- Evaluation Committee
- Judith Hellerstein to send a message to LACRALO, EURALO, AFRALO and APRALO requesting one member to be part of the Evaluation /Selection Committee. It was agreed that Selection Committee should be globally diverse (at least one person from each RALO)
- Promotion and Outreach
- Matthew Rantanen to work with Judith on the Promotion and outreach materials, particularly graphics.
- Loris Taylor to work on a press release
- Application schedule
19 June - Open application process
7 July - Close of applications
17 July- Selection Committee call to review candidates
18 July - Deadline for Selection Committee
25 July - Official Announcement of successful candidates
25 July - Deadline for names is 25 July
- Yesim Nazlar to organize a doodle for a call next week, offering Friday 16th