Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the NARALO Community Discussion on NARALO Rules of Procedures on Tuesday, 28 March 2017 from 17:00 UTC - 18:00 UTC.
Wes Boudville:Indeed, hullo to all
Glenn McKnight:Hi Wes
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, Glenn and Wes!
Glenn McKnight:Did you get the ALS Expertise Survey?
Glenn McKnight:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y4ZbL0ojPXDzNzZfcKg55P3A9erO5E4GJrmrFeorbS8/edit?usp=sharing
Glenn McKnight:Its a google doc
Glenn McKnight:we will be sharing the NARALO Report and Slideshow in advance to the General Assembly too
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Glenn McKnight:On adigo
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome!
Wes Boudville:I'll try to look at the fb pages
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Judith!
Glenn McKnight:http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/bwvb
Ricardo Holmquist:Hi everyone, good day
Glenn McKnight:http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/quly
Ricardo Holmquist:Hi Glenn
Glenn McKnight:Hi Ricardo
Gordon Chillcott:Got it.
Matthew Rantanen:I can send you the itinerary
Silvia Vivanco:ok we can start now
Glenn McKnight:https://community.icann.org/display/NARALO/Travel+Information
Glenn McKnight:This is the travel for Scott and Mathew to complete
judith hellerstein:you need to log into confluence and then hit edit to add your info
Glenn McKnight:Perfect Welcome Alan G
Glenn McKnight:if you have problems email your your details
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Alan!
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO Rops are being revised, and target date is this summer
Louis Houle:Hello
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Louis
Louis Houle:Thanks
Evin Erdogdu:NARALO Operating Principles Review: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_UAubAw&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=olzvOnTcCOlCldVksntw76XNOXFj6QIx4fAAIFdWu_A&s=vv55mFjX-CtPjL8lMadKOCCUIooU4j4V9gp0xvT9Rkk&e=
Silvia Vivanco:https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/Task+Force+on+review+and+revision+of+the+EURALO+By-Laws
Silvia Vivanco:EURALO first draft is posted in the wiki above
Silvia Vivanco:LACRALO will start the review
Silvia Vivanco:in the upcoming weeks
Glenn McKnight:Many roads to Rome
Matthew Rantanen:@Judith after logging in, I'm not seeing edit privileges, I can watch, share, and download
Silvia Vivanco:APRALO is reviewing the unaffiliated members and there is a fomat posted on the wiki page
Glenn McKnight:Mathew please email your details and I will add them for you
Silvia Vivanco:https://community.icann.org/display/APRALO/APRALO+Rules+of+Procedures+Review+-+Individual+membership
judith hellerstein:there is an edit tab on the top. just hit edit
Matthew Rantanen:edit tab missing in action
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Evan!
Silvia Vivanco:I posted the relevant wiki pages from other RALOs work
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Evan. the draft Rules are posted on the centre panel and available in the agenda
Glenn McKnight:thanks Judith
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Evin Erdogdu:Yes, we can hear you John.
Glenn McKnight:more humm
Evin Erdogdu:It is a fuzzy connection.
Silvia Vivanco:interference on John's line
Silvia Vivanco:Evin can you look into this with Adigo
Silvia Vivanco:much better
Louis Houle:Yes
Gordon Chillcott:Much better\
Evin Erdogdu:Yes, checking now. John's line sounds good now.
Glenn McKnight:https://community.icann.org/display/NARALO/NARALO+Operating+Principles+Review
Glenn McKnight:PLEASE MUTE if not talking
Glenn McKnight:John will walk through the draft
Glenn McKnight:Changes
Glenn McKnight:1. Elections and Consensus issue clauses
Glenn McKnight:Alan- Issues
Glenn McKnight:AG- terminalogy consistency
Silvia Vivanco:I assume that the rules have been checked to ensure terminology is consistent with the ICANN- NARALO MOU
Glenn McKnight:AG GA- Clarity of term
Glenn McKnight:AG-Meetings- Terminalogy
Glenn McKnight:AG-Title issue RUles of Procedures
Evan Leibovitch:Normally, what is referred to as "the General Assembly" has been generally just referred to as "NARALO"
Glenn McKnight:AG- Election - options
Glenn McKnight:AG-One Candidate- Acclaimed
Glenn McKnight:AG-Performance rules- discussion
Evan Leibovitch:What Alan is talking about is essentially a "none of the above" choice in a field of one. Usually a bad idea.
Evan Leibovitch:no microphone
Evan Leibovitch:That's what I meant. The idea of a decision to be made, despite only one candidate, implies an ability to reject -- hence, the NOTA option.
Glenn McKnight:As silvia suggested the document needs to migrate to RED LINE and online comments
Glenn McKnight:old hand Alan?
Evan Leibovitch:mike works now
Glenn McKnight:Evan one sec
Glenn McKnight:yes
Louis Houle:@ Alan: agree
Glenn McKnight:EL- Purpose of decision process should be automatic, need to be clear
Glenn McKnight:Alan one sec
Glenn McKnight:AG- Qualifications issue
Glenn McKnight:Leah you are next
Evan Leibovitch:Tri-nasal-phobia?
Glenn McKnight:Evan is this a response to Alan?
judith hellerstein:i agree with alan
Matthew Rantanen:@Glenn, I sent my travel to your email.. after sign-in, I don't have edit abilities...
Glenn McKnight:thanks Matt
Silvia Vivanco:Leah perhaps you are muted
judith hellerstein:Or maybe staff can call her via adigo
Silvia Vivanco:in terms of methodology, perhaps the document can be put in a google doc format
Silvia Vivanco:so that all members can edit it
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):sorry...about that. It was about qualifucation for candidate
Matthew Rantanen:Agree with comments made thus far.
Silvia Vivanco:and comment for a determined time
Louis Houle:Thanks for the question Glenn
Alan Greenberg:Do we need the ALS to verify that you are a member in good standing, or is it self-certification?
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):Got it thx
judith hellerstein:HI Matt, Evin will work on your confluence issues and make sure you have rights
Alan Greenberg:How do we recognize "knowledgable about NARALO"
Glenn McKnight:Alan one sec
Glenn McKnight:you are next
Silvia Vivanco:@ John, are you planning to include a "Definitions" section ?
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:you may want to check ALAC ROPs for example of useful definitions: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_display_atlarge_Rules-2Bof-2BProcedure&d=DwICaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=olzvOnTcCOlCldVksntw76XNOXFj6QIx4fAAIFdWu_A&s=8ADVr6Mox00C-zeveqClzOGxHW2zi7JN2K4tStZrkG8&e=
Glenn McKnight:good idea Silvia
Matthew Rantanen:@judith Thanks
Silvia Vivanco:Thanks Glenn
Alan Greenberg:I would like to talk about recognizing sufficient activity.
Evan Leibovitch:Suggestioon: addition into Officers of a Liaison to ARIN
John More:If someone has technical corrections, I welcome them.
Evan Leibovitch:(as we do have an MoU with them)
John More:Addition of ARIN liaison makes sense to me.
Silvia Vivanco:timeline: Completely up to you NARALO members, I know it may take some time to edit and come to an agreement, for example EURALO has a timeframe until end of summer
Alan Greenberg:By the end of this term is quite reasonable. Much earlier probably is not.
John More:I concur that it would be good to have a single point person.
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):I do not think we need a designated ARIN Officer...
Glenn McKnight:One sec Alan
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):each ALS can do that on their own directky with ARIN
Glenn McKnight:A point person is a good idea from our perspective not ARIN
Glenn McKnight:our eyes on the road
Glenn McKnight:Its not a ARIN offical person,
Glenn McKnight:None
judith hellerstein:Leah has been the unofficial person
John More:Permits for accountability with respond to the ARIN relationship.
judith hellerstein:we do not know either
judith hellerstein:but that is what they are telling us
John More:Also means that ARIN has a contact point for communications.
Glenn McKnight:makes sense
judith hellerstein:we lost alan
Glenn McKnight:i can hear him
judith hellerstein:i can hear him now
Louis Houle:5/5
Silvia Vivanco:I can hear him Judith
Silvia Vivanco:did you drop?
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):As as ALS we have been directly communicating w/ARIN actively
judith hellerstein:no he just went mute but it could have bee adobe
Alfredo Calderon:I agree with Alan.
judith hellerstein:i hear him now
Gordon Chillcott: I don't believe this needs to be in the Rules of Procedure
Evan Leibovitch:Fair enough. I'm more interested in having the role than making it formal
judith hellerstein:no they objected to it informally
John More:Need not be more than a person identified as such. Could be party of a catch-all.
Silvia Vivanco:please be so kind to say your name before speaking for transcription purposes
Alan Greenberg:This is a good discussion, but I don't think we need to have this discussion now. with less than 15 minutes left in call.
Silvia Vivanco:otherwise transcript is not accurate
Evin Erdogdu:Thank you for the reminder Silvia
Alan Greenberg:I would like to talk about activity.
Glenn McKnight:ALS Expectations
judith hellerstein:I do not think that coming to 2 out of 12 meetings is a problem
judith hellerstein:they could send a second rep if they can not come
Glenn McKnight:We need to hard stop because another meeting is sceduled
Evan Leibovitch:"Hibernation mode" -- an ALS that sleeps untikl somnething of interest to it occurs.
Gordon Chillcott:Agree with Alan here
John More:We need further suggestions for what an active ALS is.
wes boudville:Is a 'hard stop' because some of you need to be at that meeting ?
Glenn McKnight:no the room is being used
Evan Leibovitch:@wes: They've probably allocated the phone bridge for another call
Louis Houle:no sound
wes boudville:oh, thanks
Silvia Vivanco:Judith we cannot hear you
Glenn McKnight:Please add your comments as well
John More:One other question is whether the ALS should identify and alternate voting representative.
Glenn McKnight:Good point about the Face to Face
Evin Erdogdu:Welcome back, Judith!
judith hellerstein:OK will try again
Gordon Chillcott:@John, how about a "proxy" who can present a note from the "official" voting member?
Louis Houle:ANd this point will still be raised in 10 years Evan (-;)
judith hellerstein:i like hibernation
John More:Proxy system would be possible. Would allow for show of activity.
Glenn McKnight:We can huddle togeteher in New Orleans on this too
Gordon Chillcott:My own inclination is that the proxy would present a note to the NARALO chair.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Gordon JOhn did you get Gordon's point
John More:Even if the ALS's interest is narrow, do we not want folks to get out of their comfort zone and consider being active.
Louis Houle:Criteria ? Qualifications? Judith
Leah Symekher (SFBay ISOC):great work John n Judith.
Louis Houle:Thanks John. Very helpful to the discussion.
Alan Greenberg:Note that at the ALAC level, we are building a new set of "participation" rules.
Alfredo Calderon:Gordon's idea is a great one. Some form of reporting from each ALS to the Chair or post on Wiki.
judith hellerstein:yes the als criteria task force
Matthew Rantanen:Thanks
Alfredo Calderon:Bye!
Glenn McKnight:bye
John More:Thanks.
Ricardo Holmquist:bye
Gordon Chillcott:Thank you all. Bye for now
judith hellerstein:bye
Harold Arcos:Thanks for invitation,