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  1. General Questions/Logistics

    1. How many trainees
    2. How many sessions
    3. How many rooms
    4. How long are the sessions
    5. What is the training benchmarks\\\\

    Item: One External Experts


    1. How are external experts EE determined?
    2. What sections are EE would be required beyond staff and volunteers?
    3. How many hours will the EE be required?
    4. What is the proscribed teaching rates?


    Item Two Designation


    1. Who will certify or designate the trainers and participants
    2. Will the participants get a certificate of completion
    3. Will the certificate of completion be only time based or will it require testing


    Item Three Photos and Video


    1. Video of lectures?
    2. Video for outreach required creating a edited promotional video created in advance of event
      to be produced indicating training deliverable

    Item Facilitator and Participant Guide

    1. What kinds of teaching materials will be produced, Ebooks, Slideshows, Audio lecture etc
    2. Have you considered a MOODLE educational site to create and obtain end user feedback?
    1. Hi Glenn,

      you raise a lot of important questions which have to be discussed. Unfortunately we have to be a bit pragmatic,
      as the timeline to submit the budget proposal will not allow to discuss all these items in detail.

  2. I Agree with answers made by Glenn. I think we need to consider deeply the travel expenses for the participants who have not the support of ICANN, I think will be an important amount and define our budget. we to know how many participants are out off ICANN support and add this cost.

    1. >>I think we need to consider deeply the travel expenses for the participants who have not the support of ICANN<<

      Hi Carlton, this programme will be designed for future (already elected) officers and incoming staff. NomCom elected officers
      or future officers elected by their SO / AC will be supported by ICANN already.

      1. I haven't seen much in discussion on this budget