Proposed Pilot
Based on feedback received, it is proposed that instead of immediately implementing the whole Framework, a pilot is launched that allows for a more limited roll out of the Framework from which lessons can be drawn and possible updates made to the Framework, should the Council and GNSO community decide that it is worthwhile to continue. The next section outlines in further detail the other potential assignments that have been identified and which will be “parked” as part of the Framework project until such time the pilot has been completed and the Council and GNSO community can decide how and when to proceed.
This pilot would consist of the following:
1. Creation of the Council Committee for Overseeing and Implementing Continuous Improvement
a. Completion of the assignment form for Task Force C - Accountability & Transparency requirements – assignment #6 (PDP 3.0 – SOI)
b. Completion of the assignment form for Council Committee Assignment #4 (PDP 3.0 – WG Self-assessment)
2. Following non-objection by the GNSO Council to assignment form for assignment #6, formation of Task Force C and commence deliberations:
a. Completion of Task Force C assignment and submission of recommendations to GNSO Council
b. Debrief by Council Committee as well as Task Force C focusing on lessons learned and possible improvements to Framework approach
3. Following non-objection by the GNSO Council for assignment form for Council Committee Assignment #4, commencement of deliberations
a. Completion of Council Committee assignment and submission of recommendations to GNSO Council
b. Debrief by Council Committee on lessons learned and possible improvements to Framework approach.
4. Once the pilot completes, the Council, in close collaboration with SG/Cs as well as the Council Committee and Pilot Task Force, will review the functioning of the Framework and decide whether to continue with the other assignments as outlined in the updated proposal (see section 3), make modifications to the framework and continue with the other assignments, or, identify another path through which the assignments identified are to be addressed.