Gisella Gruber:Welcome to the NARALO Outreach Working Group Teleconference on Monday 29 September 2014 at 16:00 UTC
  Gisella Gruber:Agenda:
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Glenn McKnight:
  Glenn McKnight:Mad scientist
  Glenn McKnight:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:can you hear me?
  Glenn McKnight:yes
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  for joining
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you for joining Joe
  Silvia Vivanco:
  judith hellerstein:2 plug in failures recently so trying another browser
  Joe Catapano:Of course!
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Susie for joining
  Silvia Vivanco:I have replaced Garth's speech with Glenn
  Glenn McKnight:One  sec  Olivier  
  Silvia Vivanco:And Eduardo
  Glenn McKnight:Letting  Olivier
  Silvia Vivanco:yes your closing remarks
  Silvia Vivanco:Eduardo :)
  Glenn McKnight:Oliver  please  jump
  Glenn McKnight:sorry jump in when heidi is finished
  Glenn McKnight:Loris  can you  let us know on the music  needs for he performer
  Glenn McKnight:Since  we are networking after the performance  we need to have  speakers in the performance area
  louis houle:Sorry for being late. Technical problem!
  Glenn McKnight:No problem  Louis    Did you find  some   songs  yet for us
  louis houle:Not yet, probably today.
  Gisella Gruber:@ Glenn/Loris: we need dancers flight times or arrival time at hotel
  Gisella Gruber:as well as mobile number in order to have contact with him prior to the performance
  Loris Taylor:Derrick will arrive at 6:30 and leave at 8:30.  He will need a secure dressing room for his regalia.  My staff will be on hand to assist him.
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Loris: understood
  louis houle:I don't have voice. Problem with Adobe.
  louis houle:Yes, no problem.
  Loris Taylor:PM
  Loris Taylor:We will make sure he is there on time.
  Eduardo Diaz:LA is juts traffic crazy¡¡
  Silvia Vivanco:It  takes 1 hr average to get anywhere in rush hour
  Silvia Vivanco:And we need an update from Olivier on financing
  Eduardo Diaz:it take syou 1 ht to get anywhere in LA no matter the time of the day
  Eduardo Diaz:Carzy!!
  Heidi Ullrich:@Loris, did you mean to say that his flight is landing at 6:30 or that he is set to arrive at the hotel at 6:30?
  Silvia Vivanco:2,500 + 1500 confirmed then
  Glenn McKnight:I think  Versign is $2,500
  Loris Taylor:Derrick will arrive at the hotel by 6:30.  He understand he will perform after the speakers.
  Loris Taylor:understands
  Glenn McKnight:I think we have  $5K
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Loris! We thought you meant his flight was landing at 6:30!
  Glenn McKnight:Need  table and speaking  slots for all sponsors
  Loris Taylor:Sorry about that.  
  Glenn McKnight:Affilias and Verisign  will have tables
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:LOL :-)
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Olivier!!!!!
  Gisella Gruber:@ Loris - I will be in touch with you via email to work on dancers logistics
  Silvia Vivanco:Great idea Heidi!!!
  louis houle:Good Heidi
  Silvia Vivanco:that would be great
  Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, I don't think the group photo would cost
  Heidi Ullrich:We could get the ICANN professional to take the photo
  Loris Taylor:I will send a picture of Derrick as soon as I get it.
  Gisella Gruber:Derrick - we will need an official photo though:
  Silvia Vivanco:Yellow scarfs, shawls, etc
  Silvia Vivanco:jackets
  Silvia Vivanco:etc
  Gisella Gruber:Youtube:
  Gisella Gruber:Have a look! It is great
  Heidi Ullrich:Very impressive!!!
  Silvia Vivanco:World Champion Hoop dancer
  Loris Taylor:Yes that is Derrick on You Tube
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for all your work!
  louis houle:Bye bye eveyone
  Gisella Gruber:We will have a meeting in LA to finalise logistics on the ground
  Glenn McKnight:bye
  Loris Taylor:Thank you
  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  all.  we will refine the  agenda

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