Minutes of the Meeting Working smarter not harder

March 1, 2012

CLO: APRALO must be more proactive rather than reactive from now and until Prague, given that At large Improvements implementation will be underway.

The voice must be heard in other groups. The ALAC improvements will require more regional and ALS inputs to be able to trigger results and inputs into the ALAC. We need to work in strategic planning. We have 7 or 8 teams in which we need to have representations, which will not happen with few people, all regions need to look at this issue. More effective use of online tools is required as well as more preparatory calls and briefings. 

From Prague all regions will be more engaged. All ALS structures should show that they are doing what they are supposed to do.

Charles: A very small group of people are active in APRALO, they have not been able to get ALS to be actively participating in the meetings.

We are relying too much in few individuals.

CLO: What are we asking the ALs to do? Do we need to have monthly meetings?

OCL: With regards to ALAC monthly meetings there is a lot of reporting taking place. He has been pushing for working groups to take on tasks. It is impossible to be in all working groups. We asked people to start populating the WG and every time there are statements the first draft is done within the WG and then the ALAC works on it.

Really being a member of a WG requires time and if people do not get involved and work, that is not enough. Even if there are personal commitments, they must make time, one hour per week is not enough. Pushing for members to be more active in WG is not enough.

CLO: ALAC is only 15 people but it is more regionally dependent and more interactive. 

We are not using volunteer time smart.

Do we even know in each ALS if they want to represent their ALS structure?

If you do not go to the monthly meeting, there are other ways in which your organization can be more active within ALAC.

Most ALS in the region do not even know that they have a WIKI space for their own use.

Charles: Most of them have been really passive and do not even read their emails.

CLO: Between now and Prague and Toronto, most of the ALS need to be reviewed. Thorny issue of individual membership needs to be addressed.  We need to talk to people in all time zones.

OCL: The ALAC members are the visible part of the region and they need as much support from the ALS and the regions. Support from people active in working groups. For example, 3 people from Asia. This is work from the RALOs. It is a two way process. There are several people particularly eager to work but do not know how to get involved. The beginners guide is one way, but also sometimes there is a "gentle push" required, such as would you be interested in holding the flag on this issue? Having more people involved will strengthen the process.

CLO: We have been able to cope because of few strong characters representing the region, but we need to nurture and encourage the others. We often have to have mandated voices. What we need to have a whole lot of ALS members as well. Their voices are always welcomed.

Charles: What are the areas that need to be filled?

OCL: There are a number of working groups, I do not have a mental overview.

Action Item: Let's list them.


Charles: Who are the active ALS and list them. What ALS takes part in working groups?

CLO: we have the talent in ALS but we are not finding the way to engage them.

We should be seeing more names, more than 3 members, 33 members!.

If we can change the dynamic, it is a small team and among 3-4 one of you must be there.

Some people are active in PDP but never attend the conferences but they use the mailing list, and the WIKI. We have 3 methods; we in APRALO do not use them very well.

We have some extremely diverse geo-political challenges.

OCL: The use of WIKI, wonders why APRALO does not use the WIKIs as much? 

How the other regions most successful in using WIKIS? Content plus active engagement. Some people prefer a Google document, goggle docs is a good way to work fast, but lack of transparency and accessibility, connectivity in some parts is not good enough.

The traceability of what is done in google docs.

How did this document got written? Google docs is useless. Because we do not have full control of several versions like we do have in the WIKI. This WIKI can show due process of how we reached a decision and google docs takes away the process. The Board wants to see the multistate model coming from the edges.

CLO: Champions for this in the ALS, the WIKI is so user friendly, we have repository, we can have a landing space we can have people.  Some tools for business like a twitter account or mobile platform from where inputs can be channeled. But we must use the WIKI as Master repository.

Charles: How do we move people over to the WIKI and encourage more discussion over there?

OCL: Some of the discussion takes place in At-Large mailing list.  If people stay on the list it is likely that they won't be read, therefore they must put their inputs on the WIKI because otherwise staff and ALAC will not be able to read it.

CLO; In Costa Rica we need to take a look at what we need start populating and what we need refreshing. Part of the problem is the assumption that someone else is doing it.

The APRALO region can be a test for the other regions.

We need to look at recognition, as the more powerful tool to encourage volunteers.

OCL: Recognition of being the main person, being published in the ALAC correspondence, it’s quite important to get more people to hold the pen.

In CR there will be the usual suspects and we may need to encourage others.

Between Prague and Toronto we need to touch base with each single ALS.

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