Terri Agnew:Welcome to the ICANN Accessibility Taskforce Call on Monday 05 January 2015 at 1900 UTC

  Terri Agnew:meeting page: https://community.icann.org/x/n4sQAw

  Yasuichi Kitamura:morning, all

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi Terri, Jo;yu and Yasuchi

  Joly MacFie:While we're waiting - a good read https://medium.com/backchannel/all-technology-is-assistive-ac9f7183c8cd

  judith hellerstein:Hi and Glenn is coming as well

  Glenn McKnight:Hi All

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Hi All

  Glenn McKnight:Some very interesting  stuff on WW  1  military  assistance  technology is around 

  Glenn McKnight:Some of very interesting  programs  by government  of creating  training programmes  for  disabled  veterans

  Gunela Astbrink:Good morning everyone

  Glenn McKnight:One such program  was a  watchmaker program in Montreal

  Terri Agnew:Welcome Greg Shatan

  judith hellerstein:The sub committee i think was in LA in October

  judith hellerstein:Hi Chris and Laura, just wanted to make sure you got the info I sent you on caption first

  christopher mondini:yes thanks! :)

  Laura Bengford:Yes Judith, thanks

  Glenn McKnight:All  I have created  a  Powerpoint on Video Captioning.  I will post the link to slideshare

  Glenn McKnight:Here is the link to the SLIDESHARE  how to use  the tool for Video Captioning

  Glenn McKnight:http://www.slideshare.net/gmcknight/craptioning-to-captions-how-to

  Gunela Astbrink:I would be very happy to have the meeting an hour later

  Laura Bengford:Sure Cheryl

  Glenn McKnight:Website  is only one area for  Stocktaking of  ICANN compliance

  Glenn McKnight:Perhaps  interface with ADA  on a checklist

  Laura Bengford:Chris and I will work with Josh (our AC expert) for the Jan 26 mtg.

  Glenn McKnight:FYI  

  Glenn McKnight:I will be in Austin for NTEN  in March 

  Glenn McKnight:Here is the session I will be reporting on

  Glenn McKnight:Wednesday, March 4 • 1:30pm - 3:00pmAccessibility and IT - Working towards a universally accessible IT environmentSign up or log in to save this event to your list and see who's attending!★ Add To My SchedWith the explosion of technology, the world is becoming more accessible to all. Yet, how many employers know how to address IT accessibility issues? How can universities present online materials that are accessible to students who are blind or deaf-blind.This presentation will describe the impact of common causes of vision loss and hearing loss on those who use technology, and ideas for working towards creating a universally accessible IT environment.Three key areas will be addressed using an interactive and multimedia approach:1) environmental considerations (visual and auditory considerations and tips);2) adaptive software (screen reading programs, screen magnification programs, etc.), and3) hardware (scanners, refreshable braille displays, alerting systems).As a result of this presentation, participan

  Glenn McKnight:ith the explosion of technology, the world is becoming more accessible to all. Yet, how many employers know how to address IT accessibility issues? How can universities present online materials that are accessible to students who are blind or deaf-blind.This presentation will describe the impact of common causes of vision loss and hearing loss on those who use technology, and ideas for working towards creating a universally accessible IT environment.Three key areas will be addressed using an interactive and multimedia approach:1) environmental considerations (visual and auditory considerations and tips);2) adaptive software (screen reading programs, screen magnification programs, etc.), and3) hardware (scanners, refreshable braille displays, alerting systems).As a result of this presentation, participan

  Glenn McKnight:Nancy O'DonnellHelen Keller National Center  is tge presenter

  Laura Bengford:@Glenn I am planning to attend NTEN also

  Glenn McKnight:@laura  I was  a speaker last year

  Laura Bengford:Thanks Glenn, great.

  Terri Agnew:@Cheryl,please be so kind to repeat the Action Item as you would like it recorded

  Laura Bengford:Thank you to Gunela for helping with the RFP for web accessibility assessment! 

  judith hellerstein:I thought we already sent our recommendations for rec 11 for the last meeting

  Gunela Astbrink:You're welcome, Laura

  judith hellerstein:I have a full page on this

  Glenn McKnight:We only mentioned  the accessibility issues  could not  address  the gender and other issues

  Joly MacFie:Where is your page, Judith?

  Glenn McKnight:Its the Atlas  2 recommendations  page

  Joly MacFie:all I see is this https://community.icann.org/display/als2/ATLAS+II+Recommendations+to+the+ICANN+Board

  Glenn McKnight:Wel can add the action item  RFP

  judith hellerstein:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ATLAS2+Recommendation+11

  Glenn McKnight:Under the notes column  we had  some notes

  Glenn McKnight:@ Judith  thanks  for the updated link

  Glenn McKnight:We can add the   RFP  to this  page too

  Glenn McKnight:RecommendationICANN must implement a range of services to facilitate access according to various criteria (gender; cultural diversity) and user needs (disabilities, etc…).

  Glenn McKnight:The link  Judith provided  specifically addresses  only user needs  ie  Persons of Disability

  Glenn McKnight:Not  gender  or  cultural diversity

  Terri Agnew:Judith is back in Adobe connect

  Laura Bengford:@Glenn, here is the link to the RFP to add to that page, https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/rfps-2012-02-25-en

  Glenn McKnight:Thanks  Laura 

  judith hellerstein:yes. sorry i accidently dropped the page

  judith hellerstein:it also addresses needs of people with limited bandwidth and language issues

  Glenn McKnight:Technical taskforce  spent the  last year  evaluating  conference  tools   and  one of the screens  was  accessiblity

  Joly MacFie:Thanks Judith, I'd like to suggest that page be linked in the notes section on #11 on https://community.icann.org/display/als2/ATLAS+II+Recommendations+to+the+ICANN+Board

  Glenn McKnight:@Joly  the  page provided by Judith is from TTF  and we need a  Accessibility response too

  Glenn McKnight:It might be the same or more

  judith hellerstein:Yes because the TTF, which was Glenn and I did all the work

  Glenn McKnight:It's  a  quiet  group

  Joly MacFie:I'll be happy to proofread any draft.

  Gunela Astbrink:Thanks, Joly

  Glenn McKnight:I have two updates  for Item 5

  Joly MacFie:http://myntc.nten.org/eventdetails/schedule

  Gunela Astbrink:Excellent! to 20.00UTC meeting time

  Terri Agnew:@Cheryl , will create wiki page after this call and send you the link

  Glenn McKnight:bye all

  Laura Bengford:Thank you everyone, Happy New year!

  Gunela Astbrink:Thanks, bye

  judith hellerstein:bye all

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr:Bye all....  Thanks

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