Independent Examiner’s Final Recommendation

At-Large should redouble efforts to contribute to meetings between ICANN Senior Staff, ISOC and other I* organisations to develop a joint strategic approach to cooperative outreach.

Issue Identified

Uneven contribution of At Large to coordinated ICANN strategy for ‘Outreach and Engagement’. Missed opportunities for coordination with other constituencies and ICANN staff.

Does ALAC Support Recommendation?

Support in principle

If Not, Please Provide Reasoning.

Not Applicable

If ALAC Does Not Support Recommendation, Does It Suggest an Alternative Recommendation?

If so, please provide a suggested alternative Recommendation.

Not Applicable


Medium Priority

At-Large Comments

At-Large does not typically participate in any discussions between ICANN Senior Staff, ISOC and I* organizations, but would welcome such an opportunity. At a regional level, RALO leaders may hear of regional Hub staff meetings with key I-STAR organisations through the Hub newsletter, but then again this is not a formal invitation.

However, lack of involvement with the ICANN or Regional Hub executives does not inhibit the initiative of ALAC and RALO leaders as they form their own models of cooperation with other organizations. At-Large does regularly work with representatives of these organizations at various levels and intends to continue to do so. Most RALOs have MoUs with their Regional Internet Registry, and RALO members participate in activities of regional partners to the extent that sponsorship or other funding allows. The NARALO General Assembly held at an ARIN meeting is just one such example. 

In brief, At-Large has a great interest in joint activities and would welcome the opportunity to participate and foster joint strategic planning and cooperative outreach amongst I-STAR organisations and other relevant non-governmental or public entities outside of the ICANN bubble where our interests coincide. Such cooperation makes sense. 

Possible Dependencies

Increasing such cooperation will require additional travel support over what is currently available. It is unclear that this will lead to significant outreach however, but will improve effectiveness. Overall there is relatively little funding from ICANN that supports these activities. 

Who Will Implement?

Staff with input from At-Large Leadership, ICANN management

Resource Requirements

ICANN funding, travel support

Budget Effects impact?

Implementation Timeline

Proposed Implementation Steps

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  1. My thoughts

    Status: Accept in Principle

    Comment: At-Large does not typically participate in any discussions between ICANN Senior Staff, ISOC and I* organizations, but would welcome such an opportunity. At-Large does regularly work with representatives of these organizations at various levels and intends to continue to do so. Increasing such cooperation will require additional travel support over what is currently available. It is unclear that this will lead to significant outreach however, but will improve effectiveness.

  2. Status  Accept


    Except for the recent CEO Coffee discussion  the RALO officers are meeting directly prior to ICANN meetings and face to face.   In most cases  ISOC has meetings and a reception at ICANN meetings but we can improve the cross community meetings and discussions.  This currently is happening by many who reside in many communities

  3. ALAC comment in the ALAC Statement on the At-Large Review Draft Report 


    As desirable as such an approach may sound, At-Large is not notified about when and where ICANN Senior Staff and Executives, ISOC (and other international I-STAR organizations) meet, nor is At-Large invited. At a regional level, RALO leaders may hear of regional Hub staff meetings with key I-STAR organisations through the Hub newsletter, but then again this is not a formal invitation. Also, there may be a cost factor which would further reduce the consideration of a volunteer to be able to attend. 

    However, lack of involvement with the ICANN or Regional Hub executives does not inhibit the initiative of ALAC and RALO leaders as they form their own models of cooperation with other organizations. Most RALOs have MoUs with their Regional Internet Registry, and RALO members participate in activities of regional partners to the extent that sponsorship or other funding allows. The upcoming NARALO General Assembly to be held at an ARIN meeting is just one such example. 

    Overall there is relatively little funding from ICANN supports these activities. 

    In brief, At-Large has a great interest in joint activities and would welcome the opportunity to participate and foster joint strategic planning and cooperative outreach amongst I-STAR organisations and other relevant non-governmental or public entities outside of the ICANN bubble where our interests coincide. Such cooperation makes sense. 

  4. See also the RALOs statement on this issue (below) And why not welcome the recommendation - and promise to do more if there is funding to do so.

    From the RALO's statement (and there is more we could use)

    - There has already been collaboration, especially with the ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement (GSE) department.

    - ICANN Staff can certainly meet with ISOC and other I* organizations; there has already been work underway.

    - There have already been MoUs between RALOs and Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Through the MoUs, there are activities and sponsorship opportunities, e.g. NARALO General Assembly (GA) in ARIN

    - We welcome the redoubling of efforts and look forward to receiving more allocated staff resources to focus on this effort.

    - ALSes promote I* events all over the world, being a part of them. At-large will channel the information inflow/outflow by the calendar.

    RALOs have already established good relations with I* and other regional organizations apart from ICANN GSE Hubs. For instance, NARALO has signed an MoU with the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN) and will hold their upcoming General Assembly in conjunction with an ARIN meeting; APRALO works closely with its regional partners (APNIC, ISOC, APTLD, DotAsia) and has MoUs with several of them. Further, it is an active participant in the programmes of Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) and Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF). LACRALO is in the process of signing an MoU with LACNIC. AFRALO signed the first MoU with a RIR (AFRINIC), a few years ago and they occasionally hold their meetings during AFRINIC public policy meetings. Another MoU with AFRINIC is underway. EURALO is a founding partner of EuroDIG and negotiations are taking place to sign a MoU with RIPE.

  5. Agree that the collaboration in general already exists and such participations is not a regular behavior but in regional environment as LACRALO, many ALS are ISOC chapters, meetings with LACNIC, LACTLD and almost each 15 days I meet with  local staff member of Global Stakeholder Engagement and we share information all the time - LACRALO already signed MOU with LACNIC and the first event under such MOU run in Peru about IPv6 with Maritza organization. 

    as Alan said not participate in formal meetings does not impede us to have good and constant contact with Staff and members o ISOS and I* organizations. 

    to make it clear, report and register of such activities shall appear in an ALAC  annual report that state all activities.

    Priority - See as low priority.