23:32 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Please reach out to Constituency Travel (constituency-travel@icann.org).
14:23:39 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Okay Marita, they should reply
14:23:47 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    If the reception is the next day perhaps folks can meet up in the lobby or bar
14:23:56 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    To you soon I am sure
14:24:01 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    Anyone wanting to rough it without much luggage can take the FlyAway bus from LAX to Union Station.
14:24:05 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
    If I was flying, I'd definitely go into Burbank, rather than LAX.  Closer, and a much more congenial (i.e. smaller) airport
14:24:20 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    And take the red line from Union to the hollywood/Vine station right next to the hotyel
14:24:49 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    I tried Burbank. Connections were awful.
14:25:03 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    I wonder how much a cab will cost
14:25:07 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    transit route
14:25:08 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:25:40 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
    @Evan, admittedly a better choice if you have Southwest available where you are leaving from.
14:25:44 From Jonathan Zuck to Everyone:
    Have to jump on another call. Looking forward to seeing you all online next week
14:25:49 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    @Glenn, can you advise me how to act as a remote session moderator
14:25:58 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    I've used Burbank for conferences in Pasadena. My only connection from Toronto was via SFO.
14:26:47 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone:
    @MArital: TAxi cab is around $80 US Dollars
14:28:39 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone:
    If no reception on the 18, we just meet downstairs in the bar to welcome ourselves.
14:28:51 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Silvia please make sure you bring some brochures for me to take home, Thanks
14:29:13 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    Flyaway to Union Station is $9.75
    Metro Red line is $1.75
14:33:44 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    80 US dollars for a cab -- yikes. That's 100 Canadian.
14:34:00 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    better the American than the russian at the ITU :-P
14:34:12 From Bill Jouris to Everyone:
    It's a LONG cab ride
14:34:46 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    I will take the public transit ( its my tour bus without a talking head)
14:35:13 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Andrey the camera is only showing the top of your head
14:35:41 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Andrey is speaking at the IGF in Ethopia in Dec
14:36:07 From Adrian Schmidt to Everyone:
    Our fly arrives at midnight on Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning - so not sure if the metro runs all the night.
14:36:11 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Could we ask staff to send out a memo re: getting to hotel from LAX. Are we sure there are no shuttles
14:36:58 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    @Adrian ... probably not good to take transit that late. OTOH, traffic will be light.
14:37:17 From Barron Oda to Everyone:
    I just checked, W Hotel does not run its own shuttles.  Third-party shuttles such as Super Shuttle or others might be cheaper than Uber or taxi.
14:37:27 From Adrian Schmidt to Everyone:
    Yeah so probably an Uber might be safer. Thank you Evan.
14:37:44 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Andrey is most interesting as a former Moscow University professor on constituency law and he his collegues were let go at the institution due to their protest on Putin's electoral changes. He is living in Montreal
14:38:22 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    Thank you, Mr. McKnight for introduction!
14:39:30 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Heads up on the O and E strategic plan, here is the document
14:39:46 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Here is the resource page sharing with everyone
14:39:47 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    That is very useful info @Barron. As ICANN is based in LA it seems you folks there would have specific info on stuff like that.
14:41:05 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    looks like about 10 min. per speaker there Greg.
14:41:16 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Here is the last Icann Policy updates
14:41:17 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:41:50 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    ARIN Newcomers session tomorrow at 2 pm
14:41:51 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:42:22 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Greg  Marita has her hand up
14:42:30 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    If you wish to attend any of their events following the close of the NARALO General Assembly, please be sure you register (see: https://arin.swoogo.com/arin50).
14:44:52 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
    FYI.. Thr is the main ARIN day.. Wed just a reception and newcomer events, etc.
14:44:54 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
14:45:51 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
    and it is not uncommon for John to juggle the agenda on the fly based on timing.. so there's always a risk the policy discussion currently scheduled for 11am might get moved.
14:45:53 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    ICANN Glossay
14:45:54 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:46:09 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    The NARALO GA is closing on Thursday evening in time to attend the ARIN Social Event in the evening.
14:46:11 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    I plan to go to Cancun
14:46:48 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    Just checking the SuperShuttle website. No vans.
    Shared car is $72 each LAX->WHotel.
14:47:33 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    That can be shared among up to 3 people
14:47:36 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    hmm -- I guess anyone coming in slightly later is really stuck
14:48:42 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    I might be coming in around 4 pm or 8 pm depending on what FCM comes up with
14:49:00 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
    I can’t hear
14:49:58 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:49:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
14:57:26 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We need to confirm the dates of the next summit. The ICANN Meeting calendar is at: https://meetings.icann.org/en/calendar
14:58:47 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Please also complete the two At-Large ICANN Learn courses at: https://atlarge.icann.org/about/index
14:58:51 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
14:58:53 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Thank you for the excellent compilation of resources Glenn!
14:58:56 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Flickr pictures fom the last meeting
14:59:26 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Please continue to read and respond to emails from staff re your trips.
14:59:59 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:00:27 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We can ask our meetings team.
15:01:18 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    ICANN photos in Montreal
15:01:20 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:01:32 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    That could happen via an email list
15:01:37 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    We will ask our meeting teams re transport
15:01:46 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Thanks, Greg.
15:01:52 From Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Staff can no longer make spreadsheets for travel because of GDPR
15:01:56 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
    that'll work Greg.. thanks
15:02:07 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Thanks Greg
15:02:11 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    AI: Greg to create a google sheet for travel details for travelers
15:02:24 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    Note  Claudia's comment
15:02:57 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    That would help a lot.
15:03:05 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    Montreal always welcomes these meetings!
15:03:36 From Andrey Shcherbovich to Everyone:
    Remember our initiative to host the IGF in 2024 there
15:04:39 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Please let us know if you have any questions
15:04:59 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    LAX is hardly the only US airport with bad transit connections.
    Tried Laguardia once. Never again.
    Atlanta and Portland are wonderful, most others are meh.
15:05:23 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
    is the GA agenda link availabe perchance ?
15:05:37 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    Oh yeah, Reagan in DC is also good.
15:05:41 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
15:05:47 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    All, please note that your stipends are meant cover the cost of taxis/ubers, etc.
15:05:56 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
    thanks Michelle
15:06:01 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
    Thanks for everything and looking forward to see you all!!!
15:06:03 From Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    You’re welcome! 
15:06:11 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    thanks all, looking forward to the meeting
15:06:16 From Heidi Ullrich - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Many thanks, All! Look forward to seeing/meeting you!
15:06:22 From Naela Sarras to Everyone:
    Thanks all. Looking forward to seeing everyone
15:06:24 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    How exciting ! Looking forward to seeing you all in person next week!!
15:06:28 From David Mackey to Everyone:
    Bye All
15:06:29 From Silvia Vivanco - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    After a long time
15:06:31 From Evan Leibovitch to Everyone:
    I will map out the path from the hotel to the In n Out Burger
15:06:32 From Marita Moll to Everyone:
    Thanks Greg and thanks to all organizers for what looks like a good program
15:06:34 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
15:06:37 From Eduardo Diaz to Everyone:
    Looking forward to meet you all in LAX
15:06:38 From Ron da Silva to Everyone:
15:06:39 From Glenn McKnight to Everyone:
    bye all
15:06:41 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
15:06:43 From Yubelkys Montalvo to Everyone:
15:06:44 From Lavish Mawuena Mensah to Everyone:
    Wish all safe travels...

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