08:40:22 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Welcome to APRALO Planning for ICANN75 Call taking place on Thursday, 14 July 2022 at 06:00 UTC.
09:01:03 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Hi All
09:05:40 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Tour of the KLCC: https://www.klccconventioncentre.com/
09:05:53 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Welcome Naveed
09:11:13 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Everybody wants to meet LOL
09:11:40 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Thanks Satish
09:13:38 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    I think there are already quite a lot of policy topics that we can be involved in rather than adding more
09:16:16 From Naveed Bin Rais to Everyone:
    Do we need a session on ways to enhancing engagement of alses and end users in the region. it's a very diverse region with issues of engagement and connectivity and awareness?
09:16:28 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    I agree with the clarification needed
09:16:37 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    The heading itself could possibly be Cross RALO Regional Policy Hot Topic Discussion
09:17:17 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    +1 RALO/Regional
09:17:37 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Cross RALO Discussion on key policy issues
09:17:49 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    I like Naveeds suggestion
09:18:13 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Topic heading: Cross RALO Discussion on key policy issues & enhancing engagement
09:18:18 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Something similar to what Amrita did a couple of meetings ago..
09:18:30 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Bringing in ALSes, etc
09:22:30 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    question - will the networking be only restricted to At Large members
09:25:55 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Non-sit down networking with some F&B
09:26:07 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    yes Justine :(
09:26:57 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Sometimes the formal speeches etc tend to take over the networking.. but I think dressing up in cultural dress and networking eith
09:27:31 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    People in their local attire is always beautiful to see!
09:27:45 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    I had similar thoughts Amrita.. keep it simple but show the diversity of our region
09:27:59 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    rather than having anything formal
09:27:59 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    That's a great idea..
09:28:07 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Yes noted for ALL to wear their local attire!
09:28:22 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    We could ask all APAC people irrespective of SO/AC to dress up
09:28:49 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    That's a good idea Justine
09:29:42 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    we can try Satish
09:30:23 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Good idea Ali
09:30:38 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    This ‘engages' the ALSes.
09:30:40 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    That's cool..
09:30:46 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    We had a slide show of all our ALS members.
09:31:04 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Do we need to wait?
09:31:12 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    This time we could include our individual members.. about what country and group they represent
09:31:16 From Naveed Bin Rais to Everyone:
    We can request all ALSes to submit a paragraph on their engagement and experience with APRALO and compile/publish it for the event
09:31:39 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    +1 Amrita
09:32:10 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    we just need the specific requirements for the video and we will reach out
09:32:29 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Leave the external party out Satish
09:32:39 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    we do with the ALS video
09:32:43 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    That is easy to put together.. and it is a presentation while we are networking and chatting with others... but this assumes that Board and others are there.. but a small group of others -- like some Org members as wel as our staff
09:34:18 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Don't forget our colour is RED
09:35:34 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    yes Maureen we have to highlight the RED
09:35:52 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    @Justine.. for one of our Singapore meetings we provided a double sided brochure with all the APRALO leaders and photos of ALS participants
09:36:34 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    that didn't take long to put together as long as people sent in their photos.
09:37:04 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
    Agree Maureen
09:37:08 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Performers (dancers etc)
09:37:41 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    non ICANN registered members
09:37:49 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Once you put on an even such as dancers, etc.. then it is likely we will get everyone who hears about it turning up.
09:38:08 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    yes Maureen . It will be housefull :)
09:38:20 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    or more
09:38:30 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Restricted by our budget!!
09:39:22 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    During ICANN 52 in Singapore, a group of students from KL in coordination with Suhaidi performed in a native dance.
09:39:32 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Virtual meetings are so much easier to organise :D
09:39:57 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    yes Ali
09:43:07 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
09:43:51 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Edmon!! Yes - sponsor!
09:44:29 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    Edmon wouldn't really be external :)
09:45:17 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    ccTLDs from our region might like to participate (and sponsor)
09:47:05 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    @Justine.. will September be warm - summer?
09:48:30 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    @Maureen, Malaysia is close to the Equator there is no 4 seasons here.
09:49:04 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    There is only rainy season and dry season but even then those have gone wonky over the years.
09:49:32 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    How many slots AP need
09:50:18 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    2x Policy 
1x AP Monthly F2F
09:50:37 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Meet with NextGen and Fellows
09:50:59 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Justine that Aris is leading and I am supporting
09:51:52 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    Yes I know @Amrita, I was just putting it into Gisella and Maureen's list
09:52:06 From Ali AlMeshal to Everyone:
    For Outreach I can join Satish if the time permit me
09:52:39 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    I can also coordinate with Suhaidi regarding students..
09:54:39 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    +1 Aris
09:55:25 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    no problem Satish..
09:56:08 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Very relevant point Justine
09:57:03 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    This could be our opportunity to incorporate some change into our meeting programme.
09:57:42 From Naveed Bin Rais to Everyone:
    we can call this session as APRALO Space
09:57:53 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    +1 Maureen
09:58:29 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    make is more interactive,, esp as we will have real people at the meeting :D
09:59:15 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    I just have an AOB item
10:04:24 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Can we join into this group now? In case we did not subscribe to it?
10:04:49 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    I asked about it before
10:04:56 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    yes you can Amrita.. contact staff
10:05:10 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Amrita - yes, please send an e-mail to staff. I'll share the GDPR consent form with you.
10:05:18 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Sure will do
10:05:23 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    thank you
10:05:36 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    This would be ICANN75 planning group right?
10:06:01 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Yes ICANN75 Planning Group
10:06:24 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Thanks Gisella and Yesim
10:06:42 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    all noted and the wiki space will be used
10:07:46 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    We could do Friday? to use the AP Monthly feedback?
10:07:59 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    we do after apralo call?
10:08:11 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    Friday after APRALO call
10:08:14 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    07:00 UTC
10:08:15 From Maureen Hilyard to Everyone:
    I don't mind what time the calls are.. they will be the last times that I will HAVE to attend them :)
10:08:19 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    OR Friday 06:00 UTC
10:08:39 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Justine - apologies for AP Monthly call noted
10:08:58 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    i am ok with fri
10:09:16 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
10:09:48 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Friday 06:00 UTC?
10:10:15 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    will try to squeeze it in
10:10:19 From Gisella Gruber - ICANN org to Everyone:
    Wednesday 06:00 UTC - will get working on all the AIs
10:10:19 From Yeşim Saglam - ICANN Org to Everyone:
    Next Call - Wednesday 06:00 UTC
10:10:27 From Justine Chew to Everyone:
    thanks all
10:10:30 From Aris Ignacio to Everyone:
    Thanks a lot everyone!
10:10:34 From Naveed Bin Rais to Everyone:
10:10:41 From Amrita Choudhury to Everyone:
    Bye and thanks

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