APRALO Monthly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Time: 05:00 - 06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)

Meeting Number: AL.AP/CC.1013/1


How do I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo


Action Items: EN

Summary Minutes: EN    

Recording: EN 

Transcript:   EN    

AC Chat Transcript: EN        

Attendees: Maureen Hilyard, Satish Babu, Fouad Bajwa, Pavan Budhrani, Siranush Vardanyan

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Ali AlMeshal, Holly Raiche,  Hong Xue, Olivier Crepin-Leblond,

Gunela Astbrink, Yannis Li, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Winthrop Yu, Edmon Chung,


Apologies: Karaitiana Taiuru, Julie Hammer, Lianna Galstyan

Staff: Silvia Vivanco (SV), Nathalie Peregrine (NP)

Call management: Nathalie Peregrine


1.  Roll call - Staff

2.  Review of the Action Items APRALO Monthly September meeting - ( 5 mins)

3. APRALO Spotlight -  Bahrain Internet Society -  Ali  AlMeshal -  (10 min)

4.  APRALO nominations for BCEC and BMSPC.- (5 mins)

See:   BCEC Candidates  

See:  BMSPC Candidates  

5.    MoU with APNIC.   See Holly’s update : (5 mins)

I have had a chat with the CEO of APNIC at the Oz IGF - and he is very interested in an MoU with us - and wants to talk about what would be in it.  The model is the one between LANIC and AFRALO - but ours would be different - APNIC already provides a lot of regional training, and I"m not sure we want the same level of funding since the APAC region's needs are different.  But please have a look at the attached, and at the APNIC site (APNIC.org) to see all that they offer anyway.  I'd like to be able to finalize something with APNIC in BA - and need to know what the APAC needs are first.

6. Planning for ICANN 49th meeting Singapore.   Holly:  Organizing Committee members (5 mins)

7. Report on the Bali IGF. -  Issues of importance to the APAC region and APRALO.  (Pavan and others )

8. Update from KT on indigenous domain names - can we start planning for the webinar?

9. Update APRALO Rules of Procedure Working Group - Cheryl Langdon Orr

10. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (15 minutes)

 Policy Advice Development Page – Olivier (15 minutes)

 See:  ICANN Public Comment page


11. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Tijani Ben JemaaOlivier Crepin-Leblond (30 minutes)

a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements, Documents or Groups:

b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

c. Currently Open Public Comments

  • n/a - ALAC is considering developing, reviewing, or voting on all open PCs

d. New At-Large Policy Development Early Engagement Workspace

 1. 12. Updating APRALO ALS WIKI (5 min) - Siranush Vardanyan  (5 min)



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1 Comment

  1. General comments for the meeting. 

    re #4 BMSC - thank you Holly for the nomination, and with Fouad.

    re #5 MOU with APNIC - PICISOC already has an MOU with APNIC (like other ISOC Chapters in the region), to support internet development across the Pacific. I think it would be very appropriate for APRALO to have its own MOU so that other ALSes can take advantage of their services - information and training - perhaps they could be part of a capacity building programme at an ICANN or specific regional meeting?

    re #6 Singapore Showcase - willing to be part of the organising team.again - really enjoyed prepping for Beijing

    re #7 Bali IGF - My involvement particularly focused on the Pacific (of course). I was involved in a session on broadband issues for small island states, and also was the remote moderator for Rinalia's session on Linguistic Diversity of IDNs and managing the involvement of ICANN Board member Ram Mohan. Edmond was also part of that panel.  I had an interesting discussion with Olivier at one stage about the difficulties of achieving multistakeholderism in the Pacific when our governments show a general lack of interest in discussions about internet development with civil society and other end-users - specifically, enabling access. It is a cultural thing that they want to talk to people they consider of the same level (eg ICANN or ISOC Board or CEO). I have broached this with both organisations if PICISOC as a regional ALS (and our other national ALSes) are going to make any impact or influence on development in the Pacific region.  However, of course the other extreme within our Asia-Pacific region is the interference by governments in other countries who deny the rights of users to access to the internet, etc. I also had "responsibility" for the supervision of the ICANN booth that was situated around the corner from all the action and there was no signage to indicate that we were hidden away. So it was only the brave (or those who happened to be going to the powder rooms) who ventured to  front up and ask for information. Thanks to everyone who helped out during the week.