Action Items

  • Ariel Liang to work with Julie Hammer to adjust the Instructions to Candidates, EoI, email templates, and Operating Procedures and Guidelines in accordance with Decision 1 and Decision 2.
  • Julie Hammer to send a call for volunteers email to the BCEC to solicit volunteers for work on the Plan for Candidate Evaluation sub-committee in accordance with Decision 3.


  1. The BCEC agreed that References should be sought directly from Referees by the BCEC and that the EoI Form will only ask candidates to provide the names and contact details of Referees; the BCEC/Staff will contact Referees directly to request their written References as soon as possible after the deadline for EoI submission. Details are yet to be determined with regard to the process for requesting References. A number of documents will need to be amended to reflect this decision. 
  2. The BCEC agreed that it will publish the names and domiciles of all applicants at some point of time after the deadline for submission of EoIs.  The BCEC will also publish the EoI (without disclosing any personal/private information) of the final slate of candidates, including any additional Candidates who are successfully petitioned by the RALOs to be added to the final slate. A number of documents will need to be amended to reflect this decision.
  3. The BCEC will form two sub-committees to work with the BCEC Chair on the following tasks:
    1. Plan for Tools Familiarisation - Louis Houle and Yrjö Länsipuro volunteered to work on this sub-committee.
    2. Plan for Candidate Evaluation - The BCEC Chair will put out a call for volunteers to work on this sub-committee.
  4. Noting that it had not been possible to identify a suitable time slot in the 0400-0700 UTC range to alternate BCEC Meeting times, the BECE will hold weekly meetings on Thursdays at 21:00 UTC until such time as the work plan requires otherwise. 
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