This is a repository for documents in Korean
Following documents from ICANN have been translated into Korean in coordination with KTAC(Korean Translation Advisory Committee).
KTAC have helped in selecting the documents and prioritization for better use.
All the materials for reference only.
2014-2015 Korean Localization Results
The Newsletter Engagement for Korean Stakeholders
1.0) The Newsletter Plan
2.0) Newsletter for Korean Stakeholders in 2014
3.0) ICANN Terms and Definitions Korean DOC
ICANN Language Localization Toolkit
1.0) 2014-05-30-The Internet Ecosystem and ICANN_KOR
1.1) 2014-07-01-About ICANN_KOR
2.1) 2014-07-01-Transitioning the role of the US relating to IANA_KOR
2.2) 2014-07-01-Universal Acceptance_KOR
2.3) 2014-07-01-Internationalized Domain Names_KOR
2.4) 2014-07-01-WHOIS_KOR
2.5) 2014-07-01-New gTLDs_KOR
By laws_KOR
1.0) Beginner's Guide to participating in ICANN_KOR
2.0) Beginner's Guide to Participating in At-Large_KOR
3.0) Beginner's Guide to Policy Advice in the At-Large Advisory Committee_KOR
4.0) What's the effect of ICANN's role and work on the Internet? _KOR
5.0) How do I participate?_KOR
6.0) Beginner's Guide to Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses_ENG
7.0) Beginner's Guide to Domain Names_ENG
8.0) Domain Name Structure and Delegation_ENG
9.0) Fact Sheets-IDN Program_KOR
10.0) CWG Stewardship Draft Proposal_KOR
11.0) Global Commision on Internet Governance
- Legal Mechanism for IANA Transition_KOR
- ICANN Bridging the Trust Gap_KOR
Internationalized Domain Names
1.0) About IDN_ENG
2.0) IDN Variant TLDs_ENG
3.0) Guidelines for Developing Reference Label Generation Rulesets (LGRs) for the Second Level_KOR
1.0) Registrar Accreditation Agreement
2.0) WHOIS Policy_KOR
- 2014-07-09-Final Report from the EWG on gTLD Directory Services_KOR
- 2014-07-09-Final Report from the EWG on gTLD Directory Services_Abstract_KOR
- Initial Report on the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Policy Development Process_KOR
- Final Report from the Expert Working Group on Internationalized Registration Data (WHOIS)_KOR
- Internationalized Registration Data Expert Working Group Draft Final Report_KOR
- ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law_ENG
- 2014-06-16-EPP Status Codes-KOR.pdf
- 2014-07-02-Additional Whois Information Policy_KOR
- 2014-09-12-Registry Agreement Spec4 RAA RDDS_KOR
3.0) Changes to Existing Accreditation_KOR
4.0) Registrants' Benefits and Responsibilities_ENG
5.0) FAQ for Registrars_ENG
6.0) Compliance_ENG
7.0) Compliance FAQ_ENG16.0) Registrar Policy Changes 2015-1st half year_KOR
8.0) 2014-07-02-Policy on Transfer of Registrations between Registrars_KOR
0.5) 2014-08-29-Geo names in new gTLDs Updated V3_KOR
1.0) Generic Top Level Domain
- About gTLDs_ENG
- Expedited Registry Security Request Process_ENG
- FAQ for Name Reservation, Allocation and Registration_ENG
- Registry FAQ_ENG
2.0) Country Code Top Level Domain
- ccTLD Administration and Delegation_ENG
- ccTLD Model MoUs_ENG
- ccTLD Best Practice_ENG
Domain Name Rights Protection
1.0) Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (the "Rules")_KOR
2.0) Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policies_KOR
3.0) Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy_KOR
4.0) Registrant Rights and Responsibilities Under the 2009 Registrar Accreditation Agreement_KOR
5.0) Rights Protection Mechanisms Review-11sep15-en_kor
IANA Policy
1.0) IANA Policy For Allocation of IPv6 Blocks to Regional Internet Registries_ENG
2.0) IANA Policy For Allocation of ASN to Regional Internet Registries_ENG
3.0) Post Exhaustion IPv4 Allocation_ENG
IANA Transition Proposals
1.0) CCWG-Accountability 2nd Draft Proposal on Work Stream 1 Recommendations_KOR
1.2) 2014-08-22-Enhancing Accountability FAQs_KOR
1.5) 2015-11-15-CWG-draft-2-proposal-work-stream-1-recs-15nov15_KOR
- Reference 1 : Summary_Comparison_of_Enforcement_Mechanisms
- Reference 2 : Summary_Comparison_of_Enforcement_Mechanisms_by_Model
- Reference 3 : Comparison_of_Enforcement_Mechanisms_by_Model_Final
1) Infographic_PublicRespDept_SeoulOff_revised
2) IANA functions-basics-07apr14_ENG
3) NTIA_IANAStewardship_Toolkit_081114
4) Trademark Protections Infographic_KOR
5) IANA Transition update for Korean Stakeholders
- ICANN Visited Seoul for updating Visit Report
Activity Reports
o Year 2014 Meeting Participation and reports
- 20140410_Report from Internet Governance Seminar
- 20140515_The future of Internet Governance (NETMUNDIAL) and Korean Internet Governance
- 20140706_2014 Korea Internet Governance Forum(IGF-KR)
- 20141113_Korea Internet Governance Open Forum
- 20141222_Korean Internet Governance Activities in 2014
o Year2015 Meeting Participation and reports
- 20150410_Privacy Global Edge 2015
- 20150424_Introduction of ICANN to Students of Computer Engineering of freshmen
- 20150507_Asia_Internet_Symposium
- 20150508_Korean multi stakeholders opinions on the CWG proposal
- 20150515_CJK Coordination Meeting
- 20150515_IANA transition at a Korean university
- 20150529_KR Registrar Introduction
- 20150708_ICIS Conference and Korean National Policy Agency Meeting