Members:     Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Angela Matlapeng, Anna Karakhanyan, Svetlana Lobanova, Allan MacGillivray, Francis Alaneme, Peter Kosh, Nick Wenban-Smith, Alyssa Moore, Svitlana Tkachenko, Nigel Roberts, Sean Copeland, Irina Danelia, Alireza Saleh, Adenike Ore

Participants:   Vanda Scartezini, Mzia Gogilashvili, Barrack Otieno, Rocio de la Fuente, Nenad Orlic

Observers and experts:    Jaap Akkerhuis, Kim Davies, Naela Sarras, Selina Harrington

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Kimberly Carlson

Apologies: Rocío de la Fuente (late)


1. Welcome and roll-call
     a. Questionnaire members PDP-RET WG
2. Closure Chair and Vice-chair election procedure: Final call & next steps
3. Rules of Engagement first discussion (attached)
4. Current procedures, which maybe relevant and/or are related. Presentation
    I. Introduction of PTI escalation process
    II. Introduction Remedial Action Procedure
    III. Identify other ICANN related potential relevant procedures: i. Reconsideration ii. IRP iii. Ombudsman,
    Other procedures: Arbitrage through some of the Accountability Frameworks & exchange of letters (ICC Rules of Arbitration)
5. AOB
6. Next meetings
7. Closure


Recording:  Zoom Playback

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript: Chat - ccpdp-RM - 8April.txt

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