Summary Minutes and Action Items

Tuesday 18 September 2012 at 1800 UTC


Review of the AIs


AI: To have  documents of the WG's will be redlined.  To be completed




OCL: To give updates on this

Currently being reviewed:


-Dotless domain, that's a matter of concern and some browsers do not allow for this.

-URS, System to be able to have a list for trademark owners. It is supposed to be able to suspend a Domain name as soon as a trademark owner files and there is a statement very short one for the URS to move forwards.

-APRALO -Prioritization: No of concern for EURALO

This is the region with most IDNs

-IDN ccTLD's : Edmon Chung, we have asked the WG and should be receiving an answer soon.


Current Policy Forums


-Locking of the Domain names (we do not have something ). We have asked GNSO liaison.


OCL reminded all that we have a very open policy with regards to our statements. Anyone can raise the fact that there can be a statement drafted and this can go through the RALO and then the ALAC. Dotless domains: Some members of LACRALO were the ones who saw the need to start a statement.


Wolf asked if there was any initiative. This is wishful thinking and I would like to have more community input. At some stage we should have a mobilization from our community but we still have to work on this in the futur.


4. EURALO Nomination to the NomCom

We had Veronica Cretu from Moldavia, and our suggestion was approved by ALAC and we can now officially informed that she is following Yrjo for the periods 2012-2013.

Yrjo: Congratulated Veronica and said that on the list there has been quite a bit of discussion how NomCom 2012 could transmit the lessons learned and that we can meet in Toronto. He will be able to pass the legacy to my successor.

Wolf: Congratulated Veronica and Siranush also who was selected by APRALO. This is a great idea to have a briefing from previous NomCom members  to incoming NomCom members. 

5.- Update on ICANN Academy procedure in Toronto

Some of you are members of this WG. There have been lots of discussions on the list and there have been a number of comments and I know that Sandra coordinated everything with ICANN staff and she is the only one who can give us an update.

Sandra : We had to postpone the pilot project in Toronto.

There are different expectations and needs that needed to be accommodated and no doubt the proposal was meant that way and it was not possible to start. We had to postpone the meeting and we have now a 3 hrs meeting on Wed 17th from 7 till 10 am and we will discuss the target groups, the needs, the learning goals, and we may be able to set the drafting teams.

Let's see how far we can get.

OCL: Congratulated Sandra on her handling of the WG and she is able to steer the group and very senior people who have come to consensus, and she is a leader. Question for Sandra: Are you enjoying yourself? Yes, its a great challenge and I am quite comfortable in this position.

Wolf underlined what OCL said and he expressed admiration for Sandra's diplomacy in this process which was difficult.

We had to go to other constituencies and achieving consensus in this level is much more difficult than finding it in our own community. I am still optimistic and looking forward  to continuing.


6. EURALO representation in ALAC Working Groups – Rudi's resignation (10 min. / Wolf and all)

Rudi informed us about his resignations in WG's. He has been a very active involved in 7 WGs but unfortunately from the rest of our members there was not too much representation. At the moment the highest representation is from OCL and Yrjo. From the rest I am myself only involved in the ICANN Academy WG but I do not have more capacity to be involved in other WGs. We need to organize replacement for Rudi's representation in other WGs.

-New gTLD-Adela

Yrjo- I am a member of the new gTLD 'review " group.

-Rudi: Emphasized that in some WGs Sandra also participated, the reason I have resigned, after a long discussion with members I am withdrawing as EURALO, but I am standing for myself in my capacity, it is a pitty that I had to take this decision, but also my professional work does not allow me to follow all WGs. This is the only way to convince the EURALO members.

Wolf thanked Rudi for all the WGs he has covered and his work was tremendous and he joined in the call that sharing of responsibilities is still not in many shoulders, EURALO Board (8) only a minority participate proactively in various levels. This representation has to be shared.

Sandra is also in other WGs.

Wolf offered to take over EURALO representation in Finance and Budget Subcommittee, but there is still the WG on metrics and Registrant rights and responsibilities. We still have the ROP and he suggested to send a mail to EURALO List to request anyone to step in this WG will be welcome to do so.

I am looking forward to more feedback and responses.


7. EURALO planning 2012 -- continued discussion (Wolf and all) (20 min. / Wolf)

What is still in process is the discussion on how to deal with non-responsive members and there were some inputs and there was the question of "Non-ACTIVE" /Non-RESPONSIVE"

Non Responsive means ALS which have not responded in more than 2 years. I think this is more  problematic., We have to raise some serious questions and concerns and I circulated in the list how to give them a chance to respond to a final reminder.

I would like to suggest that we apply to ALAC for decertification of the members and we have 32 members and once we do our outreach initiatives we have to be sure that our inreach is to keep existing members involved.  It affects credibility as well.


 Only two members we never had a single feedback. In Paris there was a high level of response. These 2 organizations never responded and also Heidi tried to contact them in Slovenia and Greece.

The others are Internet org in Switzerland and I know the person in charge. Since Mexico they have never been involved in anything.

The other one in Germany.

It is now one year since they got unsubscribed from our list means that they are not interested. A proper procedure is a final reminder.

Heidi: Asked what will be the procedure?

Wolf: Yes, almost a proof I think that we have a sort of agreement whether we like t or not to start this procedure. I will contact them myself for one last time and if they do not respond they will be decertified.

Heidi: She has the contact for the Slovenian and the Greek ALS for the purpose of the consumer constituency.


Wolf: They need to express their opinion from 4-6 weeks.

AI: Heidi to follow up with the Slovenian and Greek ALS


Wolf: Its clear that ALAC is the only to de-certified but as EURALO we can propose. Wolf is ready to start this initiative. What ALAC does is not our responsibility anymore.


Rudi: The RALO has the right to bring up decertification of an ALS when they are not active anymore. In some cases having some ALS being a members out and some not.

Its not only the 2 or 3 that are not responsive at all, we are really a group of persons discussing.

It is more than 1 1/2 years (Nairobi) and I tried to contact Swiss consumer organizations and contacted them and wanted to arrange a meeting and wrote them a long letter


Wolf made a distinction about Non-responsive vs. non - active ALS. In principle I know that some are following up in a passive manner and there is no emergency to take them out, but regarding the Slovenian in 5 years I never had any response and in this case it would be a good opportunity to have last opportunity to respond, but I would like an explanation, otherwise our suggestion is justified.


Planning next steps to organize individual members, GA 2011. We modified our bylaws by allowing participation even with voting rights. Individual members can create their own specific ALS and that they can discuss who can represent individual members. I do not have the time to draft bylaws for them etc and if individual wants to have more voting rights, they have to progress on the issue. I am postponing this issue and I am waiting until someone takes over.



EURALO GA 2013.-  When would you like to start planning that meeting?

Wolf: If face 2 face we need to start early in February.


Heidi suggested that At-Large staff help EURALO.

AI: EURALO to start planning the next GA at the end of the year.


Wolf: We can talk about it at the end of the year. We discussed the date of the next EURODIG in one of our last calls.  6/7 June 2013. In line with the next EURODIG. It will be an important date for our community as well.


Rudi: On individual members we have 2 being voted Board members.


Wolf: Individual are not legitimized . That's why we need to find a solution. NARALO has a solution.

The pragmatic solution at the Board level we cannot transfer to the EURALO level. An individual cannot have more voting power than an ALS member.

The solution if you want to have voting rights, create your own ALS. But there has to be an initiative on their part.


Summarize Agenda Item: Non responsive members


-Proposal .- I do not do anything if community is not standing behind it. It is not us who will decide and I will follow up with Internet org and if there is no reasonable way out there should be a way to create an example.



Event in Kiev-Oksana

We invited Wolf, Sebastian and OCL and we would like to give more opportunity for our members for European journalists this is a Forum Media for Information Society.


AI: Wolf to send email re Working Groups participation.










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