
  1. Please use the <Edit Contents> menu option (directly above) to complete this form. Remember to <Save> the page (bottom right) after making updates.
  2. Multiple travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.
  3. Some information fields are 'richtext' so that they can accommodate tables, links, images, attachments, and other formatting capabilities that may be useful in explaining/describing this proposal.
  4. This form may be edited/saved as many times as needed. When completed, please notify your Program Coordinator (PC) for further processing.

Trip Proposals must be approved within the Organization/Structure and Regional GSE Team at least six (6) weeks before the event start date.
Questions about this program should be directed to: CROP Staff.

Person Completing Form

 Maryam Bakoshi






Trip Proposal Section


1) Number of Travelers:
(Note: Each traveler uses one trip of the total number
allocated to each organization/structure).  


2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:

 Ayden Fé BerlinGermany 05-Mar-201808-Mar-2018
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements,
Explanations, or Notations: 
(Please identify each traveler, as applicable)
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor:Internet Freedom Festival The Global Unconference of the Internet Freedom Communities  
5) Event/Conference Dates:
6) Event/Conference Website Link:
7) Primary Event/Conference Location:
Las Naves Calle de Juan Verdeguer 16, 46024 – Valencia (Spain)
City: ValenciaCountry:Spain

8) Indicate whether it is a regional trip OR an out-of-region trip.

9) ICANN Global Stakeholder Engagement Region:Europe

10) Activity Sponsors:
(Note: all event sponsors must be identified
in order to comply with ICANN travel guidelines).

11) Proposed Goals and Outcomes:

Content Guidelines (click here)

Purpose and Goals


At ICANN 55 in Marrakech, representatives of the NCSG communicated to the Board that the NCUC and NPOC need to build their capacity to absorb an increased, growing, and specialised workload. Since then, we have been asked to participate in more and more Working Groups and to comment on more and more policy issues. NCSG leaders and community veterans have said that volunteer burnout within our community has reached a critical juncture. It has thus been an operational priority for the NCUC to encourage new, long-term participation in our ICANN activities.


The Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) is an annual conference that explores the threats to human rights enabled by the Internet. It is organised around seven themes, one of which is “Advocacy, Policy, and Research”. The 2017 conference attracted approximately 1,300 professionals from around the world. As these participants are already active and either working or volunteering in Internet policy activities, I believe they have the capacity to be quickly brought up to speed on our work. They have a demonstrated professional interest in using policy to achieve social and political change, and many have backgrounds in gender empowerment, human rights protections, or in building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions. Attendance at this forum will also allow the NCUC to promote and assess the embodiment of ICANN principles in IFF processes.


Proposed Outcomes


  • Attract new, diverse, and active community members to the NCUC
  • Increase public participation in the multistakeholder model
  • Widen the NCUC’s international engagement efforts
  • Enhance trust in ICANN as an institution


Additional Information


I have submitted a workshop proposal which I hope to moderate at the IFF on behalf of the NCUC. This workshop was developed in a bottom-up manner on the NCUC’s mailing list. This will be a 60-minute conversation on how new voices can get involved in global Internet governance debates.

In the event that this proposal is not approved by the organisers, I will seek to speak in other sessions on behalf of the NCUC and will organise, in the side-lines, an informal conversation where I will frame the NCUC as a welcoming and open space where new voices can speak and be heard. As a relatively new member of the NCUC who has recently transitioned into a leadership role on the GNSO Council, I can also speak knowledgably about how the ICANN community has welcomed me and how I have become involved in NCUC and ICANN processes.

I believe that the outreach that can be accomplished at the IFF, formally and informally, furthers the goals of the CROP programme by building local, regional, and global awareness of our work, allows for the recruitment of new community members who can be quickly on-boarded, and would allow us to communicate ICANN’s mission and objectives to new audiences.



Internet Freedom Festival 2018 - Session Proposal


Session Title:      How you can get involved in shaping the future of the Internet — make an impact, and have fun while doing it!


Session Proposer: ICANN Non-Commercial Users Constituency


Theme: Advocacy, Policy, and Research


Language: English


Session Format: Conversation


Skill Level: Beginner


Session Length: 1 hour


Session Description:


Most of us are skilled at using the Internet, but few know how, as an end-user of the Internet, we can make an impact in global Internet policy and shape its future evolution.


This session brings together in conversation various Internet governance experts — some with a junior profile, others with several years of experience — to speak about their pathways to engagement in global Internet governance.


The conversation begins with an introduction to the work of ICANN and the Domain Name System (DNS). We will also cover why it is important that civil society and individual end-users participate in the shaping of these policies.


The conversation then turns to the different positions taken by the various stakeholder groups and how they can be influenced by various factors, before examining the different resources — of mentorship, of capacity building, of travel support — that are available to make the participation of new voices in DNS policy a reality.


We conclude on a practical note, explaining how you can get involved now in the DNS policy issues that you care about. We will give some practical pointers on how you can get involved, see the multistakeholder model in action, and fight for change.


Who is this session for?


If you have strong positions on issues like privacy and data protection, human rights online, economic growth, and development for empowerment, and increasing access to knowledge, but don’t know how to translate this to Internet governance debates, come to this session and learn how getting involved in Domain Name System policy could be one avenue where you can contribute your ideas and knowledge, make a difference, and have fun in the process.


What outcomes would you like your session to have?


  • Participants will leave this conversation understanding a pragmatic and attainable pathway to engagement in Internet policy.
  • Participants will discover what communities, working groups, and comment opportunities are out there in the various Internet policy making fora.
  • During the session, a collaborative pad will be created, collating relevant Internet policy making resources which you can use — and share with your friends and colleagues — to jump start your own efforts in shaping policy.


12) Additional Information (optional):

Acknowledgements Section

Note: The first three elements below should be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

The participants identified in this application agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this FY18 Community Regional Outreach Program (CROP) as outlined on the CROP Procedures & Guidelines page. Yes Maryam Bakoshi14-Dec-2017
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal.Yes  Maryam Bakoshi14-Dec-2017
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Proposed Goals/Outcomes of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies.Yes Maryam Bakoshi15-Dec-2017
The CROP Staff Administrators confirm that this trip satisfies the program's terms, guidelines, and policies.Yes Maryam Bakoshi18-Dec-2017
Program Administration: STAFF USE ONLY

Approved Travel Elements:

Arrival Date
Departure Date
Approved Fees 
 Ayden Ferdeline04-Mar-201807-Mar-2018

Per Diem

Staff Department Notifications:

Program RequirementDate Satisfied/ConfirmedInitialsNotes
Program Criteria Satisfied18-Dec-2017
Constituency Travel Notified18-Dec-2017
Travel Booking Initiated with Attendees18-Dec-2017
Welcome email sent
Travel Booking Completed/Confirmed20-Feb-2018

Program Admin Transfers from Community Drafts to Approved Forms:

Trip Proposal18-Dec-2017Trip Assessment26-Mar-2018

CROP Trip Proposal Template (May 2017)

For questions, comments, suggestions, or technical support concerning this space, please email: CROP Staff
© 2017 Internet Corporation For Assigned Names and Numbers