Date: Thursday, 19 September 2024

Time: 06:00 - 07:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here)

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***ZOOM ONLY!***

Zoom room:  Password: APRA19SEP*

Action Items: EN

Zoom Recording: EN

Chat: EN


EN: Amrita Choudhury, K Mohan Raidu, Sarai Tevita, Au Yi Teng, Maureen Hilyard, Jahongir Jabborov, Eranga Samararathna, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Faheem Soomro, Dr. Vladimer Svanadze, Ali AlMeshal, Aris Ignacio, Ahmad Umair Bin Suhaidi, Charles Mok, Jay Paudyal, Phyo Thiri Lwin, Barkha Manral, Abdullah Qamar, Amin Hacha, Bibek Silwal, Juliana Harsianti, Mary Rose Ofianga, Mohammad Kawsar Uddin, Nimrah Perveen, Nur Adlin Hanisah, Prateek Pathak, Priyatosh Jana, Saima Anisar, Sana Nisar, Shah Rahman, Shita Laksmi, Shreedeep Rayamajhi, Aniket Shahi, Katarina Gevorgyan, Letitia Masaea, Udeep Baral, Jasmine Ko, M Adil Ali, Uzair Farooqi, Pavel Farhan, Paribhasha Pradhan, Dr. Muhammad Shabbir, Azeem Sajjad, Justine Chew

Apologies: Ashirwad Tripathy, Gunela Astbrink, Naveed Bin Rais

Staff: Gisella Gruber, Sarmad Hussain, Yien Chyn Tan, Yeşim Sağlam

Call Management: Yeşim Sağlam


  1. Roll call & General housekeeping - Staff (3 mins)
  2. Welcome and agenda adoption - Amrita  (3 mins)
  3. RALO Matters:  (12 mins)
    1. Membership update - Amrita (2 mins)
    2. Update on Continuous Improvement Program Community Coordination Group (CIP-CCG) - Amrita (5 mins)
    3. Update on Register of Skills & Interests ( Pilot Cycle 1 closed 13 Sep 2024 )  (5 mins)
  4. Update on UA Day 2024  with Q&A - By Dr. Sarmad Hussain, Senior Director IDN and UA Programs, ICANN  (10+10 mins)
  5. Information on upcoming Webinar on launch of Applicant Support Program (ASP) for the new gTLD Program: Next Round, on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 03:00 UTC, which will include the community toolkit - Yien Chyn Tan, Stakeholder Engagement Sr. Manager, GSE, APAC  (5min)
  6. APRALO Planning for ICANN81 - Amrita (5 mins)
    1. AGM 2024
    2. Meeting ICANN81 Fellows & NextGen
    3. Cross-Community Collaboration to Deliver the New gTLD Program Next Round that We All Want
    4. At-Large Community Priorities for Fiscal Years 2026–2030
  7. AOB (5 mins)
    1. Next call: Thursday, 17 October 2024
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  1. Update on APRALO Register of Skills & Interests Pilot Cycle 1

    • The APRALO Register of Skills & Interests (RoSI) is intended to be a dynamic register to which APRALO Community members may wish to submit data on their skills, knowledge and interests specifically in areas within ICANN’s remit. 
    • After a long pause in the project, a pilot implementation was devised (with input from the RoSI Small Team) and Cycle 1 of the pilot was launched and ran from 19 July - 13 September 2024.
    • Pilot Cycle 1 called for all interested APRALO Community members who wish to indicate they have expertise and/or knowledge to share on or are interested to learn about selected topic and themes within ICANN's remit in line with the ALAC's and APRALO's current priorities.
    • 38 community members responded, submitting data on various skills/knowledge and interests.
    • These 38 respondents included:
      • Veterans community members; 
      • Already actively engaged community members; 
      • Less active community members who wish to re-engage; and
      • New community members.
    • Next Steps:
      • Study received data
      • Generate a tabulation to support the stated purpose of RoSI*
      • Identify/implement improvements/amendments to the Cycle 1 form
      • Prepare for Cycle 2 call.

    Data offered by respondents through the pilot implementation will not be published for public viewing. Instead such data will be processed and accessed exclusively by APRALO Leadership Team Members (and At-Large Staff) for the following purposes.

    In terms of Skills, to assess a respondent’s experience, aptitude and suitability for:

    • An invitation to join an APRALO Work Team (or Small Team) or APRALO Policy Forum Small Team to undertake a specific task;
    • Nomination to represent APRALO or participate in ICANN events, cross-community working groups, policy development work, pen-holding for statements, leading initiatives or events, review teams etc
    • Generally being a resource person for APRALO.

    In terms of Interests, to gauge a respondent’s interest to build one’s capacity in APRALO’s or At-Large identified priorities.