Sandra Hoferichter:                 Hello everybody can you hear me?

Sebastien Bachollet:                Yes.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Perfect, so welcome everybody, good evening, good night, good morning, good afternoon wherever you are.  I'm quite impressed by the number of people joining this call.  I was even more impressed by the people who filled into the Doodle.  I'm really happy that we have such a broad participation for this new project to establish an ICANN Academy in the ICANN community.  I do have to apologize because this is the first call I'm chairing so I might not be very fluent in all my moderation. 

I apologize and ask kindly staff and Olivier to correct and step in if there are any things I should do in another way.  Before the invitation I sent out a brief project description.  This project description was to summarize the draft proposal which has been online August 22 and I would ask Olivier Crepin-Leblond first to give us a short overview of the history of this project which is more or less one year old already and how the development was and why we are here now to establish a working group to get this project forward.  I would like to give the floor to Olivier.    

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you very much Sandra and I think you’ve overlooked one small thing and I will jump in, the roll call.  Maybe we can ask Gisella to do the roll call. 

Gisella Gruber:                        Would you like a quick roll call Olivier?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Yes please.

Gisella Gruber:                        Yes, on the call this evening we have Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Yaovi Atohoun, Antonio Medina Gomez, Allan Skuce, Carlos Aguirre, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Wilson Abigaba, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Glenn McKnight, Sebastien Bachollet, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Dave Kissoondoyal, Etienne Tshishimbi, Avri Doria, Eduardo Diaz, [inaudible00:02:44], Racquel Gatto, Natalia [inaudible00:02:49].  From staff we have Heidi Ulrich, Matt Ashtiani and myself Gisella Gruber. 

We have apologies from José Arce, Hong Xue and Carlton Samuels.  I hope I have not left anyone out during the roll call.  If I could also please remind you all to mute your lines when you are speaking, mute with *6, unmute with *7 and please say your names when speaking for transcript purposes.  Thank you, over to you Olivier. 

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you Gisella for this roll call.  We are now on Item 3, which is a brief background of the ICANN Academy proposal.  Just a quick historical thing, one of the problems that ICANN faces is that it actually is a universe in its own self.  It's a universe in that it not only has people that see each other regularly around the world and speak very regularly, even more regularly on telephone calls, but it's also a universe in that they use a special language, all sorts of acronyms. 

The structure itself is very complicated and it's extremely hard for newcomers to understand exactly what is going on.  And they spend at least a few months if not years, in fact I know several people who have been in ICANN for several years and in the ICANN circles for several years and still don’t understand how everything works.  In a way, time that is lost by these people having to try and find material, having to read an enormous amount of material, until they can actually understand how things work, how the whole organization is structured, how At-Large is structured, how we work with RALOs, with everything. 

And so the idea that Sandra and Rolph started with was the idea that perhaps some kind of academy, some kind of teaching course being taught, would be of great help to newcomers.  The original idea was to start this as an At-Large thing.  So the experience that Sandra has in teaching people is actually quite extensive.  She, along with a number of other people, runs the European Summit that’s called an Internet Governance every summer, and it actually talks in a wider way about internet governance in general, principles of the multi-stakeholder process etcetera, and it invites a whole number of experts, subject experts, who speak about internet governance. 

Now what Sandra and Rolph did, I would say about six months ago, was to speak about this with Feliz Dioman, and in fact, one of the key points, the key seeds prior to Sandra taking up the matter in her hands was the actual improvements, which in showed in there, and I don’t have the actual document in front of me, but in there there is a specific recommendation which is to actually create some kind of development process, capacity-building process for At-Large members, for them to be able to understand what is going on and for them to be operational. 

So putting the At-Large improvements part and also the background that Sandra has, she invited Feliz over to the summer school on internet governance this summer, and Feliz saw for herself how this whole summer school worked and what people managed to get out of the summer school, how they learned things in a pretty fast way and were able to discuss things face to face with their colleagues that were also students and faculty members, both in the “classroom”, but also outside during breaks, at lunchtime, and in the evenings as well. 

Sandra put together with Rolph and a few other people a first proposal which was sent to Feliz as a first draft proposal.  I think that this is the proposal we actually have a copy of that is linked and that Heidi has put on the confluence page, the ICANN Academy proposal.  I gather that most of you, if not all of you on this call, have actually read this proposal.  So we’re here gathered tonight, today, this morning, to actually develop that proposal further. 

As a parallel track, Feliz has circulated the proposal, the first draft, to various staff within the ICANN structure, and there is an enormous amount of interest, because the problems that we have faced At-Large are the problems that everyone else faces in all of the other communities out there, whether it’s on the board for new board member when they take office have absolutely no clue how things really work, and for the first few months are totally unable to take part in discussions without the fear of committing mistakes and looking silly.

So the idea on the staff side is that this could actually be expanded to more than just something for the ALAC.  But I think that’s the general idea.  So what we have to work on on this working group is to actually, well, to make that proposal mature into something that will take place, hopefully within a pretty short time frame.  There’s a lot of noise in the background here, I don’t know.  Very short time frame, hopefully the result of which should be by Toronto, which I think is in September or October in 2012.  That’s the quick introduction on my side.  Sandra, do you wish to add anything?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes.  Do you understand me?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Absolutely, yes.  Go ahead.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, perfect.  Thank you Olivier for this complete wonderful introduction.  I would just like to underline one thing you mentioned; we had quite close discussion with staff, especially with Feliz Dioman and also Heidi Ulrich during the last months, to discuss how the whole thing can be implemented into the ICANN system, and how it can be realized for the first time maybe in Toronto.  So therefore, we summarized specific issues that should be discussed within this working group already. 

These specific issues are also in the project description we sent around before this call, and I underlined…it’s very noisy, excuse me.  I underlined and we should definitely speak to those four issues.  I would like to repeat them here and now.

                                                The first issue is about general issues we have to agree on.  We have to discuss the date.  We have to discuss the place, the language diversity, and others might be added later or after this call.  Then we are asked to build up a modular program and the proposal for faculty members, high quality faculty members, and I’m very happy and very pleased that we have experienced faculty members like Carlos Aguirre and Avri Doria in this working group, which have an enormous knowledge about the summer school system and can be of great support.

                                                Then we are asked by ICANN staff, especially by Feliz, to reach out to other constituencies in ICANN.  This means we have to contact other silos within ICANN, the GNSO, the ccNSO, the ASO, the technical community, and the GAC members also, because they should be also involved and they should be convinced to send their new officers to this ICANN Academy as well. 

And last but not least, you have seen the budget the proposal on this ICANN Academy proposal on the website already.  This budget proposal needs to be modified.  We have to think about options, how we can minimize the budget, how we can implement staff support, and how this will be settled down into the budget.  So this is the task for the next three or more months. 

When we have discussed all these things, we can revise the draft proposal and vote on the proposal and then submit it to the board, latest by March 2012, latest around ICANN meeting in Costa Rica, because from my experience of the organization of the European summer school, I know we have to start at that point.  Otherwise we are too late to have the first ICANN Academy in Toronto.  So we have to really hurry up and I proposed already a working timeline. 

We can discuss this here and now if this needs to be modified or if this working timelines fits for everybody.  We have also to discuss this with staff, when calls are available, etcetera etcetera.  I would now like to hand over again to ICANN #4, operating and working with two of the large ICANN ATAC working group.  It says Sandra fifteen minutes, but I will hand over to Olivier again because we have to select the Chair and the Co-Chair.  Olivier, please.  Hello?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay.  So I should be un-muted now.  Can you hear me?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes, we can hear you.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay perfect.  I think I was also muted.  So yes, just following up on what you just said actually, the budget itself will need to go on a very speedy, sort of the speed lane, because that actually has to be finalized before March.  That has to be finalized, in fact, for January, because the budget requests for financial year ’13 have to be all sent in by the end of January as far as I understand.  So, we do need to think about this quite carefully, and that might be maybe one of the first things that will need to be refined.  Although, seeing from the proposal itself, it looks as though the budget has already been covered to some extent. 

                                                So now moving on over to Item #4, the operation and working methods.  The working group needs to select Chairs, Co-Chairs, actually.  It’s better to have at least two Chairs, so that if one is not able to make the meeting, another one is able to take over from them.  I was going to suggest for the time being, Sandra is the Interim Chair, well Sandra and Rolph actually are the Interim Chairs of the working group.  I was going to suggest that at least one of the two would be retained as a chair.  Sandra, I think, has the time and the knowledge to pursue with that, so I was going to suggest by acclimation that we would have Sandra as the Chair, as the first Chair. 

Then, I was going to nominate two other people for the position of Co-Chairs.  One was Sala Avanieta and please don’t ask me to say her second name.  The other one was Tijani Ben Jemaa.  That’s on my side.  I now ask if anyone else wishes to nominate another Chair or a second Co-Chair, first to find out if there’s anybody who’s against Sandra being one of the two Chairs, and then find out with regards to the second Chair, who wishes to go ahead.  I see Rolph has put his hand up, so Rolph, you have the floor.  And you will be muted, so it’s *7 to unmute Rolph.  Just while you’re unmuting, I have noticed several votes of approval with regards to Sandra being one of the chairs.

Rolph:                                     Can you hear me now?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         We can hear you now Rolph.

Rolph:                                     Okay, I have just posted a second suggestion.  I agree with Sandra continuing this role as Co-Chair of the working group, but I just posted a second suggestion on the chat.  My suggestion, besides Sandra, would be Avri as the second Co-Chair.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay, thank you very much Rolph.  I know that Sandra seconds your proposal.  Next we have Avri Doria, Avri? Just *7.

Avri Doria:                              I was in the process of doing that.  First of all, I want to concur with everyone about Sandra remaining the first Chair on this.  I think that your two recommendations are good recommendations and I would be in favor of either or both of those.  I think there’s no problem with the group choosing between people.  I am certainly willing to help in whatever role. 

I’m not sure about, you know, not being more of an assistance or a group of contributors or perhaps helping to write up the plans as another good task for me if others are selected as the Co-Chairs.  I would certainly be in favor of the two of them; hopefully they’re both on the call and can speak for themselves.  I like the idea of more geographic diversity in the Chairs and Co-Chairs, but I’m willing to do whatever.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay, thank you very much Avri.  I noticed on the chat that Racquel Gatto has seconded Sala Avanieta, the new member from ALAC.  Several other people, I think the discussion will probably, for selecting a second Chair, will probably need to be pursued on the mailing list and perhaps with a vote or something.  I’m not 100% sure on the exact way to select the Chair.  Maybe Cheryl could say a few words?

Cheryl Langdon-Orr:              Thank you Olivier.  Cheryl, for the transcript record.  Work groups are always encouraged to reach consensus, just as ALAC and [inaudible0:20:33] are required to try and reach consensus, as opposed to go to vote.  So if it is at all possible for a leadership team to be generated out of a way that ensure wide global participation and consideration of any unique aspects of different parts of the globe, and without going to vote, that would be the first preference. 

However, if you must go to vote, then you would have, I would have thought the model from the regions where they tend to use the ALAC methods of voting [inaudible0:21:15] and then doing a big vote.  So it would be far better for a work group, I would have thought, to actually come to consensus.  One way, of course, would be to have Sandra as Chair and a couple of Co-Vice-Chairs. 

The other thing is, when you’re looking at what the role of this is, these people are to drive the administration and the functioning of the meetings, and indeed of the pilot work.  So these are very much hard-working required positions.  They’re not just the decoration of one CV.  That’s for me, thank you.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you very much, Cheryl. 

Carlos Aguirre:                        Can you hear me?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Yes we can.

Carlos Aguirre:                        Carlos here.  Sorry, I connect by line.  First of all, I want to remind my [inaudible 0:22:22] this working group.  I support also the name of Avri Doria and my friend from Africa, sorry, I lost his name, help me.  Tijani Jemaa, of course.  He’s a great guy to be in this working group.  For me, this is the best team and I support their names.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you Carlos, and I note that while you were speaking, and since you’re not on the Adobe connect, Rolph has also mentioned that he would also suggest you for Lacralo if Avri was not pushing herself.  So maybe a first Chair and then a group of helpers, like Vice-Chairs.  That sounds like a good idea from Avri.  I see that multiple attendees are typing.  Perhaps someone wants to speak, Tijani.  *7 to unmute.

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Just to say that I fully support Sandra continuing to Chair, but for the second Chair or the Co-Chair, I really think that you need to have people from [inaudible 0:24:32] also.  I am not against Avri.  She knows very well that I appreciate very much her work.  We need [inaudible 0:24:42] to help people.  Thank you.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you very much Tijani.  I noticed several suggestions there, a program committee, a curriculum committee, Sandra as Chair and good assistance out of the regions.  Perhaps several Vice-Chairs, not just one Co-Chair, or maybe two Co-Chairs and three or four Vice-Chairs; whatever you call the roles, as Cheryl mentioned.  Okay and it’s starting to become silly on there, right.  So really what I suggest then, in order for us not to spend any further time on this is perhaps for staff to compile a list of the various volunteers or people that have been nominated there and follow up on the list on the discussion list, how to order that.  Perhaps that could be a program committee?  And you are allowed to speak, rather than just typing.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Can you hear me?  It’s Sandra speaking.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Absolutely, Sandra.  Please take the floor.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, thank you.  I’m really impressed by the participation in this Co-Chair and Chairing election, and I’d like to thank everybody for your faith in my ability to act as a Chair of this working group.  I’m very pleased and honored.  What I would like to say here is, and I mentioned it already, we have, at least in this call, we have two experienced faculty members of this summer school system. 

As the ICANN Academy proposal is very much based on the system of the international summer schools, I would see it as a really good possibility to involve Avri and Carlos as much as possible.  If you call it a curriculum committee or help-us committee or Co-Chair or two Vice-Chairs or whatever, I don’t mind. 

I just think we have to look more into the educational background and the experience background next to geographical diversity.  As I look into this group of attendees, geographical diversity is given by the participants and well, I think we should be on the safe side in this case. Thank you.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Actually Sandra, you don’t need to thank because you’re the Chair of the call.  I should say thanks.  If I could have the floor for a second, and I see Tijani’s put his hand up again, but I was just going to suggest the action item.  But first to Tijani, Tijani?

Tijani Ben Jemaa:                    Okay, thank you.  I don’t believe Sandra, it’s not a summer school project.  It’s an ICANN Academy Project and ICANN has now an experience in committees, and there definitely needs to be a depiction of experience.  So we don’t have to pick all the people who have experience in summer school; we have to pick people also who have other experience.  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Tijani for this valuable comment.  Maybe I should give you, in this case, a little bit more of background information.  If you read the ICANN Academy proposal, the one that is on the website since August, on the first page in the introduction paragraph, it says A, B, &C.  I’d just like to read it out.  A is a general which explains the ICANN Academy project as a whole.  There are three different areas which an ICANN Academy could be active.  A is a general introduction into ICANN course, the existing lectures for participants and the fellowship program financed by ICANN.  B is an enhanced 20 hours lecture program for new appointed ICANN officers for the Board councils and advisory committees.  C is a general program for interested individuals.

                                                We were urged by Feliz that we only concentrate on B, because A is in place already, which was very successful in Dakar for the At-Large community of Africa, and C is also in place more or less with the fellowship program.  They ask us only to concentrate on B, so we have to be very clear with the ICANN Academy proposal.  The ICANN Academy as a rule could be more than only the course we are talking about here, but in our proposal we only should concentrate on item number B, an enhanced 20 hours lecture program for new appointed ICANN officer of the Board, of the councils, and the advisory committees. 

As Feliz visited the summer school project this year in July in Germany, this is actually what we are talking about.  Maybe I should translate this a little more clearly; we were asked to establish such a program for ICANN based on the summer school project.  Olivier, you raised your hand, please.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you Sandra.  I was just going to say in the action items and summary minutes, there is now a list here with selection of work group leaderships.  Sandra as Chair and then program committee to consist of regionally-balanced group consisting of Tijani for AFRALO, Avri for EURALO and MARALO, and Carlos for LACRALO.  Is this something that we have a consensus on here?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 This sounds like a correct proposal to me.

Unknown:                               I strongly support this.

Unknown:                               Sounds good to me.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         I can see quite a few texts saying yes, so let’s take this as a consensus, so there’s a majority of the people here.  I could also put mine as ‘agree’ if I wanted to.  So in which case then we’ve done this election and I give the floor back to you then Sandra on the timing and frequency of calls.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, thank you Olivier.  In the project description, I sent around already a proposal which has to be agreed on the staff and I have passed this to all of you already.  In order to get the first academy trial into Toronto, which is in October 2012, we have to start to organize latest in April or even in March.  So therefore I proposed a timeline consisting of three conference calls where we discuss the various issues mentioned under Point One to Four in my proposal, but here in this Adobe Connect room, it is Point A to Z under Item #3.  Yes, I hope everybody can see this.

                                                So these are actually the points we have to discuss and I scheduled three calls, and a draft revised project proposal until 15th of February, a working group internal comment phase where we can adjust the document a little bit more, and then submit it to the ALAC and open it for the ALAC comment phase.  A presentation in Costa Rica in March could be possible.  We can ratify their vote on this during the Costa Rica meeting or even before that, if necessary, and submit it to the Board of Directors latest by the end of March.  Are there any objections against this proposal?  I see Yaovi has his hand raised.  Yaovi, please?

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Sebastien, if I can talk, I am not on Adobe unfortunately, and I can’t follow, but if I can speak it would be great.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Is it Sebastien?

Sebastien Bachollet:                Yes, it is Sebastien.  I have a few remarks.  The first one is that I am not sure because I have to be careful how I say that, but because one staff tell you something that you have to follow what the staff is telling you.  My personal point of view, not as Board member and not as the Chair of the PPC, is to say all the issue to set up an academic; it’s interesting to look at.  At the same time, I think you need to gather all the pieces already existing to set up this academy. 

I think some training done for the Board members, for the new Board member; not enough, but there is something already, and some improvements in the last few months.  There is something done for the newcomers, something done for At-Large by AFRALO last time, last meeting, and so on and so forth. 

I think it would be really useful to have a picture and eventually even the document used for those training for all those groups within the organization.  I know that specifically we are doing things, and I am sure that all the parts of ICANN are doing that.  It would be great to gather all that somewhere to know how to do all of that.  The second thing could be also interesting is to know who is delivering those speech, to know who are the best ones or the good ones to deliver those speech.  With the schedule, you have to take into account two things. 

If we go to a committee and I think if we go to two committees of the Board before going to the Board, it’s participation on the committee and the finance committee.  One of the reasons I try to participate; I am coming At-Large, but also I am a member of those two committees and I will help to be the liaison into this working group and the committee.  That’s some of the idea I would like to push, not risking yourself in the landscape for this project.  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Sebastien.  I’d just like to ask, Yaovi has still his hand raised.  Do you like to comment on this?  Yaovi, you might be muted.  I think he cannot hear us.  Yaovi, *7 to unmute.  He seems to have problems.  Yaovi, you are unmuted now.  You can speak now.

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Okay, can I speak now?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes, we hear you.

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Okay, thank you very much.  My comment was about the [inaudible0:39.11] having a Co-Chair.  To have this committee, I think it’s good to have a Co-Chair more or less within this committee, to fill the role of Co-Chair [inaudible0:39:32].  This is the one comment I want to make.  It would be good for this committee to have one Co-Chair for Sandra.  Thank you. 

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Yaovi.  Although you were very difficult to understand because of the noise on the line, we understood, or I understood so far that you propose to have Tijani as a Co-Chair is that right?

Yaovi Atohoun:                      Not a name, but just one Co-Chair for you.  I’m not giving a name, but it would be good to have one Co-Chair for you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, I think as far as I understood, Olivier, we will finish this discussion or we will finish a vote?  No, actually we had already on the program committee.  Am I right?  Olivier?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Yeah.  You can hear me now, thank you.  My computer decided to shut down so I missed a few minutes of the call.  Yes, what I suggest is that the program committee itself decides among themselves who would be along with you; you all decide who would be your Co-Chair maybe or who can act as a Co-Chair when you’re not able to join a call.  Either that or that any of the program committee could be a Co-Chair when you’re not there, to assume the position of the Chair.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I see Cheryl confirms the program committee is settled now, and I would agree with Cheryl.  If I’m not able to Chair a call or to do anything, any of the program committee can replace myself.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Yes, perfect.  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 In addition to what Sebastian just mentioned to us, I think it’s a very valuable point.  We just have to take into account that we agreed in this lengthy discussion during the last six months already that we started a very small proposal to learn from the experience, to have a small budget, not to overload ICANN with this idea, and then later on to combine all existing structures which are actually very good and are in place already, and hopefully successful ICANN Academy 20 hours training course to combine this under one umbrella and say, “Okay this is the ICANN Academy training course which consists of the fellowship program, which consists also of the program we had for the AFRALO community in Dakar, and also the 20 hour training course part of the entire project.” 

So, I would ask everybody to keep this in mind because this was actually the work of the last year or the last six months, since we work close together not only with ICANN staff, also with other ALAC members like [inaudible0:42:51] etcetera, which have a great experience in this field.  Are there any additional comments to the timeline?  Otherwise I would take this as agreed and would then go on and check with ICANN staff if we can realize three conference calls, another one in January, and another call in February, and the comment phase and everything.  Are there any other comments on the timeline?  Olivier, you raised your hand.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you very much Sandra.  Can you hear me?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Yes.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay.  I’m a little concerned about the timing that you’re suggesting, because of the fact that we need the budget to be ready as quickly as possible.  I was going to suggest that there would be actually a second call closer than in January.  We are the 7th of December, I understand the holiday period is also arriving, but certainly another call either before the holiday period or just after the holiday period might be something that you would wish to consider as the Chair, just to keep the momentum going.  A call in January is a call next year, and we really have to have this done as soon as possible.  I think the budget requests have to be finished by the 20th of January. 

It would probably be a real concern if the budget was not ready in this working group for that time.  Certainly other things as well; the project itself is still in development on the staff side.  There is a call that I will have with other Chairs of SONAC with Kurt, who will provide details of progress to engage the community more.  I have a feeling one of the things is a follow-up on what’s going to take place on the ICANN side.  So, this is definitely something which I would like to be able to relate to the group here after the call takes place.  I think the call is sometime next week.  So maybe another call in a week and a half or two weeks time would be helpful for this working group.  Thank you.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you Olivier.  We have to check with ICANN staff if another place for a conference call would be available.  If a Doodle is set up and everything, I would be fine with another call during December, because as I see this today, we won’t get into our deep discussion about the general questions and about the issue itself.  So may I ask Heidi or Gisella if you can quickly confirm if a second call in December would be available?  Gisella says yes in Adobe Chat.  So I would ask Matt to take this as an action item for another Doodle poll and to schedule another call in December.  Matt can you confirm that you have this as an action item?

Heidi Ulrich:                           Hi Sandra, this is Heidi.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Heidi, hello.

Heidi Ulrich:                           Hi, sorry I was on mute talking to myself, but yes of course, we can start the Doodle today if you would like and I’ll mark that as an action item.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, so another call before Christmas.  Okay, any other comments on the time frame?  Olivier, as I understand you, the budget proposal has to be submitted by the 20th of January.  According to my proposal I have Item #4; the budget proposal presents option how to minimize on the third conference call in February.  Also this call is now scheduled for January.  I don’t think we will have finished a discussion and finished a proposal until 20th of January, so we have to re-do the whole agenda actually, and we have to discuss the budget proposal on our next call, which I think might be difficult because if you haven’t discussed the program and the date and the place and everything yet, it’s hard to define a budget.  What do you think in this case?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you Sandra, it’s Olivier.  It’s that or nothing.  I may be blunt about it.  Either you get it done or you don’t have an ICANN Academy proposal then.  It needs to be in the budget.  If it’s not in the budget, it’s not going to be financed.  If it doesn’t get financed, it’s not going to happen. 

So that’s one thing, but I think it actually relates to the next item in your agenda which is the working methods and the use of the various lists et cetera -- Wiki workspace, comments page, mailing list etcetera, communication.  Perhaps these can be used to work on until the 20th to prepare for the, well not the 20th, but the call in December.  You know, the work doesn’t have to just take place on the calls.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Mm-hmm, I agree with this.  Mm-hmm.  Okay, so just to make it crystal clear, the budget has to be submitted on the 20th of January.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         I’m not sure of the exact date, but it’s before the end of January.  So anything that happens after January will not be funded.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, so we can actually build on the existing proposal on the webpage, adjust this a little bit where we can have some savings etcetera, and then we submit another proposal but having discussed the program and everything in detail.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Yes, Sandra, yes.  Here is Oliver for the transcript.  And one more thing, if anyone has not got a log-in for conference, anyone on this call doesn’t have a log-in, they can email staff and ask for a log-in on the conference.  So then they are able to then put their input on the Wiki.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Perfect, thank you Olivier.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         I also note one last thing, that Heidi says a mailing list will be set up this week.  Thank you and sorry for jumping into your meeting all the time.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 No Olivier, I’m really thankful for this.  Don’t worry.  So we actually moved over to communication, mailing list, Wiki workspace etcetera, and are there any other questions about this?  Because it is mentioned already that a mailing list will be set up.  The working space is there already and the comments page.  Are there any other questions?  I see there are no questions, no comments.  So then I would move to Action Item #5, the discussion, which is actually the most important part of this call from my point of view. 

I ask everybody in this call now and later on the mailing list as well, if you have any general questions to this proposal, or if you have any additional items to add to the agenda, the agenda referred under Action Item #3, then this is the place to discuss this, to get an explanation, or add items to the agenda.  If there are no questions and no additional items, then I would propose…I just see we are having a call of one hour.  Heidi, how long do we have for this call?

Matt Ashtiani:                        I will play Heidi.  We have one hour.  We are two minutes over the time now.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Okay, so we are two minutes over the time.  We actually don’t have the time to discuss Point C, but I still think we have the time to raise some general questions or to add additional items to the agenda.  Are there any questions or are there any additional items?  Avri, I see Avri raised her hand.

Avri Doria:                              Yeah, hi.  Am I muted or umuted?

Sandra Hoferichter:                 No, you are perfect Avri.

Avri Doria:                              Okay, I couldn’t remember which I had done.  Just a quick point, I’m wondering with the meeting having already overshot it’s time, I’m wondering if you and your committee of helpers can basically get together and talk real soon, maybe before another meeting is going, and get all the information laid out, and in addition, get the other conversation going on the mailing list as soon as that’s possible, so that the meeting can end but we can get started with the work and start bringing everybody in to it.  You’ve got four helpers so we obviously have to start doing so.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Sounds like a good idea.  Are there any other general questions to this proposal?  No questions?  Are there any additional items which should be added to the agenda?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Sandra, it’s Olivier here.  I note on the chat that Glenn McKnight has asked a question, which I’ll relay, which is “Since I’m a new member, I want to provide my help where it’s most needed.  Do we have a task list?”

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Not yet.  This is actually something I see in the program committee in the help us group.  We can work on a task list then.

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Okay, so that can be an action item then.  Action Item: make up a task list.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 And also as an action item, to schedule a call, I don’t know how this is going to be organized, if you meet via Skype or ask ICANN staff and Idego to schedule a call.  Avri, what did you mean to meet…?

Avri Doria:                              Sorry, what I meant was that whether it’s on Skype or a call or whatever, you and your team need to get started.  And so, between now and when there’s the next meeting, we should be talking and getting work going.  I don’t know how we’re doing it, but we can figure that out on email or whatever later.  If we can have an Action Item; figure out how to get team working.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 I would ask to put this down as an Action Item, to schedule another call for the program committee.  So as we are running over time, I would move to Agenda Point #6, next steps.  Well we discussed the next steps already.  The first thing, the program committee will meet for another call to discuss a task list.  A mailing list will be created and new Doodle will be sent out to all participants.  To schedule another conference call before Christmas, and the budget proposal should be submitted by let’s say the 20th of January. 

Also this can be two days later, but let’s keep the 20th of January for the budget proposal.  Are there any additional comments on this?  I see no hands raised and I see nothing in the chat as well.  Then we can quickly move to Point 7 of the agenda, any other business.  I say, Sandra, I don’t have any other business.  Does anybody else have any other business?  I see nobody raised a hand.  Well then I would declare this call as finished.  Olivier, please help me out if I lost something or if I missed something?

Olivier Crepin-LeBlond:         Thank you very much Sandra.  I think you’ve done very well for your first meeting.  A round of applause.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Yeah, if there’s nothing else, you can just declare the meeting to be finished or over or adjourned, whichever you prefer, or geschlossen, whichever language you want to use as well.  That’s it.  Thank you and hopefully we’ll all be speaking pretty soon, later on this month.

Sandra Hoferichter:                 Thank you all for joining late at night, early in the morning, and during your daytime.  Bye bye.

-End of Recorded Material-

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