ICANN66 – CCWG Auction Proceeds Meeting

DATE: Wednesday, 06 November 2019   / TIME:  17:00-18:30

Room:  511C (GNSO)

ICANN66 Schedule link: https://66.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1116834


Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Cross-Community Working Group

Wednesday 6 November from 17.00 – 18.30 UTC

  1. Roll call
  2. Welcome / DOI & SOI updates
  3. Short recap of current status of work:
    1. Input received from ICANN Board & ICANN Org in relation to clarifying questions posed by CCWG (seehttps://community.icann.org/display/CWGONGAP/Additional+Questions+and+Responses)
    2. Survey not launched yet as input from ICANN Board, especially on mechanism C, was deemed essential to inform survey. Survey expected to be launched shortly after ICANN66 so that indicative consensus designations can be included in proposed Final Report.
    3. Staff & leadership team have proposed a number of updates to proposed Final Report in line with clarifications provided by ICANN Board & ICANN Org – those reviewed during the last and agreed to have been accepted. Changes as a result of last week’s meeting and those not reviewed yet can be seen in redline in the latest version. A couple of outstanding items remain for CCWG consideration.
    4. CCWG agreed during its meeting on 23 October to prepare launch of public comment on proposed Final Report shortly after ICANN66.
  4. Outstanding issues:
    1. Page 25 – any concerns about the proposed modification in relation to programmatic adjustments and baskets?
    2. Page 27 – Consider Board input and decide whether updates should be made to this section.
    3. Page 28/29 – any concerns in relation to the updates made to change OEC to ‘through a committee if appropriate’ following Board input?
    4. Page 29 – consider Board input on topic of compensation and decide whether any updates should be made to this paragraph.
    5. Page 41– any concerns in relation to the proposed modification to point 5 in line with the Board’s input?
  5. Any other issues?
  6. Confirm next steps:
    1. Launch of survey –timing?
    2. Launch of public comment period – approach & timing?
    3. Communication to Chartering Organizations
    4. Inclusion of Minority view points in Final Report
    5. Confirm action items / immediate next steps
  7. AOB

Documents for review:

new gTLD AP CCWG Draft Final Report - updated 1 November 2019.docx

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