Participants: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Rudi Vansnick, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal, Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond, Chris Grundemann

Apologies: Charles Mok, Hong Xue, Beau Brendler

Absent: Antonio Medina Gomez, Carlos Vera

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene


1.  Roll call – 5 min.

2.  Review of AIs from 6  January 2011 meeting -- Dev, 5 min

     a)  Seth to arrange with Matthias for Dev to present the New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart to APRALO.

       -  Status:  Done.  Dev will join the APRALO call on Tuesday, 25 February, at 6:00 UTC to present the New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart.

     b)  Beau and Heidi to work on the WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s).
            -  Status:  Ongoing.  See agenda item #4, “Next Steps,” below.

     c)  Seth to arrange for a Doodle for a new WT D call time.  (Include Thursday 19:00, 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00; Friday 00:00, 01:00 UTC; and the times of the past Summit calls.)

            -  Status:  Done.  See agenda item #5 below.  


3.  Initial discussion of proposals WT D would like to make to ALAC – Dev, 20 min

(a) WT status presentations in ALAC meeting on 25 January and (b) WT Improvements proposals to ALAC

All the WTs will give their status presentations, prepared initially for Cartagena, during the ALAC meeting on 25 January.  Due to an already full agenda, each WT presentation will be allotted 3--5 minutes, strictly enforced.

Feedback received during the ALAC presentations on 25 January will hopefully be useful to the WTs in preparing their final recommendations to the ALAC.

For WT D’s 25 January ALAC presentation, Dev would like to add to the new ALAC/At-Large PAD the input from the new proposed cross-regional committee to determine which policy topics the RALOs would like to submit public comments on (the committee will contain two members from each RALO).  Calton, as Rapporteur, would then present the committee’s report to the ALAC probably monthly.

>>  AI:  Dev to discuss with Carlton (a) the work of the proposed cross-regional committee to determine policy issues warranting RALO comments and (b) the inclusion of this input into the new ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart.


>>  AI:  WT D members to review New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart (Dec 2010)_ver 6 and WT D Simplified Improvements Outline and suggest updates for presentation to ALAC on 25 January.


4.  Improvements WTs' next steps – Dev, 10 min

WT D’s next steps

Rec. 8 (ALAC may request public comment period be extended to 45 days):

  • Much work has been done on this, and little is left to do.

Rec. 12 (Consumer representatives should have input into decisions and policy advice):

  • The main next step for WT D is to work on the consolidation and updating of the consumer documents (see WT D outline of consolidated consumer documents).
    • Heidi will be making her and Beau’s working on this a priority.
    • Dev and Seth volunteered to help.
    • Before this meeting, Beau sent around the revised Consumer Group charter, as another consumer-related document.  However, it is not included in the documents, on the WT D workspace, that need to be updated and consolidated. 

>>  AI:  Heidi, along with Beau, to make the updating and consolidation of the consumer documents a priority.

Rec. 13 (ALAC/At-Large policy advice mechanisms should be strengthened):

  • Much work has also been done on this, especially looking at barrier, etc.
  • What we still must do are 13.4, 13.5. and13.6 (see below).

WT D to-do (not quite AIs):  WT D should recommend that the ALAC Chair write to the liaisons to the GNSO PDP WG, ccNSO PDP WG, and ASO PDP WG to ensure that their PDPs guarantee ALAC input.

Task 13.4 (Ensure the GNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process)

The new GNSO PDP is already in the public comment period.

WT D to-do (not quite an AI):  WT D should submit a comment on the GNSO PDP (comment period now open).

Task 13.5 (Ensure the ccNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process)

Link to ccNSO IDN PDP is http://www.ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/ipwg1.htm.

>>  AI:  Rudi to check with the ccNSO PDP WG regarding whether (a) there is material WT D can review and (b) its PDP contains a means of considering ALAC input.

The expectation is that it will include two means of considering ALAC input – via the public comment period and via the ALAC’s having representatives and liaisons in the ccNSO’s WGs.

Task 13.6 (Ensure the ASO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process)

ASO does not have a process yet.

WT D to-do (not quite AIs):  One mechanism that could be initiated is an ALAC liaison to the ASO,  (It does not need to be an ALAC member.)

All WTs’ final reporting

The form of the final reporting will be up to the WT co-chairs and Seth to decide. 

  • One suggestion is that it could be a document similar to what the Improvements project did for the SIC and Board early on – a short report (looking at each recommendation) with an annex for each WT.

Deadline for all WTs’ work

The only deadline that was important to the SIC was for Rec. 2 (the At-Large-selected Director), and that is completed.  For all the other recommendations, the deadline has been self-imposed as the end of March 2011. 

Furthermore, it would be convenient to have all the recommendations resolved and discussed by the San Francisco meeting.  Some WTs, however, will clearly be lagging behind.

Dev’s goal for WT D is to have its recommendations completed by San Francisco. 

5.  WT D Doodle and possible rescheduling of call time – Dev, 5 min

In Doodle, majority of people said either Thursdays at 19:00 UTC (the current time of WT D calls) or at 23:00 UTC.

Considerations regarding changing the call time:

  • One possibility is to alternate call times, but that can be difficult for members and for staff to organize.
  • Does the WT want to now inconvenience the members who have been disciplined in attending the calls for the sake of a small number of new-comers? 
  • The WT does not have that many calls left.
  • Perhaps, instead of needing both Hong and Charles on the calls from APRALO, it would be enough to have just Charles, as vice chair of APRALO.

>>  AI:  Dev, with Seth’s help, to reach out to Charles and Hong to get their suggested times for WT D calls.

6.  Any other business -- Dev, 5 min

No other business was raised.

7.  Confirmation of next meeting – Dev, 5 min

  • (If no change, meeting would on Thu, 3 February, at 19:00)

The day and time of the next call was left as currently scheduled for now.  If that changes based on Dev’s contacting Hong and Charles, he will let everyone know.

The meeting was adjourned.

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