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Trip Proposals must be completed at least six (6) weeks before the event start date.
Person Completing Form: | Ali AlMeshal | Date: | 08-Jan-2015 |
Application Status | Assessment Due-Date | Form ID # |
PENDING | 28-Mar-2015 | AP02 |
Trip Proposal Section | |||||||||||||||||||
1) Number of Travelers: | 2 | ||||||||||||||||||
2) Traveler Contact Information and Itinerary:
| |||||||||||||||||||
3) Special Travel Circumstances, Arrangements, Explanations, or Notations: (Please identify each traveler, as applicable) | For both Satish and Maureen, the journey to Fukuoka involves some considerable travel time, Satish Babu will attend the conference according to the CROPP sponsorship of (3) conference days and two (2) nights - arriving at 9.25pm on Monday night and departing just after midnight on Wednesday.To take advantage of the extent of travel in order to attend, participate and engage in the APRICOT meeting on behalf of APRALO and ICANN, Maureen Hilyard is preparing to stay for an additional three (3) days and 3 nights in Fukuoka at no cost to ICANN, similarly with regards to any additional nights in NZ both to and from Japan. An application to a local (Pacific) sponsor has been made to cover the costs the extra days. Maureen and Satish wish to be accommodated at the Hotel Hakata Place (Budget) in Fukuoka which is 3 minutes’ walk from the FICC conference venue and costs about US$64 per night per person for a single room - with internet and breakfast. It would be appreciated if the bookings for the hotel for Maureen (1-6 Mar) and Satish (2-4 Mar) can be made by ICANN, with Maureen paying her own extra costs at the end of the stay. | ||||||||||||||||||
4) Event/Conference Name, Title, or Descriptor: | APRICOT 2015 (is comprised of the joint workshop and conference weeks of APAN 39 and APNIC39 | ||||||||||||||||||
5) Event/Conference Dates: |
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6) Event/Conference Website Link: | | ||||||||||||||||||
7) Primary Event/Conference Location: |
| ||||||||||||||||||
8) ICANN Geographic Region: | Australasia/Pacific Islands | ||||||||||||||||||
9) Activity Sponsors: | PLATINUM SPONSORS Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC); Asia Pacific Advanced Network (APAN); Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ); Japan Internet Exchange Co Ltd (JPIX); Japanese Network Access Point (JPNAP); Microsoft; NTT Communications GOLD-FELLOWS-COMMUNITY Japan Registry Services (JPRS); Equinix; ICANN; Internet Society; Network Startup; Resource Centre (NSRC); Tein Community Centre; Google; PLUS SILVER AND BRONZE sponsors | ||||||||||||||||||
10) Purpose and Goals: | Maureen and Satish have been invited by the APRALO Executive to attend the conference section of the APRICOT meeting to be held on 2-6 March 2015 in Fukuoka, Japan. The main objectives will be to raise awareness about ICANN, its objectives and activities. We also aim to make as many contacts as we can and to utilise a survey that will help to encourage participants to become involved with ICANN via APRALO and regional activities. Between Satish and Maureen, they will be able to share insights from the APRALO, ALAC, ccNSO and NOMCOM perspectives of ICANN. | ||||||||||||||||||
11) Proposed Outcomes: | 1. Raised awareness of APRALO and its regional activities and involvements via the ICANN booth and other social networking opportunities during conference week. 2. Increased networking links for the APRALO Leadership team and enhanced knowledge about activities of other members of the regional technical community 3. Current Asian APRALO ALS members attending the conference will introduce their contacts from within the Asian community to widen the opportunity for outreach by the CROPP team. 4. A meeting with APNIC and APTLD partners (to be coordinated through Paul Wilson and regional ccNSO contacts). This meeting will enable us to discuss other future regional activities in which we will jointly participate - for example the joint Pacific Islands and Australian INET proposed for September. 5. A meeting with other women involved in APRICOT at the Women’s Social Event on Weds afternoon with a view to promote ICANN and APRALO and recruit more ALS members (Maureen) 6. A report to the PICISOC community (600+ members) about how APCERT proposes to meet the emergency response needs of the internet community now that funding has been withdrawn by the World Bank in support of PacCERT in Fiji. 7.A survey will be undertaken during the week to approach participants around the ICANN booth about their current personal or country engagement with ICANN and to encourage greater involvement in ICANN’s AC/SO system (recruitment of more ALS members ). 8.A report to APRALO and CROPP will record any interventions, interactions and feedback during our networking sessions during the week. | ||||||||||||||||||
12) Additional Information (optional): | APRICOT Conference Programme includes: Monday 2 March - Maureen to attend Tuesday 3 March - Maureen and Satish to attend Weds 4 March - Maureen and Satish to attend Thursday 5 March - Maureen to attend at least one of each of the following sessions Closing Reception |
Note: To be completed by a Pilot Program Coordinator (PPC) designated by this organization/structure.
Acknowledgements | Confirmed? | Name | Date | Notes |
The participants identified in this application are familiar with the Program Operations associated with this Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP)-FY15 and agree to abide by its terms and conditions. | Yes | Ali AlMeshal | 08-Jan-2015 | |
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Proposal. | Yes | Siranush Vardanyan | 06-Jan-2015 | Via Email |
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that the Purpose/Goals of this Trip Proposal are consistent with operational plans and/or strategies. | Yes | Ali AlMeshal | 16-Jan-2015 | Via Email |
=============== | ========== | ============================== |
Program Requirement | Date Satisfied/Confirmed | Initials | Notes |
Trip Proposal Approved and Transferred to Official Forms: | Trip Assessment Approved and Transferred to Official Forms: |
CROPP Application Template v8 (May 2014)