Item 8: COUNCIL DISCUSSION – ICANN Board Letter on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (15 minutes)

Dr. Steve Crocker to the GNSO Council concerning work on the GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures (

GNSO Chairs sent a reply to the Board on behalf of the Council, acknowledging the Board’s request (

GNSO Chairs requested input from Stakeholder Group, Constituency and new gTLD Subsequent Procedures Chairs (GNSO Council Letter - 12 September 2016.pdf)

Email from Phil Corwin on behalf of the BC providing input (

Comments by Olivier Crépin-Leblond of behalf of the ALAC during the 1 September GNSO Council meeting (from page 33:

Comments from Wolf-Ulrich Knoben on behalf of the ISPCP providing input (

Email from Paul McGrady of behalf of the IPC providing input (

Letter from Avri Doria and Jeff Neuman on behalf of the New gTLD PDP WG providing input (Subsequent Procedures PDP WG Response to GNSO Council_25Sept2016.pdf)

Comments from Paul Diaz on behalf of the RySG providing input (RySGSubsequentProceduresGatingIssues v4.docx)

Review document produced by staff (Input - ICANN Board Letter on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures - 27 Sept 2016.docx)

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