We agreed on the draft APRALO Beijing Events Overview - adding the Multi stakeholder meeting on Monday 7 April


On ALS invitations - the list of responders was circulated.  Pavan to follow up with the last couple of ALSs


On travel: ICANN staff following up on confirmation of accommodation. Because ICANN confirmation of flights and accommodation are necessary to obtain visas, confirmation of accommodation is important. Action item for next meeting's agenda - update on accommodation and on applications for visas.


Committee updates:


Showcase/reception. - to be held on Monday evening 8 April 1900 - 2100.  Edmon outlined the concept - each ALS to have a display of some kind (similar to Mexico meeting).  Maureen to follow up with ALSs to brief them with background and overview of the event. 

Action items:

Do we want the CEO/Board members to attend - confirm to ICANN staff

- Do we need interpreters - noting this will mean the event must be held in a room that accommodates translation. Confirm to ICANN staff

- Need to have logistics details - how much room, what facilities etc  Once detailed requirements are finalised, information should go to the local host

- Do we plan to have a music event?

- DotAsia will be sponsoring the event - determine what is needed - i.e., snacks/drink? for reception plus t-shirts/caps???

Committee to work with Kathy Teng (Hong to send Kathy's email address to Maureen)


Sponsorship - at this stage, need to identify if there are additional opportunities for sponsorship/promotion outside of the showcase event (or perhaps whether a possible sponsor(s) would like to be involved as well as DotAsia)


Capacity Building: Holly has already suggested that there could be a session on the ALAC (and RALOs) website including what resources are where, where to find wikis, how to contribute to wikis (Dev is happy to lead a session on this).  Should work in with the Fellows/Newcomers session.  Maureen to work with Janice


General Assembly - Based on other ICANN meetings, this event is largely an ALAC AGM.  Holly to suggest agenda 


Local Engagement/local inreadh - this can be dealt with as part of capacity builing


Youth Forum - Hong and Jack to report to the next meeting (no time at this meeting to discuss) - is this part of the regional outreach


Multistakeholder Policy Roundtable: To be held on Monday 8 April.  Need to have topics suggested from ALSs, determine topics and possible speakers.


Materials: Heidi reported materials are being reviewed to see what will be available in Chinese. 


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