14:37:24 From Yesim Nazlar : Welcome to the ATLAS III Webinar: “Introduction to GNSO” taking place on Thursday, 02 May 2019 at 12:00 UTC
14:37:37 From Aïcha Abbad : Bonjour la communauté
14:49:02 From Alfredo Calderon : Good morning, good afternoon or good evening to all!
14:51:10 From Alfredo Calderon : Welcome to the second opportunity to learn the Fundamentals of how the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) contributes to the ICANN multistakeholder model mission and how we At Large (Internet End-Users) can contribute.
14:51:38 From Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan) : Yes, I can hear you.
14:51:47 From AMG : buenos días. Soy Antonio Medina Gomez de la Asociación Colombiana de Usuarios de Internet. Cordial saludo a todos
14:51:54 From Priyatosh Jana : hi everyone
14:53:32 From Alfredo Calderon : Saludos a todos!
14:53:42 From Anne-Marie Joly Bachollet : Hello
14:53:53 From Jose Arce : Hola a todos !!
14:54:06 From haroun mahamat cherif : hi
14:54:09 From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : Alfredo buenos días
14:54:20 From Aïcha Abbad : Morocco Hello
14:55:21 From Aisyah Shakirah Suhaidi : Hello everyone
14:55:22 From Achta : Bonjour tout le monde
14:58:20 From Maritza Aguero : Hello everybody!
14:58:37 From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : hola Maritza, buenos días
14:59:07 From Maritza Aguero : Hola Antonio!
14:59:18 From Katambi Joan : hello and welcome every one
14:59:22 From Alfredo Calderon : Saludos Maritza y otros compañeros de Latinoamérica y el Caribe.
14:59:37 From Maritza Aguero : Hola Alfredo!!
15:01:56 From davekissoondoyal : Hello everyone
15:02:08 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Hello Dave
15:02:14 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : How are you??
15:02:32 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Bonjour à tous
15:02:47 From Maritza Aguero : Hi Bakary!
15:02:50 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Is there a video in the Zoom channel? Currently I see only a green frame of a black screen
15:02:59 From davekissoondoyal : I am doing great Bakary. Thanks for asking.. how are you doing as well
15:03:29 From Gisella Gruber : @Lutz - we have a presentation up
15:03:38 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : How are you Maritza
15:03:49 From Lutz Donnerhacke : Hmm ... then I do have a problem ...
15:03:54 From Maritza Aguero : Fine, thhnx
15:04:02 From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : Gisella
15:04:28 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : Fine thx
15:04:58 From Hadia : hello all
15:05:38 From Gisella Gruber : Can everyone see the presentation?
15:05:49 From Gisella Gruber : Aicha and Lutz seem to have an issue
15:06:17 From Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan) : I’m watching the slides.
15:06:25 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Bonjour
15:07:03 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : J'ai eu un petit souci avec la connexion. Maintenant c'est bon.
15:08:01 From Lutz Donnerhacke : @Gisela: That's not really a problem. I did already see the slides and the Audio bridge is fine, so I can concentrate on the spoken words.
15:08:31 From Maritza Aguero : Yes, it´s okay
15:08:36 From Aïcha Abbad : je n'ai pas le son, qui peut m'aider svp
15:09:10 From A-Eduardo Diaz : the three Musketeers
15:09:12 From Michel TCHONANG : Hi all
15:10:03 From A-Eduardo Diaz : wrong chat!
15:12:26 From Jose Arce : :(
15:13:44 From Gisella Gruber : Aicha - on va te reconnecter
15:14:45 From Aïcha Abbad to Yesim Nazlar (Privately) : merci j'attends
15:15:27 From davekissoondoyal : Are motions voted by simple majority, i.e half of councillors + 1
15:17:34 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks for the clarifications
15:18:00 From Aïcha Abbad : merci, j'arrive suivre par téléphone et je regard les slied. Merciiiiiiii
15:19:32 From Alfredo Calderon : <Question>Is there any difference of how the Policy Development Process takes place in other Supporting Organizations? <Question>
15:21:47 From Liz Orembo : Approx, how many policy working groups are currently active? How long do the policy work take on average?
15:25:10 From Maimouna Diop- Chair ISOC SENEGAL : Who is able to initiate new policy? Are ICANN staff involved in PDP?
15:26:07 From Michel TCHONANG : Good question, that very important for DPD
15:27:22 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Please, I do not have any sound on the french channel
15:27:51 From Ibtissam KAIFOUF : How ALAC is involved with GNSO PDP
15:29:33 From Yesim Nazlar : @Gabdibé: we’re looking into the audio issue on FR channel, apologies
15:30:48 From Michel TCHONANG : What are the skills in a situation of conflict with its organs
15:31:15 From Yesim Nazlar : @Gabdibé: The operator said that you wanted to be on Zoom only. Since you’re not on the FR channel, you can’t hear audio in FR. Zoom is in EN only. But I’ve asked ADIGO to dial back to you
15:31:43 From chokri Ben Romdhane : hi all
15:32:12 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : It's ok now. Thank you Yessim
15:33:18 From Yesim Nazlar : @Gabdibé: you’re very welcome
15:34:12 From Alfredo Calderon : We invite interested individuals to participate in the At Large Consolidated Policy Working Group where conversations take place to give Policy Advice.
15:34:14 From Michel TCHONANG : what are the assessment tools for members? Is there a mechanism that help monitor evolution of different activities?
15:34:20 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : I was already on the French channel but there was no audio. Now it is good. Thanks Yesim
15:34:44 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank Alfredo for this information
15:36:52 From Jose Arce : Thanks Alfredo!!
15:37:18 From davekissoondoyal : Do councillors who have a direct conflict on a specific motion are requested to abstain from voting?
15:39:52 From davekissoondoyal : ok understood
15:39:57 From davekissoondoyal : thanks
15:43:19 From Maimouna Diop- Chair ISOC SENEGAL : What can be add value of ALAC participation to working groups?
15:44:41 From Alfredo Calderon : @Maimouna, the Internet End-User perspective is always welcome in GNSO Policy Development.
15:47:39 From Bachollet Sebastien - ALAC : IGO NIGO. ?
15:48:06 From Maimouna Diop- Chair ISOC SENEGAL : I agree but in my opinion, there are several others romms for that.
15:48:41 From davekissoondoyal : Do the GNSO also undergoes a review process? If yes how often it is done and when the last review took place?
15:50:05 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks for answering all my questions
15:50:10 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : did the EPDP experience show it will be useful to limit working groups process in Time ?
15:55:08 From Aïcha Abbad : pas de question pour moi.Merci
15:55:15 From Maimouna Diop- Chair ISOC SENEGAL : Thank you Marika for this excellent Presentation
15:55:43 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : yes cograts Marika
15:55:54 From Priyatosh Jana : Thanks Marika for informative presentation
15:55:59 From Marika Konings : You are more than welcome! If there are any follow up questions after this presentation, please feel free to reach out to me.
15:55:59 From Michel TCHONANG : thank and congrats Marika
15:56:04 From Aïcha Abbad : thanks Marika
15:56:06 From Aisyah Shakirah Suhaidi : Thanks Marika! :-)
15:56:12 From Anne-Marie Joly Bachollet : It was very clear
15:56:31 From Amrita Choudhury : Thanks for this informative session
15:56:32 From Yasuichi Kitamura (ALS-Japan) : Thank you.
15:56:33 From Chokri Ben Romdhane : Thank you all
15:56:34 From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : muchas gracias
15:56:36 From Katambi Joan : thanks malika
15:56:40 From davekissoondoyal : Thanks Marika for this helpful presentation
15:56:42 From Michel TCHONANG : Thank bye
15:56:45 From Antonio Medina Gómez. ACUI : buen dia a todos
15:56:45 From Aïcha Abbad : a la semaine prochaine
15:56:46 From davekissoondoyal : bye to all
15:56:53 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Bonne présentation. J'ai appris beacoup de choses
15:56:54 From Katambi Joan : bye to u
15:56:54 From Hadia : thanks
15:56:56 From Hadia : bye
15:57:02 From Bakary KOUYATE ISOC MALI : a la semaine prochaine inchallah
15:57:14 From Suhaidi Hassan ISOC-MY : bye
15:57:23 From Gabdibé Gab-Hingonné : Au revoir et à bientôt
15:57:38 From Vrikson Acosta : Bye everyone
15:58:26 From Priyatosh Jana : bye everyone
15:58:54 From Anne-Marie Joly Bachollet : bye and thanks
15:59:13 From Sulaimon Moriam : Thanks and Bye

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